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2018-03-20 13:26:22 648浏览




1、全国政协委员 the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

2、党中央 the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

3、全国各族人民砥砺前行 the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to forge ahead

4、“五位一体”总体布局 the five-sphere integrated plan

5、“四个全面”战略布局 the four-pronged comprehensive strategy

6、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

7、制定了决胜全面建成小康社会 secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects

8、夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利 strive for the success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era

9、具有重大现实意义 of great immediate significance

10、深远历史意义 far-reaching historical significance

11、政治意识 political integrity 

12、大局意识 think in big-picture terms

13、核心意识 follow the leadership core

14、看齐意识 keep in alignment

15、“十三五”规划 the 13th Five-Year Plan

16、实现了比较充分就业 achieve relatively full employment

17、出现重大变革 seen a major transformation

18、消费贡献率 consumption's contribution to growth

19、高技术制造业 High-tech manufacturing

20、粮食生产能力 the annual grain yield

21、城镇化率 urbanization rate

22、成为城镇居民 gain permanent urban residency

23、创新驱动发展成果丰硕 innovation-driven development has yielded fruitful outcomes

24、科技进步贡献率 The contribution of technological advances to economic growth

25、载人航天 manned spaceflight

26、深海探测 deep-water exploration

27、量子通信 quantum communications

28、高铁网络 high-speed rail

29、移动支付 mobile payments

30、共享经济 sharing economy

31、“互联网+”广泛融入各行各业。 The Internet Plus model has permeated every industry and every field.

32、大众创业、万众创新 Business startups and innovation

33、重塑经济增长格局 reshape China's growth model

34、成为新标志 become a new hallmark

35、迈出重大步伐 significant headway has been made

36、改革全面发力 made strong moves across the board

37、多点突破 secure major advances in many areas

38、纵深推进 driven deeper in pursuing progress

39、重要领域和关键环节 Important fields and key links

40、简政放权, 放管结合 streamline administration and delegate powers, improve regulation

41、优化服务 optimize services

42、市场活力 market dynamism

43、社会创造力 public creativity

44、对外贸易和利用外资结构 The composition of both Chinese foreign trade and foreign investment in China

45、规模稳居世界前列 with volumes ranking among the largest in the world

46、脱贫攻坚 the fight against poverty

47、决定性进展 made decisive progress

48、贫困人口减少 people have been lifted out of poverty

49、易地扶贫搬迁 relocated from inhospitable areas

50、贫困发生率 the poverty headcount ratio

51、居民收入 Personal income

52、经济增速 outpacing economic growth

53、出境旅游人次 Tourist departures

54、社会养老保险 Social old-age pension schemes

55、基本医疗保险 the basic health insurance plans

56、社会保障网 social safety net

57、人均预期寿命 life expectancy

58、棚户区住房改造 housing units have been rebuilt in rundown urban areas

59、农村危房 dilapidated houses in rural areas

60、“十条” ten-point list of measures

61、单位国内生产总值能耗、水耗 energy and water consumption per unit of GDP

62、重污染 heavy air pollution

63、森林面积 forest coverage

64、沙化土地面积 the area of desertified land

65、经济社会发展主要目标任务 all main targets and tasks for economic and social development

66、城镇新增就业 new urban jobs

67、失业率 the jobless rate

68、回升 rebound

69、企业利润 corporate profits

70、财政收入 government revenue

71、扭转了增速放缓态势 reverse the slowdown in growth

72、实际使用外资 inward foreign investment

73、创历史新高 hit a new all-time high

74、相得益彰 with each reinforcing the other

75、效应累积 the cumulative effect of

76、各方面不懈努力、久久为功 of consistent efforts in all areas of endeavor

77、全方位、开创性成就 the ground breaking achievements made on every front

78、深层次、根本性变革 the profound and fundamental changes

79、令世界瞩目 attracted global attention

80、认真贯彻 worked with dedication to implement

81、稳中求进工作总基调 the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability

82、宏观调控 Macro regulation

83、经济运行保持在合理区间 Kept major indicators within an appropriate range

84、实现稳中向好 achieved stable, positive economic performance

85、乏力 anemic

86、跌宕起伏 volatility in

87、明显抬头 a sharp rise in

88、结构性问题 structural issues

89、深层次矛盾凸显 underlying problems become more acute

90、持续加大 continued to mount

91、保持战略定力 maintained strategic focus

92、坚持不搞“大水漫灌”式强刺激 refrained from resorting to a deluge of strong stimulus policies

93、经济发展新常态 the new normal in economic development

94、统筹稳增长 taken coordinated steps to ensure steady growth

95、调结构 make structural adjustments

96、惠民生防风险 improve living standards and guard against risk

97、不断创新和完善宏观调控 made fresh innovations in and refined macro regulation

98、区间调控 ranged-based regulation

99、定向调控、相机调控、精准调控 targeted, well-timed, and precision regulation.

100、既利当前更惠长远 good for the near term and even better for the long term



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