Section 1: General Text
Part A. Translate the following English Passage into Chinese.
Nobody should go bankrupt when they fall sick. That is the simple, but urgent, call of Universal Health Coverage Day, which was marked across the world earlier this month. Yet despite the best efforts of governments and development agencies in recent years, many people are still left in financial ruin when a family member becomes ill.
In low and middle-income countries, almost 6% of the population is tipped or pushed further into extreme poverty because of out-of-pocket health expenses, while 400 million people globally don't even have access to basic health services. If we don't close these gaps in health coverage, the world's poor --- especially women, children and adolescents --- will be left behind.
The goal of universal health coverage is to ensure that all people obtain the health services they need without suffering financial hardship. This requires strong, efficient, well-run health systems. But more importantly, it requires ensuring equity in access, prioritizing women, children and adolescents in national programs.
A number of countries have already successfully embraced reforms to make quality care universally available. More than 100 low- and mid-income countries have enacted such reforms.
The United Nations also recognizes the importance of universal health coverage. A key component of the UN Secretary-General's Every Woman Every Child movement, and its updated Global Strategy, involves making healthcare systems more accessible, stronger and resilient.
Access to quality health services and to safe, effective and affordable medicines and vaccines are key in achieving progress. We must do even more to maintain the progress achieved and address emerging needs.
Part B. Translate the following Chinese Passage into English.
Section 2: Specialized Text
In both Part A and Part B, please translate the passage in accordance with the field you registered for the test of UNLPP, or your efforts will be in vain.
Part A. Translate the following English Passage into Chinese.
Politics and Law
The President shall call upon representatives in the order in which they signify their desire to speak. The Security Council may appoint a commission or committee or a rapporteur for a specified question. The President may accord precedence to any rapporteur appointed by the Security Council. The Chairman of a commission or committee, or the rapporteur appointed by the commission or committee to present its report, may be accorded precedence for the purpose of explaining the report. If a representative raises a point of order, the President shall immediately state his ruling. If it is challenged, the President shall submit his ruling to the Security Council for immediate decision and it shall stand unless overruled. Proposed resolutions, amendments and substantive motions shall normally be placed before the representatives in writing. Principal motions and draft resolutions shall have precedence in the order of their submission. Parts of a motion or of a draft resolution shall be voted on separately at the request of any representative, unless the original mover objects. It shall not be necessary for any motion or draft resolution proposed by a representative on the Security Council to be seconded before being put to a vote. A motion or draft resolution can at any time be withdrawn so long as no vote has been taken with respect to it. If the motion or draft resolution has been seconded, the representative on the Security Council who has seconded it may require that it be put to the vote as his motion or draft resolution with the same right of precedence as if the original mover had not withdrawn it. If two or more amendments to a motion or draft resolution are proposed, the President shall rule on the order in which they are to be voted upon. Ordinarily, the Security Council shall first vote on the amendment furthest removed in substance from the original proposal and then on the amendment next furthest removed until all amendments have been put to the vote, but when an amendment adds to or deletes from the text of a motion or draft resolution, that amendment shall be voted on first.
Economics and Finance
Intermediate goods exports have accounted for about 70 percent of the annual export growth in Asia over the last decade—more than double the contribution of capital and consumer goods together. This has been particularly the case for the ASEAN-5, the Newly Industrialized Economies, and Japan. Exports of intermediate goods have been particularly strong to other Asian economies, whereas consumer goods and intermediate goods have contributed roughly equally to the increase of exports outside Asia. As a result, intra-regional exports are more intensive in intermediate goods than are other exports.
Asian economies increasingly have formed a supply network, with China taking the role of an assembly hub for final goods exports, notably consumer goods. In this “triangular trading pattern”, direct export competition has been accompanied by trade partnerships. For Asia, excluding China, the share of intermediate goods exports to China in total exports has doubled over the last decade, whereas the share of direct consumer goods exports to the United States and euro area has steadily declined. A corollary of this development is the ongoing shift of market share in leading export markets toward China. For instance, while Asia’s share in U.S. consumer goods imports has remained stable over the last two decades at about 40 percent, China’s share has risen nearly threefold, from 9 percent to more than 25 percent, whereas shares of other Asian exporters, particularly Japan and the ASEAN-4 among emerging Asian economies, have declined.
