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2018-03-16 13:50:16 543浏览




1、安理会常任理事国 permanent member of the UN Security Council

2、印度支那问题 the Indochina issue

3、热点问题 flashpoints

4、鲜明的中国特色 a distinctly Chinese approach

5、有所为也有所不为 There are things we will do and there are things we wont do.

6、和平性、正当性和建设性 peaceful, justifiable and constructive

7、强加于人  impose ones own view on others

8、根据事情本身的是非曲直开展斡旋调停 proceed from the merits of the matter

9、谋取私利 pursue private ends

10、重要成就 important strides

11、国家振兴 national revitalization

12、国际笑柄 international laughing stock

13、更加不得人心 find dwindling support

14、年均贡献率 annual contribution

15、主要贡献者 the leading engine of  bear a weighty responsibility for 

16、奉行双重标准 practice double standards

17、“中国威胁论”可以休矣。 Its time the China threat theory was laid to rest.

18、阳光倡议  transparent initiative

19、共商、共建、共享 extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits

20、平等性、开放性和普惠性 equal-footed, inclusive and beneficial to all

21、没有一家独大 No country is dominating the process

22、暗箱操作 back-room deal

23、赢者通吃 winner takes all

24、信任票  a clear vote of confidence

25、雪中送炭 add needed momentum to

26、电站 power station

27、缺电限电 power cuts and shortages

28、钢厂 steel mill 

29、扭亏为盈 turn it around 

30、货物吞吐量 container volume


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