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2017-02-03 16:11:43 949浏览


Keynote Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the UK Energy Investment Summit 2017


Stronger China-UK Energy Cooperation Paves the Way for Building a Community of Shared Future


London, 26 January 2017


Ladies and Gentlemen: 女士们、先生们,

It is a real pleasure to join you for the UK Energy Investment Summit. This summit focuses on a highly pertinent issue because energy is closely linked to our daily life. It is an important subject that bears on the trend of global economy and the future of mankind. 能源与我们的日常生活息息相关,也是事关世界经济走向和人类前途命运的一项重要议题。

Indeed, how do we judge the trend of the world economy and the future of global governance? To try to answer this question, let me quote President Xi Jinping. In his keynote speech not long ago at the World Economic Forum in Davos, President Xi said: 关于如何看待当今世界经济和全球治理,我想前不久中国国家主席习近平在达沃斯世界经济论坛年会的主旨演讲,提供了非常精彩的答案。 那就是:

We should not blame economic globalization for the world’s problems. Rather, we should keep to the goal of building a community of shared future for mankind. We should adapt to and guide economic globalization. We need to relentlessly pursue innovation. We need to build an open global economy to share opportunities through opening-up. We should deliver the benefits of economic globalization to all countries and all nations. From the perspective of building a community of shared future, let me share with you my thoughts on the issue of energy and my suggestions for China-UK energy cooperation.我们不能把困扰世界的许多问题归咎于经济全球化,而要树立人类命运共同体意识,适应和引导好全球化,在创新中寻找出路,在开放中分享机会,使发展成果更好惠及每个国家和民族。今天,我想从人类命运共同体视角出发,谈谈对能源问题的看法,并就中英能源合作提一些建议。

Talking about energy, the first thing we must admit is that energy makes it possible for building a community and a future where everyone has a stake. The history of human progress is, in a way, a history of discoveries of new forms of energy.We have traveled a journey from the discovery of fire to the use of electricity, and from the excavation of fossil fuels to the rapid development of renewable energies. And every time, the discovery of a new source of energy and the replacement of the old always played a crucial role in human progress. The reasons are simple. Large scale exploitation and application of energy helps increase productivity in a dramatic way. This stimulates scientific and technological progress. This reduces the distance between countries and regions. And this drives economic globalization.谈到能源问题,我们首先应当看到能源为人类成为你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体提供强大动力。纵观漫长的人类文明史,不论是火的发现还是电的应用,不论是化石燃料的开发利用还是可再生能源的迅猛发展,能源的每一次发现和更新都在人类社会进步中发挥了关键作用。能源的大规模开发利用不仅极大提高了社会生产率,还促进了经济全球化与科技进步,拉近了不同地区与国家人民之间的距离。

However, the development and use of energy also create environmental and security problems, which have posed challenges for us all. The growth of population and economy leads to immense increase of energy consumption. The global ecological and environmental system is now under huge pressure. Global challenges such as climate change and energy security are increasingly acute. 但另一方面,能源开发与利用产生的环境、安全问题已成为人类面临的共同挑战。随着人口增长和经济发展,能源消耗水平大幅增加,全球生态环境面临巨大压力,气候变化、能源安全等全球性挑战日益突出。

For all seven billion people on this planet, the earth is our only home. We have only one choice, and that is to cherish and care for our home. And there is only one way to do this, and that is to go green and go low-carbon. This is how we can grow the world economy in a sustainable way.Just as President Xi said recently in Geneva, 对于全世界70多亿人民来说,地球是人类唯一赖以生存的家园。珍爱和呵护地球是我们的唯一选择。只有使能源更加绿色和低碳化,才能实现全球经济的可持续发展,建设一个清洁美丽的世界。正如习主席所说:

