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2018-06-28 15:27:52 663浏览





1.创业板 Growth Enterprise Market / second board

2.棚户区 shanty town / squatter area

3.强农惠农政策 the policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers

4.住房公积金 housing fund

5.三严三实 three stricts and three steadies


Be strict in cultivating one's moral characterpreventing abuse of power and disciplining oneself. Be steady in planning matters starting undertakings and conducting oneself.

6.打铁还需自身硬 The mental itself must be hard turned to be into iron.

7.利基营销 niche marketing

8.命运共同体 a community of shared destiny


1.Bank run 银行挤兑

2.Price taker 价格接受者/受价者

3.Emotional intelligence 情商

4.Business cycle 商业周期

5.Power distance 权力距离

6.Opportunity cost 机会成本

7.Human capital 人力资本

8.Entrepreneurship 企业家精神



1.全面二孩 universal two-child policy 

2.一带一路 The Belt and Road

3.灵猫六国 CIVETS

★“灵猫六国”(CIVITS) 6个国家的英文首字母串成,分别是哥伦比亚 (Colombia)、埃及 (Egypt)、越南 (Vietnam)、印尼 (Indonesia)、土耳其 (Turkey)和南非 (South Africa)

4.跨太平洋伙伴关系协定 Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

5.国际收支平衡表 balance of international payments

6.首次公开募股 Initial Public Offering

7.投资组合理论 Portfolio Theory


1.Barriers to entry 进入壁垒

2.Car pooling 拼车

3.Current account 活期存款帐户

4.Export credit 出口信贷

5.Quota 限额

6.Special drawing rights 特别提款权

7.Tertiary industry 第三产业



1.联合国贸发会议 UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)

2.普惠制 GSP (generalised system of preferences)

3.北美自由贸易协定 North American Free Trade Agreement

4.口碑 public praise

5.汇票 money order

6.倾销 dumping

7.利基营销 niche marketing

8.特许经营 franchise

9.市场细分 market segment

10.对等贸易 counter trade


1.added value tax 增值税

2.annual financial report 年度财务报告

3.bull market 牛市

4.law of diminishing marginalreturns 边际收益递减规律

5.angel investment 天使投资

6.capital turnover 资金周转

7.butterfly effect 蝴蝶效应

8.calling center 呼叫中心

9.SWOT analysis (优势、劣势、机会、威胁)分析

10.Business model 商业模式



1.即期汇票 sight draft

2.资本流动性 mobility of capital

3.抵押贷款 mortgage loan

4.指令经济 command economy

5.机会成本 opportunity cost

6.远期汇率 forward exchange rate

7.最低限价 floor price

8.金融租赁公司 financial leasing company

9.微信 Wechat

10.雾霾 haze


1.Anti-Dumping Duty Order反倾销税

2.Counter trade 补偿贸易

3.Holding company 控股公司

4.Working capital 营运资本

5.Contingency fund 应急费用

6.Par value 票面价值

7.Law of diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减规律

8.Treasury bills 国库券

9.Zero sum game 零和博弈

10.Niche market 利基市场

11.MOOC 大规模在线开放课程 / 慕课(Massive Open Online Courses)

12.TPP 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement)

13.CAFTA 中美洲自由贸易协(Central American Free Trade Agreement)

14.CFR 成本加运费(cost and freight)

15.GSP 一般特惠制(Generalized System of Preference)

16.ICC 国际商会(International Chamber of Commerce)

17.ITC 国际运输委员会(International Transport Committee)

18.SBA (美国)小型企业管理局(Small Business Administration)

19.UNCTAD 联合国贸易暨发展会议

(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)

20.USAID 美国国际开发署

(United States Agency for International Development)



