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2018-07-19 13:38:22 538浏览






1.中等收入陷阱 middle-income trap

2.市场化融资 financing through market approach

3.中小微企业 Small and medium enterprises

4.巴黎俱乐部 Paris Club

5.公租房 public rental housing 

6.资产负债表 balance sheet


1.ADB 亚洲开发银行

2.Obamacare 奥巴马医改

3.TPP 跨太平洋伙伴关系协议

4.ISIS 伊斯兰国

5.G20 summit 二十国集团峰会

6.BRIC 金砖四国

7.THAAD 末端高空区域防御系统 / 萨德

8.The Fed 美国联邦储备系统

9.UNFCCC 联合国气候变化框架公约

10.Zika virus 寨卡病毒

11.ethnocentrism 民族优越感



1.UN 联合国(United Nations)

2.DOC 商务部(Department of Commerce)

3.GNP 国民生产总值(gross national product)

4.IMF 国际货币基金组织(international monetary fund)

5.MOU 谅解备忘录(Memorandum of Understanding)

6.PMI 采购经理人指数(Purchase Managers' Index)

7.FIFA 国际足球联盟(Federation Internationale de Football Association)

8.CECC 英联邦经济协商委员会(Commonwealth Economic Consultative Council)

9.EBRD 欧洲复兴开发银行

10.ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟

11.BRICS 金砖五国

12.tax certainty 税收稳定性

13.Financial Stability Board 金融稳定委员会

14.cross-border resolution regimes 跨境处置机制

15.exclusive economic zone 经济专属区


1.边缘群体 marginal population

2.人文交流 people-to-pople exchange

3.网络诈骗 Internet fraud

4.可持续发展 sustainable development

5.20国集团峰会 G20 summit

6.一带一路倡议 Belt and Road initiative

7.全面战略伙伴关系 comprehensive strategic partnership

8.市场化融资 financing through market approach



1.银根 money market

2.新常态 new normal

3.市盈率 Price-earnings ratio

4.三严三实 three stricts and three honests


Be strict in cultivating one's moral characterpreventing abuse of power and disciplining oneself. Be steady in planning matters starting undertakings and conducting oneself.

5.人口红利 demographic dividend

6.国际惯例 international conventions

7.影子银行 shadow banking

8.去杠杆化 de-leverage

9.低生育率 low birth rate

10.人口老龄化 aging of population

11.机构投资者 institutional investor

12.世界多极化 multi-polarization

13.中等收入陷阱 middle-income trap

14.一带一路倡议 One Belt And One Road initiative

15.互不干涉内政 nonintervention of internal affairs


1.QM 质量管理(Quality Management)

2.PIN 个人身份识别号码 (personal identification number)

3.PPI 生产者物价指数(producer price index)

4.BBA (美国)工商管理学士 Bachelor of Business Administration 

5.ISO 国际标准组织(International Organization for Standards) 

6.AIIB 亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank)

7.HSBC 汇丰银行(Hong Kong and Shang Hai Banking Corporation)

8.UNSC 联合国安全理事会(United Nations Security Council)

9.CCTV 中国中央电视台(China Central Television)

10.EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟(European Free Trade Association)

11.royalty rate 版税率

12.hedge found 对冲基金

13.service outsoucing 服务外包

14.competitve edge 竞争优势

15.gold standard system 金本位制



1.零和关系 Zero-Sum Relationship

2.零碳和低碳技术 Zero carbon and low carbon technologies

3.集体供暖体系 Collective heating system

4.贸易代表团 trade mission

5.非约束性原则 Non-binding principle

6.部长级会议 ministerial meeting


1.QE 量子电子学(Quantum Electronics)

2.API 美国石油学会(American Petroleum Institute)

3.FTAAP  亚太自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement of the Asia Pacific)

4.UNCCC 联合国气候变化会议(United Nations Climate Change Conference)

5.ISIS 伊斯兰国 (Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria)

6.escape velocity 逃逸速度



1.领海 territorial waters

2.国书 credentials

3.总领事 consul general

4.反人类罪 crimes against humanity

5.外交使团 diplomatic mission

6.货币导向机制 guiding mechanism 

7.边际消费倾向 marginal propensity to consume

8.成本效益分析 cost-benefit analysis

9.特命全权大使 ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary

10.军备竞赛 armament race


1.velocity of money 货币周转速度

2.installed system memory 系统内存  

3.ethnocentrism 民族优越感

4.lump-of-labor fallacy 劳动合成谬误

5.just war doctrine 战争正义性

6.best of five sets 五局三胜制 



1.金本位 gold standard

2.编者按 editor's note

3.炒房者 real estate speculator

4.物业税 property tax

5.阶梯计价 tiered pricing

6.股指期货 stock index futures

7.融资融券 securities margin trading

8.节能减排 energy conservation and emission reduction

9.循环经济 circular economy

10.光伏发电 photovoltaic power generation

11.最低首付 minimum down payment

12.土地增值税 land value increment tax

13.保障性安居工程 affordable housing project

14.浮动汇率制 floating exchange rate system

15.三网(电信,电话,互联网)融合 tri-networks integration


1.FAO 联合国粮食与农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization)

2.PPI 生产者物价指数(producer price index)

3.PPP 端对端协议(Peer-Peer Protocol)

4.ICJ 国际法院(International Court of Justice)

5.GHG 温室气体(Greenhouse Gas)

6.PMI 采购经理人指数(Purchase Managers' Index)

7.FIFA 国际足球联盟(Federation Internationale de Football Association)

8.UNFCCC 联合国气候变化框架公约(The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)

9.SAARC 南亚区域合作联盟 (South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation)

10.monetary policy 货币政策

11.game theory 博弈论

12.Keynesian economics 凯恩斯主义经济学

13.marginal productivity theory 边际生产率理论

14.correspondence column 读者来信栏

15.Kyoto protocol 京都议定书



1.思想库 think tank

2.产权单位 property right unit

3.宏观调控 macro-control

4.大棒政策 a big stick policy

5.人才外流 brain drain

6.收盘价格 closing price

7.现货市场 spot market

8.人工呼吸 artificial respiration

9.一次性补偿 one-off compensation 

10.公司所得税 corporate income tax

11.个体工商户 individual businesses

12.非公有制经济 non-public sectors of the economy

13.载人航天飞行 manned space flight

14.民族区域自治 regional autonomy of ethnic minorities


1.AFTA 大西洋自由贸易区(Atlantic Free Trade Area)

2.HSBC 汇丰银行(Hong Kong and Shang Hai Banking Corporation)

3.GMT 格林威治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)

4.NMD 国家导弹防御系统(National Missile Defense)

5.IOC 国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)

6.DJI 道琼斯工业平均指数(Dow-Jones index)

7.OECD 经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)

8.CPU 中央处理机(Central Processing Unit)

9.UNDP 联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Program)

10.WMO 世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organisation)

11.WIPO 世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization)

12.liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气

13.file transfer protocol 文件传送协议

14.certificate of deposit 存款单

15.world food program 世界粮食计划




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