We must not exhaust all the resources passed on to us by previous generations and leave nothing to our children, or pursue development in a destructive way.”“Clear waters and green mountains are as good as mountains of gold and silver. We must maintain harmony between man and nature and pursue sustainable development.”“我们不能吃祖宗饭,断子孙路,用破坏性方式搞发展。绿水青山就是金山银山。我们应该遵循天人合一、道法自然的理念,寻求永续发展之路。

In recent years, the idea of green development has prevailed in global energy governance. It is now an international consensus that energy cooperation should aim at the development of clean energy. This is the spirit of sharing weal and woe and undertaking responsibility together. China and the UK, working in such a spirit, have respectively made unremitting efforts to advance the global energy governance. 令人欣慰的是,近年来绿色成为全球能源治理的主色调,推动清洁能源发展已成为能源合作的普遍共识。

The UK has been a world leader in energy related technology and innovation. It took the lead in the 18th century during the industrial revolution. It was among the first to build civil nuclear power plants in the mid-20th century. 正是基于这种休戚与共、责任共担的精神,中英两国在参与和推进全球能源治理方面都做出了不懈努力。从18世纪工业革命到上世纪50年代率先建设运营民用核电站,英国一直是全球能源技术创新的领先者。

In recent years, the UK has kept making progress in this field. Investment in new and renewable energy is increasing. Special laws are made and policies adopted to tackle climate change. The target is set for reducing emissions by at least 80% in 2050 from 1990 levels. And for the first time in 2016, wind energy provided 11.5% of UK’s total electricity output, overtaking coal generated power at only 9.2% of the total.近年来英国加大对新能源、可再生能源领域投入,在应对气候变化问题上专门出台法律和政策文件,提出2050年碳排放量在1990年水平上减少80%的目标。2016年英国煤炭发电量仅占总量的9.2%,而风力发电量占比达11.5%,风力发电量首次超过煤炭发电量。

On part of China, it is now the world’s largest energy producer and consumer. In energy conservation, emission reduction and renewable energy development, China’s achievements over the years have been widely recognized.We are committed to the new development concepts that focus on innovation, balanced growth, green economy, opening-up and inclusive development. We are accelerating our efforts to build a modern energy system that is clean, efficient, secure and sustainable.Our energy consumption structure has been constantly optimized. It is going through a gradual transition from the resource-intensive and low-efficiency model to one that is energy-saving and highly efficient.  In the future, China will remain committed to green and low-carbon development. 同样,作为世界第一大能源生产国和消费国,中国在节能减排、可再生能源开发等方面也取得有目共睹的成就。在创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念指导下,我们正加快构建清洁、高效、安全、可持续的现代能源体系,使能源消费逐步由粗放、低效走向节约、高效,推动能源结构持续优化,坚持走绿色、低碳发展道路。

At present, China has greater installed capacity in hydropower, wind power and solar power than any other country in the world. Of the total energy consumption in 2016 (4.36 billion tons of standard coal), non-fossil fuel accounted for 13.3%, which was 1.3 percentage points higher than the previous year. In the first three quarters of last year, GDP per unit of energy use downed by 5.2% year on year. Such progress is largely attributed to green development.目前,中国已成为水电、风电、太阳能发电装机世界第一大国。2016年中国能源消费总量约43.6亿吨标准煤,非化石能源消费比重达到13.3%,同比提高1.3个百分点。2016年前三季度,单位国内生产总值能耗同比下降5.2%,绿色发展初见成效。

Indeed, as urbanization and agricultural modernization remains an ongoing process in China, energy conservation and emission reduction becomes a daunting task. One example is the autumn and winter haze resulting from air pollution. 当然,随着中国城镇化、农业现代化的发展,节能减排任务还很艰巨,目前中国秋冬季的雾霾污染形势严峻就是一个例证。

China is taking on this task. We will strive to make the growth in energy supply mainly green and low-carbon. To this end, we have set a number of targets to be met by 2020. These include: Increasing the share of non-fossil fuel in primary energy consumption to 15%, Increasing the proportion of natural gas to at least 10%, And keeping the percentage of coal consumption below 58%. This will enable us to reach the emissions peak before 2030. 中方的目标是到2020年,非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到15%,天然气比重达到10%以上,煤炭消费控制在58%以内,使清洁低碳能源成为能源供应增量的主体。我们争取到2030年碳排放提前达到峰值。

