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纽约时报 | 你想多了,人脉没那么重要

2017-08-29 17:06:34 799浏览


Good News for Young Strivers: Networking Is Overrated——《纽约时报》

《纽约时报》畅销书作者Adam Grant,本文作者

Not long ago, after interviewing a venture capitalist onstage, I announced to the audience that we would take questions but no pitches. The first person at the microphone asked the investor to fund his start-up. I cringed as the second person started to pitch, too. Our educational event had quickly turned into a bad episode of “Shark Tank.

不久前,在讲台上采访过一个风险投资者之后,我向观众宣布,他们可以提一些问题,但是不要推广自己的公司。第一个拿到麦克风的人请求投资者为他的初创公司提供资金。当第二个人也开始做推广时,我感到不快。我们这个教育性质的活动,很快就沦为了一集糟糕的《创智赢家》(Shark Tank)

Shark Tank,美国ABC的创业真人秀节目

The following week, at a similar event, I saw a student ask a C.E.O. for her personal email address in front of the crowd. I’ve been stunned by the lengths people will go to at tech and business conferences to make a connection with a big name: sneaking backstage for a selfie, slipping business cards into briefcases, chasing them out the exit.


If the very thought of networking makes you throw up in your mouth, you’re not alone. Networking makes us feel dirty to the point that one study found that people rate soap and toothpaste 19 percent more positively after imagining themselves angling to make professional contacts at a cocktail party. Just reading that research made me want to take a shower.


Yet we’ve all been warned that its not what you know, its who you know. Success is supposed to come to the suave schmoozers and social butterflies.


It’s true that networking can help you accomplish great things. But this obscures the opposite truth: Accomplishing great things helps you develop a network.



Look at big breaks in entertainment. For George Lucas, a turning point was when Francis Ford Coppola hired him as a production assistant and went on to mentor him. Mr. Lucas didn’t schmooze his way into the relationship, though. As a film student hed won first prize at a national festival and a scholarship to be an apprentice on a Warner Bros. film he picked one of Mr. Coppolas.

比如娱乐界的一些重大突破。对于乔治•卢卡斯(George Lucas)来说,一个转折点是弗朗西斯•福特•科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)雇他做制片助理,并在之后成了他的导师。但是卢卡斯并不是靠能说会道和科波拉扯上关系的。他还在读电影专业的学位时,就在一个全国性的电影节上赢得了一等奖,并获得了一笔奖学金,成为华纳兄弟公司(Warner Bros.)的一名学徒,可以参与制作一部电影——他选择了科波拉。


Or take Justin Bieber’s career: Although it took off after Usher signed him, he didnt network his way into that meeting. Mr. Bieber taught himself to sing and play four instruments, put a handful of videos on YouTube, and a manager ended up clicking on one. Adele was discovered that way, too: She wrote and recorded a three-song demo, a friend posted it on Myspace, and a music exec heard it. Developing talent and sharing it catapulted them into those connections.

再来看看贾斯汀•比伯(Justin Bieber)的职业生涯:虽然他走红是在亚瑟小子(Usher)和他签约之后,但他也不是靠交际和对方扯上关系的。比伯自学了歌唱和演奏四种乐器,他在 YouTube上放了一些自己的视频,结果一个视频被业界经理看到。阿黛尔(Adele)也是这样被发掘出来的:她写了三首歌,把它们录在一个样片中,一个朋友把样片发在 Myspace上,结果被音乐界高管听到。开发才华——以及分享才华——让他们结识了业界要人。

Spanx创始人Sara Blakely与脱口秀女王Oprah Winfrey

For entrepreneurs, too, achievement is a magnet to mentors and a beacon to backers. Spanx took off when Oprah Winfrey chose it as one of her favorite things of the year — but not because she was stalked by the companys founder, Sara Blakely. For two and a half years, Ms. Blakely sold fax machines by day so that she could build her prototype of footless pantyhose by night. She sent one from the first batch to Ms. Winfrey.

对于创业者来说,成就是吸引导师的磁石,也是投资者的灯塔。Spanx是在奥普拉•温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)把它列为“年度最爱”后走红的——但温弗瑞这么做,并不是因为该公司创始人萨拉•布雷克利(Sara Blakely)纠缠她的结果。在长达两年半的时间里,布雷克利在白天销售传真机,这样她就可以在晚上制作这种无足连裤袜的原型。她从第一批产品中挑出一双发给了温弗瑞。

Networks help, of course. In a study of internet security start-ups, having a previous connection to an investor increased the odds of getting funded by that investor in the first year. But it was pretty much irrelevant afterward. Accomplishments were the dominant driver of who invested over time.


Similarly, researchers found that in hospitals, the radiologists who ended up with the most desirable networks were the ones with the highest performance nine months earlier. And in banks, star performers attracted bigger networks and were more likely to maintain those ties. Achievements don’t just help us make connections; they also help sustain those connections.


Not long ago, I watched a colleague try to climb the ladder of success solely through networking. For a few years, he managed to meet increasingly influential people and introduce them to one another. Eventually it fell apart when they realized he didn’t have a meaningful connection with any of them. Networking alone leads to empty transactions, not rich relationships.


It’s a lesson Ive learned in my own career. I once emailed an entrepreneur I admired and got nothing in response. Some months later he contacted me out of the blue, with no memory that I had tried to get in touch before. He had attended a talk I gave and wanted to meet now he had proof that I could add value.