1.合资经营 Joint venture

2.促销 Sales promotion

3.股东 shareholder

4.贬值 depreciation

5.技术密集型 technology-intensive

6.利率 interest rate

7.绩效评估 performance evaluation

8.边际效应 marginal effect

9.消费者物价指数 consumer price index

10.董事 director


1.litigation and arbitration 诉讼与仲裁

2.securities law 证券法

3.managing director 常务董事

4.globalization 全球本土化

5.patent 专利

6.expropriation 征收;征用

7.counter trade 对等贸易;对销贸易

8.negotiable instrument 流通票据;可转让票据

9.state of the art 当前发展水平

10.survivalof the fittest 优胜劣汰

1.Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东盟(东南亚国家联盟)

2.Cost Insurance and Freight 到岸价

3.Food and Drug Administration 美国食品药物管理局

4.General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税贸易总协定

5.Good Supply Practice 《药品经营质量管理规范》

6.International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织

7.International Trade Center 国际贸易委员会

8.North American Free Trade Agreement 北美自由贸易谢东

9.South Common Market 南方共同市场

10.UNITC 联合国国际贸易中心



1.按揭 mortgage

2.薄利多销 small profits but quick returns

3.补贴 subsidy

4.动产抵押 chattel mortgage

5.进口报关单 declaration for importation

6.房地产 real estate

7.分包合同 subcontract

8.股息 dividend

9.国民待遇 national treatment

10.市场调查 market research


1.balance sheet 资产负债表

2.international arbitration 国际仲裁

3.tax agent 税务代理人

4.debenture 公司债券

5.gross weight 总重量

6.Generalized System of Preferences 普遍优惠制

7.fixed cost 固定成本

8.stocking listings 股票上市

9.random access 随机存取

10.profit before tax 税前利润

1.AMIS 声讯交互规范(Audio Message Interactive)

2.BHD 黑鹰堕落(Black Hawk Down)

3.CBRC 中国银监会 (China Banking Regulatory Commission)

4.DPOB 出生日期和地点(Dateand Place Of Birth)

5.FEM 有限单元法(Finite Element Method)

6.MTN 多边贸易谈判(multilateral trade negotiations)

7.MSP 管理服务提供商(Management Service Provider)

8.NNW 国民福利指标(NetNational Welfare)

9.PAO 典藏学术期刊全文资料库(Periodicals Archive Online)

10.SAC 战略空军司令(Strategic Air Command)



1.分期付款 installment payments

2.达人秀 talent show

3.次贷危机 subprime mortgage crisis

4.朝核会议 North Korea nuclear meeting

5.《国富论》The Wealth of Nations

6.印花税 stamp-duty

7.经济适用房 economically affordable housing

8.节能减排 energy-saving and emission-reduction

9.以人为本 people oriented

10.新教伦理 protestant ethic


1.Blog 微博

2.Facebook 脸书

3.Twitter 推特

4.Bloomberg 彭博社

5.Game theory 博弈论

6.Yellow pages 黄页

7.Private equity 私人股本

8.Trade deficit 贸易逆差

9.Bill of lading 运货单

10.Tertiary industry 第三产业



1.电子商务 E-commerce

2.对冲基金 Hedge Fund

3.次贷危机 subprime crisis

4.山寨手机 emulating mobile phone

5.暗箱操作 under table dealing

6.本末倒置 put the cart before the horse

7.破釜沉舟 break the cooking pots and sink the boats

8.网恋 online romance

9.科学发展观 scientific outlook on development

10.和谐社会 harmonious society


1.dynamice quivalence 动态对等

2.miss the boat 错失良机

3.spill the beans 说漏嘴

4.semiotic dimension 符号学层次

5.postscript 附言

6.outsourcing 外包

7.transliteration 音译

8.tit for tat 以眼还眼,以牙还牙

9.black sheep 害群之马

10.over-translation 过度翻译

11.MOU 谅解备忘录(Memorandum of understanding)

12.GDP 国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Development)

13.POW 战俘(prisoner of war)

14.CPU 中央处理机(Central Processing Unit)

15.LC 国会图书馆(Library of Congress)

16.NGO 非政府组织(Non-Governmental Organization)

17.BBS 论坛(Bulletin Board System)

18.LCD 液晶显示屏(liquid crystal display)

19.WHO 世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)

20.EAP 员工帮助计划(Employee Assistance Program)




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