On the world scene, China also played an active part in the negotiation of the Paris Agreement. China was among the first to ratify the agreement. China pushed the G20 to issue its first Presidency Statement on Climate Change. China also led the making of the G20 Voluntary Action Plan on Renewable Energy. The Presidency Statement and the Action Plan will help ensure the smooth and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement. China will continue to take steps to tackle climate change and fully honour its obligations.中方积极参与《巴黎协定》谈判进程,不仅率先签署协定,还推动二十国集团首次发表关于气候变化问题的主席声明,就可再生能源等制定行动计划,为推动协定顺利生效提供强有力的支持。中国将继续采取行动应对气候变化,百分之百承担自己的义务。

Ladies and Gentlemen: 女士们、先生们,

Last year’s Brexit referendum and the UK’s government reshuffle caused some uncertainties in China-UK relations. However, our two countries have since then worked together to steady our relationship in time of transition and to sustain its momentum of development. Leaders of both countries reaffirmed the shared commitment to the “Golden Era” of China-UK relations and global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st century.2016年,尽管英国公投脱欧、政府更迭给中英关系带来一些不确定性,但在双方共同努力下,两国关系实现平稳过渡并持续发展。两国领导人再次确认将继续打造中英关系黄金时代”,致力于推进中英面向21世纪全球全面战略伙伴关系。

Energy cooperation features prominently in the win-win cooperation between our two countries. China and the UK have had cooperation in the field of fossil fuels, such as oil and gas. Meanwhile, our cooperation on clean and renewable energy is showing a strong momentum. Chinese companies are actively involved in Britain’s new energy projects, from nuclear power plants to offshore wind farms, from solar energy projects to biomass electricity generation. Their growing cooperation with the UK also includes next-generation green transport. The most familiar examples are the zero-emission electric bus and the ultra-low-emission London Black Cabs.能源合作是中英互利合作的重要组成部分。中英不仅就传统的石油、天然气等化石能源积极开展合作,还在清洁能源和可再生能源合作方面保持良好势头。例如,中国企业积极参与英国核电、海上风电、太阳能发电、生物质发电等新能源项目。中英企业在电动大巴、低排放出租车等新一代绿色交通工具方面的合作方兴未艾。

What is particularly worth mentioning is the package deal of the Hinckley Point C nuclear project. Its official signing by China, Britain and France last September was a milestone – a substantial step that China and the UK have taken in nuclear cooperation. This project will create more than 20,000 jobs and provide reliable energy supply to millions of British families. It will facilitate closer cooperation between China, Britain and other relevant countries on clean energy. It will help tackle climate change. It will drive the sustainable development in China, in the UK and beyond.特别值得一提的是,去年9月,中英法三方在伦敦正式签署欣克利角核电项目一揽子投资协议,标志着中英核电实质性合作进入全新阶段。欣克利角项目不仅将给英国数百万家庭提供稳定电力供应和创造2万多个就业岗位,而且将有助于中英及有关各方在清洁能源领域深化合作,更好应对气候变化挑战,为促进两国及全球可持续发展注入新动力。

Ladies and Gentlemen: 女士们、先生们,

We are now in an interesting time of profound transformation and massive changes. It is also a time of numerous challenges and increasing risks. Building a community of shared future for mankind is an exciting goal, and it requires all countries to undertake responsibilities and overcome difficulties together. 人类正处在大发展大变革大调整时期,也正处在一个挑战层出不穷、风险日益增多的时代。构建人类命运共同体这一美好目标,需要各国共同担当、同舟共济、携手努力。