My students often believe that if they simply meet more important people, their work will improve. But it’s remarkably hard to engage with those people unless youve already put something valuable out into the world. Thats what piques the curiosity of advisers and sponsors. Achievements show you have something to give, not just something to take.


Sure, you can fire off cold emails to people you respect, but you’ll be lucky if 2 percent even reply. The best way to attract a mentor is to create something worthy of the mentors attention. Do something interesting, and instead of having to push your way in, youll get pulled in. The network comes to you.



Sociologists call this the Matthew effect, from the Bible: “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance. If you establish a track record of achievement, advantages tend to accumulate. Who youll know tomorrow depends on what you contributed yesterday.

社会学家援引《圣经》,称这种现象为“马太效应”(Matthew effect),“因为凡有的,还要加给他,叫他有余。”如果你建立起一系列的成就,优势就会积累起来。你会明白,你的明天取决于你昨天的贡献。

 I don’t mean to suggest that success in any field is meritocratic. Its dramatically easier to get credit for achievements and break into the elite if youre male and white, your pedigree is full of fancy degrees and prestigious employers, you come from a family with wealth and connections, and you speak without a foreign accent. (Unless its a British accent, which has the uncanny ability to make you sound smart regardless of what words come out of your mouth.) But if you lack these status signals, its even more critical to produce a portfolio that proves your potential.


Of course, accomplishments can build your network only if other people are aware of them. You have to put your work out there. It shouldn’t be about promoting yourself, but about promoting your ideas. Evidence shows that tooting your own horn doesnt help you get a job offer or a board seat, and when employees bend over backward to highlight their skills and accomplishments, they actually get paid less and promoted less. People find self-promotion so distasteful that they like you more when youre praised by someone else even if they know youve hired an agent to promote you.


So stop fretting about networking. Take a page out of the George Lucas and Sara Blakely playbooks: Make an intriguing film, build a useful product.


And don’t feel pressure to go to networking events. No one really mixes at mixers. Although we plan to meet new people, we usually end up hanging out with old friends. The best networking happens when people gather for a purpose other than networking, to learn from one another or help one another.


In life, it certainly helps to know the right people. But how hard they go to bat for you, how far they stick their necks out for you, depends on what you have to offer. Building a powerful network doesn’t require you to be an expert at networking. It just requires you to be an expert at something.


If you make great connections, they might advance your career. If you do great work, those connections will be easier to make. Let your insights and your outputs — not your business cards do the talking.



Student loans


Grading education


A fintech startup treats student loans as serious investments


IN AN old factory building in lower Manhattan a fintech startup is seeking answers to a question that has tormented teachers and students for decades: what is the value of a given course, teacher or institution? Climb Credit, with just two dozen employees, provides student loans. The programmes it finances bring returns far higher than can be expected from even highly rated universities.

曼哈顿下城区的一栋老厂房里,一家金融科技创业公司正在探寻一个烦扰了众多师生几十年的问题:某一门课程、某位老师,或是某间学府究竟价值几何?仅有24名员工的Climb Credit提供助学贷款,它资助的课程所带来的回报甚至远高于颇负盛名的大学所能给予的。

Climb does not claim to nurture billionaires, nor to care much about any of the intangible benefits of education. Rather, it focuses on sharp, quantifiable increases in earnings. The average size of its loans is $10,000 and it normally finances programmes of less than a year. The subjects range from coding to web design, from underwater welding to programming robots for carmakers (which has the highest rate of return). Some students have scant formal education; others advanced degrees. The rate of return they get is calculated as the uplift in earnings after the course of study, minus its cost (which includes that of servicing the loan, and takes account of the absence of earnings during the course).


Climb’s results so far are hardly conclusive. It has released only the number of loan applications: just 10,000 since its founding in 2014. Many institutions it works with do not offer the four-year and two-year courses eligible for federal funding, which account for 19m students. Instead, its market for now is among the 5m studying in more focused programmes.


Past efforts to rank education providers based on the financial return they offer have struggled. The data are often drawn from patchy surveys. It is hard to compare different courses over different time spans. Climb tracks every loan it makes, along with data such as subject area, teacher, institution, job offers and salaries. Its interest rates average 9% a year, roughly double the government rate, and can be as high as 15%. It shuns some fields, such as acting or modelling, altogether, if there is no evidence that a course delivers a return. So far, the firm’s approach has worked: its default rates are in the low single digits.


Climb’s credit offering covers 70 institutions; another 150 are being vetted. As many as 3,000 may eventually qualify. Climbs attraction is obvious: an expanded student base. But many will balk at the tough provisions Climb imposes. Students must be given a drop-out period, when they can leave without any loan obligation. (A review of data on conventional student loans suggested that those most likely to default had begun classes, taken on debt and then quit the course before they had acquired any new skills.) If a student does default, the school is usually responsible for more than 20% of the unpaid debt. That gives it an incentive to pick students carefully and train them well.


In conventional student loans, interest and principal accumulate silently. On graduation, the monthly repayment bill comes as a shock. Climb students start making tiny payments as soon as they take out a loan (refunded if they drop out fast). Climb hopes to make its success-rate data public, to help both students and lenders. It already makes good use of its network of education providers: it has hired three former students from institutions within it.



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