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2017-01-30 16:46:44 1001浏览


原创: 姚洋

agree like cats and dogs 水火不容,完全合不来

Good ale will make a cat speak. 好酒能使人吐露真言。(ale,英国麦芽酒)

bell the cat / hang the bell about the cat's neck敢于在危险中挺身而出,替别人冒险

dog my cats 我可赌咒;见鬼

enough to make a cat speak/laugh 足以使猫说话/大笑,足以使人开颜。极其可笑/令人惊奇

cat-and-dog existence/life 像猫狗一样不和的生活,经常争吵的生活(常与动词 lead 连用,多指夫妇生活)

fight like cat and dog 经常争吵得很凶

fight like Kilkenny cats 死拼;打得两败俱伤,斗个你死我活(To "fight like a Kilkenny cat" refers to an old story about two cats who fought to the death and ate each other up such that only their tails were left. 伊索寓言,Kilkenny是英美地名)

live under the cat's foot/paw 怕老婆,惧内

Cat's hide their claws. 知人知面不知心。 

cat-and-mouse game 伺机而动的把戏(如谈判等)

land like a cat 幸运;逃脱麻烦

When the cat's away, the mouse will play. 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。 

have as many lives as a cat / have nine lives like a cat 死不了;不容易死;富于生命力

have more lives than a cat 比猫还能活,比猫更富生命力

the cat's pajamas / the cat's whiskers 卓越的(或出色的、极好的)(或事,物)

be as nervous as a dog shitting razorblades / as a cat on a hot tin roof 极度紧张,惊悸不安

make a cat's paw of someone 利用某人作为工具、爪牙

rain cats and dogs 风雨交加

as deaf as a white cat 太聋了(Some all-white cats suffer from congenital deafness caused by a degeneration of the inner ear.

(as) sick as a cat/dog(变成病猫/狗)病得厉害,直想作呕

like something the cat has brought/dragged in 衣衫褴褛;狼狈不堪

(as) weak as water/cat 身体很虚弱、性格懦弱、意志薄弱

no room to swing a cat 地方狭窄,活动不开

see which way the cat jumps 看风使舵,看清形势再做决定

There are more ways than to kill/skin a cat than choking it with butter / There are more ways of killing a dog than by hanging达到目的的办法多得很。

let the cat out of the bag 无意中泄露秘密,露出马脚。 

put/set the cat among the pigeons 引来乱子、是非或麻烦。 

a cat in the pan. 习语,意思是叛徒中途变节的人

a dog's age 好久,长时间,多日

hang-dog air/look于心有愧的样子;垂头丧气的样子;猥琐可怜的样子

blush like a black/blue dog厚脸皮,不害臊

Brag is a good dog, but holdfast is a better. 说得再漂亮不如扎扎实实地干点事情。

of the bulldog breed 好斗的,顽强无畏的

a dog's chance 极有限的一点机会(常用于否定句)

dog's dinner 很不整洁或很杂乱的东西

a dead dog 已经失去作用的人或东西,废物

a dog in a blanket 含果酱或葡萄干的卷形布丁

a dog in one's doublet 假朋友

a dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人,对某物自己不享用又不让别人享用的人

A good dog deserves a good bone. 有功者应受奖。

hair of the dog 解醉酒,以毒攻毒。

a jolly dog 快乐的家伙;酒友

An old dog barks not in vain. 老狗不乱吠。

a sly dog偷偷摸摸寻欢作乐者,暗中行为失检者

as a dog with two tails  非常开心

Barking dogs do not/seldom bite. 吠犬不咬人;嘴狠者手软。

be under the dog 处于服从地位,处于被人支配的地位

blow off one's dogs 放弃要做的事业

Call a dog a dog; he won't bite you for it. 请直言不讳。

call off the dogs停止追踪(或追逐);停止查询。终止(或中断)不愉快的谈话

die dog for someone 为某人效犬马之劳,对某人极度忠诚

die like a dog 悲惨(或可耻)地死去,潦倒而死;被绞死 [亦作

Dog does/will not eat dog. 同类不相残;同行不相害。

dog it 规避责任;偷懒

Dog returns to its vomit. 故态复萌

dog someone's steps 跟踪某人,钉梢

Dogs that put up many hares kill none. 样样都抓,一无所获。

Every dog has its day. 凡人皆有得意日。

get the dog 赢,胜利。(天朝管居于领导地位的人叫执牛耳者,他们是拿狗的人赢,恩)

give a dog a bad name 给人强加恶名

go to the dogs 堕落,(道德)沦丧,蜕化;变质,变坏;毁灭,垮台,完蛋,衰败,失败,破产

have a black dog on one's shoulder 脾气暴躁,容易发火;不开心

have not a word to throw at a dog 因别人高傲而不和别人说话,不理睬别人

help a lame dog over a stile 助人渡过难关,助人于危难之中,救人之急,雪中送炭

He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick. 欲加之罪,何患无辞。

It shouldn't happen to a dog. 这事真不该发生。

keep a dog and bark oneself 家有佣人而要亲自操劳,用了人还要亲自操劳;做自己下属所做的工作

let loose the dogs of war 发动战争

let sleeping dogs lie 莫惹是非,别惹麻烦

like dogs in dough 难以前进

Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。

stay until the last dog is hung 逗留到最后一刻

teach an old dog new tricks 枉费心机,雕琢朽木

teach the dog to bark 多此一举 / 班门弄斧

That cat won’t jump 这一手行不通。

The best dog leaps the stile first. 困难的事要让最能干的人来干。

the dog before its master 大风前的浪涛

The dog it was that died. 害人者反害己。

The dogs bark,but the caravan goes on. 说者自说,做者自做

The dog that fetches will carry. 来说是非者,定是是非人

The dog that licks ashes trust not with meal. 不可让贪婪的人看管钱财。

The tail wags the dog. 上下颠倒,小人物掌大权。

try it on thedog 先拿小人物或次要东西做试验;作牺牲别人的试验

turn dog 告密

work like a dog 苦干,拼命干,努力工作

mad dog 粗暴而无责任感的人;行为古怪的人

put on dog 摆架子

All are not thieves that dogs bark at. 狗冲着吠叫的并非都是小偷。


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