2017 is a year for consolidating the “Golden Era” of China-UK relations. 2017 also marks the 45th anniversary of the Ambassadorial-level diplomatic ties between China and Britain. There are certainly new opportunities for China-UK relations. Energy cooperation, among others, should be our focus for producing more “golden fruits”. I think there are a number of specific areas where we can strengthen our energy cooperation. 2017年是中英关系黄金时代深入发展之年,也是两国建立大使级外交关系45周年。中英关系面临新的发展机遇。能源合作应当成为双方重点打造的黄金成果。我认为,两国应重点在以下领域加强合作:

First, we should work to ensure the smooth implementation of the Hinkley Point C nuclear project. This is a flagship win-win project. We Chinese like to say: “Good things deserve good results.” British people say: “All is well that ends well.” We sincerely hope that this project will proceed smoothly, start to generate electricity on an early date and contribute to UK’s energy security. 第一,共同推进欣克利角旗舰项目顺利实施。欣克利角项目是互利多赢的项目。中国人常说:要把好事办好。英语有句俗语:结局好一切都好。中方衷心希望该项目能顺利实施,尽快投产发电,为保障英国能源安全作出贡献。

Over the past 30 years, China has kept a good operation and security record. Our achievements in nuclear power development and security supervision have been highly recognized by international institutions. And we have always cooperated closely with our international partners. 中国发展核电30多年来,一直保持着良好的运行业绩和安全水准,在核电发展和监管方面的成就得到了国际机构的高度评价。我们也一直在通过国际合作发展核电事业。

I appreciate the UK government’s decision to start the generic design assessment of China’s nuclear reactor HPR1000, and we look forward to its early application in the UK. We expect the British security assessment to be transparent and open, so that Chinese companies, like all foreign investors in the UK, will be treated equally and have their legitimate rights and interests protected. 我们赞赏英政府不久前正式启动中国核电技术华龙一号评审,期待相关技术早日落地。希望英方相关安全监管机制保持透明和开放,公平保障包括中资企业在内的外国投资者合法权益。

Now, let me talk about the second area of energy cooperation. Of all the fields where the next scientific, technological and industrial revolution could take place, the energy sector has the greatest potential. Here, China and the UK are well placed to work with each other and explore energy-related technology and innovation. 第二,共同开拓能源技术创新与合作空间。能源领域是最可能发生下一次科技革命和产业革命的领域之一。

China is in a transition toward low-carbon development. There is a huge demand for new technologies and investment, and hence great business opportunities. 中国经济实现低碳转型需要大量新技术和资本,孕育着巨大商机。

China has a complete nuclear industrial chain, mature nuclear power technology, world-class equipment building and rich construction experience.China is also a world leader in the field of solar power technology, both R&D and application.The UK leads the world in offshore wind power, tidal power, smart energy, distributed generation, carbon capture and sequestration, etc.China and the UK can draw on our respective strengths in technology and resources. We can engage each other in win-win cooperation.中国不仅在核电领域拥有完整的产业链及成熟的技术、装备和建设水平,而且在太阳能技术研发与使用方面也位居世界前列。英方在海上风电、潮汐发电、智慧能源、分布式能源、碳捕获和封存技术等方面处于全球领先水平。中英可积极开展能源领域技术创新的交流与合作,有效配置相关技术与资源要素,实现优势互补和互利共赢。

The third area of China-UK energy cooperation is opened up by the “Belt and Road” Initiative. The “Belt and Road” Initiative is a major effort of China to strive for all-round opening-up. It is a platform for all-dimensional, cross-field cooperation among multi-entities. 第三,共同开展一带一路能源合作。一带一路倡议是中国实行全方位对外开放的重大举措,致力于打造多主体、全方位、跨领域合作平台。

Most of the countries along the “Belt and Road” routes are developing nations. The demand for energy facilities and electricity generation is huge. And so are the prospects for cooperation. “一带一路沿线国家多为发展中国家,能源设施、电力等领域需求缺口大,能源合作前景广阔。

