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2017-10-11 15:42:24 1016浏览



Section 1: Translate the following English passage into Chinese.

Now, there is a very solid ambitious and far reaching climate Paris Agreement. It is now our moral and political responsibility to put them into action.

Today, I stand before you with newfound hope that together we can --- and will --- meet the climate challenge.

To keep climate change high on the world’s agenda, I will host a signing ceremony for the Paris Agreement on 22 April. I have already sent out invitations to all world Heads of State and Government. I expect that most of them will come to put their names, to make sure that this agreement will be ratified and come into effect as soon as possible. 

The Paris Agreement marks a decisive turning point for global cooperation on one of humanity’s greatest challenges. In Davos forum, I talked to many business and government leaders that there seems to be a tendency to believe that now that the Paris Agreement is done, it is now government. We have done all what we have done. But real action starts now. The business community and civil society needs to push government so that they will keep this agreement.

Governments, businesses and investors around the world are realizing that the transformation to low-emission, climate-resilient growth is inevitable, beneficial and already under way.

In Paris, 196 Parties said the world must end its reliance on fossil fuels and be carbon-neutral by the end of the century.

To keep global temperature rise well below 2 degrees, and even 1.5 degrees, we must begin the shift away from fossil fuels immediately. We need a massive scaling up of investments in clean energy and energy efficiency. In 2015, clean energy investments stood at around $330 billion dollars, more than six times higher than in 2004. This is a good down-payment, but far less than the “clean trillion needed annually throughout the coming decades to keep temperature rise to acceptable levels and limit the risks from climate change.

The Paris Agreement gives the private sector an unprecedented opportunity to create clean energy, climate resilient economies. Governments have agreed on transparent rules of the road to monitor progress, enhance accountability and foster a race to the top of climate ambition. They also endorsed the use of market mechanisms to spur the growth of carbon pricing.

The direction of travel is clear. Five steps will move us forward. 

First, national climate plans must urgently be converted into bankable investment strategies and projects.

Second, we must generate sufficient financing for developing countries to bypass fossil fuels and meet high energy demands with low-carbon sources.

Third, we need greater attention and resources for climate resilience. That is why I launched a new Climate Resilience Initiative in Paris called A2R --- to anticipate risks, absorb shocks and adapt development approaches.

Fourth, we need to rapidly increase climate actions at every level. I will work to help strengthen the action agenda and public-private partnerships.

Fifth, Governments must quickly ratify the Paris Agreement. I am inviting all world leaders to a signing ceremony at United Nations Headquarters on 22 April.  That will be the best possible way to celebrate Mother Earth Day.

Everyone here can take at least one of these steps --- and so can billions of other people. Let us do our part --- and empower them for our common future.

Section 2: Translate the following Chinese passage into English.


麦肯锡全球研究院(McKinsey Global Institute)利用15项性别平等指标,对95个国家的性别平等状况展开了研究。这15项指标分为四类:职场性别平等、关键服务与经济机会的驱动、法律保护与政治声音、人身安全与自主等。







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