As a result, competition in intermediate goods markets has become more important for Asian economies’ overall exports than competition at the final goods level. To assess the intensity of competition in a simple way, we use an export similarity index. The closer that index is to 100, the more similar is the export structure between two Asian economies and thus the higher is the degree of potential competition between them. The results suggest, as one might expect, that the degree of export competition is generally higher for countries at comparable levels of development. This holds across all major product categories, that is, consumer, capital, and intermediate goods exports.
Science and Technology
THE INTEREST in nanostructures is so great that every plausible fabrication technique is being examined. Although physicists and chemists are now doing most of the work, biologists may also make important contributions. The cell (whether mammalian or bacterial) is relatively large on the scale of nanostructures: the typical bacterium is approximately 1,000 nanometers long, and mammalian cells are larger. Cells are, however, filled with much smaller structures, many of which are astonishingly sophisticated. The ribosome, for example, carries out one of the most important cellular functions: the synthesis of proteins from amino acids, using messenger RNA as the template. The complexity of this molecular construction project far surpasses that of man-made techniques. Or consider the rotary motors of the bacterial flagella, which efficiently propel the one-celled organisms.
It is unclear if “nanomachines” taken from cells will be useful. They will probably have very limited application in electronics, but they may provide valuable tools for chemical synthesis and sensing devices. Recent work by Carlo D. Montemagno of Cornell University has shown that it is possible to engineer a primitive nanomachine with a biological engine. Montemagno extracted a rotary motor protein from a bacterial cell and connected it to a metallic nanorod—a cylinder 750 nanometers long and 150 nanometers wide that had been fabricated by lithography. The rotary motor, which was only 11 nanometers tall, was powered by adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the source of chemical energy in cells. Montemagno showed that the motor could rotate the nanorod at eight revolutions per minute. At the very least, such research stimulates efforts to fabricate functional nanostructures by demonstrating that such structures can exist.
The development of nanotechnology will depend on the availability of nanostructures. The invention of the STM and AFM has provided new tools for viewing, characterizing and manipulating these structures; the issue now is how to build them to order and how to design them to have new and useful functions. The importance of electronics applications has tended to focus attention on nanodevices that might be incorporated into future integrated circuits.
Part B. Translate the following Chinese Passage into English.
Politics and Law
Economics and Finance
Science and Technology
闪存早已问世。这种电脑芯片类似电脑内存所用的芯片,但断电之后,闪存所储存的信息不会丢失。闪存一直用于拇指大小的U盘以及苹果iPod Nano音乐播放器中。
Restoration works
Construction may affect some municipal services like roads, household water pipes, gas pipes, main gas pipes, electrical poles, power lines, and many other contactable objects. Restore the affected property and objects under the guide of the Engineer and as per the regulation.
Pipe flushing and disinfection
After passing water pressure test, flush the water supply pipe based on the possible max pressure and flow until the water color and transparency of the outlet are identical to those of the inlet. After flushing, soap (disinfect) the inner pipe with clean water whose chloride ion concentration is no less than 20mg/L, and flush the pipe again 24h later until the sampled water is qualified in test.
Earth excavation
⑴ Construction setting-out
Conduct twice closing verification on at least two permanent elevation points provided by the Employer, then densify the temporary leveling point based on the permanent elevation according to requirements of the specification.
Carry out construction setting-out measurement and determine the pipe midlines as well as standard datum point as the control point of the whole project. Closing must be performed for each measurement and closing error shall be under strict control.
⑵ Site clearing
The clearing of right-of-way roads and borrow pit areas, sand clay land foundation pit, side ditch and marked areas on the drawing. Remove and dispose all protruding objects such as trees, stumps and roots as well as buildings, structures, appendants, existing flexible asphalt pavement and other facilities to make room for excavation. Remove and dispose all products and debris that is in no need of withdraw or utilization.
⑶ Groove excavation
Investigate underground pipeline conditions before groove excavation. Combine with manual excavation survey and make clear marks upon finding the pipelines to protect underground pipelines.
In general, the groove excavation depth is 2m or so, and the width is +600mm, which is the outer pipe diameter. The excavation is performed by excavator with manual support in the method of section excavation. The groove excavation earth shall be placed outside the groove for the purpose of backfilling.
Part B. Translate the following Chinese Passage into English.