China is good at energy equipment building, development planning and facility construction, while the UK has strengths in financing and special services. Along the “Belt and Road” routes, there are demands for energy as well as interest in cooperation with international partners. Based on such demands and interest, China and the UK can engage regional partners in discussions over the content and form of multi-party cooperation and build an “energy silk road”. This will bring greater benefits not only to our two countries but also countries of the third market. 中英两国在能源设备、规划、工程施工和融资、专业服务等方面各有所长,可结合有关沿线国家的现实需求与合作意向,探讨合作内容与形式,打造能源丝绸之路,使能源合作成果更好更多惠及双方及第三方市场。

The fourth areas for China-UK energy cooperation is global governance regime. Important outcomes on the issue of energy were reached at the G20 Hangzhou Summit. By highlighting the importance of efficient and clean energy in the future, the G20 demonstrated its unique role in global energy governance. 第四,共同构建全球能源治理格局。G20杭州峰会在能源领域取得重要成果,突出能效和清洁能源对构建未来能源格局的重要意义,体现了G20机制在全球能源治理中的独特作用。

As members of the G20, China and the UK can work together on the following: Greater energy policy dialogue and coordination. Ensuring implementation of the G20 outcomes by all its members. Increased investment in the energy sector. Stronger monitoring system and an emergency response mechanism for the international energy market. And improved energy security. By working together, China and the UK can jointly contribute to a more efficient and inclusive global energy governance regime.中英同为G20重要成员,可加强能源政策对话与协调,推动有关各方落实杭州峰会相关成果,不断加大能源投资,完善国际能源市场监测和应急机制,提高可持续能源安全,共同建设更有效、更包容的全球能源治理架构。

Last but not least, China and the UK can join hands to promote cooperation on climate change.The Paris Agreement on Climate Change came into effect last November. It is a new chapter in the global response to climate change. It is a milestone in the history of climate governance. It is in line with the trend of global development. But it did not come easily and deserves to be cherished. 第五,共同推进气候变化国际合作。气候变化《巴黎协定》已于去年11月正式生效,开启了全球合作应对气候变化挑战的崭新篇章,在全球气候治理史上具有里程碑意义,符合全球发展大方向,成果来之不易。

China and the UK have many common interests in tackling climate change. We have similar positions and share broad agreement on this issue. Both countries can play a leading role in the implementation of this agreement and contribute to the global cause of emission reduction.中英在应对气候变化方面不仅有共同利益,而且有许多共识和相似立场,双方可发挥引领作用,共同推动协定落实,为全球碳减排事业做出新贡献。

Ladies and Gentlemen: 女士们、先生们,

President Xi Jinping said this in his New Year message: “China believes that everyone belongs to one family in a united world.”He went on to say in his speech in Davos: “As long as we keep to the goal of building a community of shared future for mankind and work hand in hand to fulfill our responsibilities and overcome difficulties, we will be able to create a better world and deliver better lives for our peoples.”习主席说,中国人历来主张世界大同,天下一家”“只要我们牢固树立人类命运共同体意识,携手努力、共同担当,同舟共济、共渡难关,就一定能够让世界更美好、让人民更幸福。

In just two days, we will ring in the Chinese New Year of the Rooster. In Chinese culture, the rooster is a symbol of hard-working, renewed vigor and good luck.I am full of confidence and expectations for the year of the Rooster. I believe by working together China and Britain will enable greater progress in energy cooperation and contribute more “golden fruits” to the “Golden Era” of China-UK relations. 后天就是中国农历鸡年春节,鸡在中国文化中象征着勤劳、活力和吉祥。我对新的一年充满信心和期望。

By working together, our two countries will make even greater contribution to green, inclusive and sustainable development in building a community of shared future for mankind.让我们共同努力,不断推进中英能源合作,为中英关系黄金时代创造更多黄金成果,为打造绿色、包容、可持续的人类命运共同体做出更大贡献!

Thank you! 谢谢!

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