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2017-01-29 16:51:17 1367浏览


Benjamins: a one-hundred-dollar bill (in reference to the portrait of Benjamin Franklin that distinguishes it)本杰明:百元美钞(指代百元美钞上的本杰明·富兰克林肖像)

Big ones: multiples of one thousand dollars大票:多张百元美钞

Bills: multiples of one hundred dollars钞票:多张百元美钞

Bones: dollars (origin unknown)票子:美元(起源未知)

Bread: money in general (on the analogy of it being a staple of life)面包:统指钱(指代其为生活主食)

Dough: money in general (akin to the usage of bread)面团:统指钱(类似于面包统指钱的用法)

Bucks: dollars (perhaps from a reference to buckskins, or deerskins, which were once used as currency)票子:美元(可能源于指代曾用作货币的鹿皮)

Cabbage: paper money (from its color)洋白菜:纸币(源于纸币颜色)

Lettuce: paper money (from its color)生菜:纸币(源于纸币颜色)

Long green: paper money (from its shape and color)长绿条:纸币(源于纸币形状和颜色)

Cheddar (or chedda): money (origin unknown, but perhaps from the concept of cheese distributed by the government to welfare recipients)切达奶酪:钱(起源未知,但是可能源于政府分发给接受福利救济者的奶酪这一概念)

Clams: dollars (perhaps from the onetime use of seashells as currency)蛤蜊:美元(可能源过去用作货币的贝壳)

Cs (or C-notes): multiples of one hundred dollars (from the Roman symbol for “one hundred”)C票:多张百元美钞(源于一百的罗马标志)

Dead presidents: paper money (from the portraits of various former US presidents that usually distinguish bills of various denominations)死去的总统:纸币(源于不同面值美钞上的多位前美国总统)

Dime: ten dollars (by multiplication of the value of the ten-cent coin)一角币:10美元(10美分硬币的增值)

Nickel: five dollars (by multiplication of the value of the five-cent coin)五分币:5美元(5美分硬币的增值)

Doubles (or dubs): twenty-dollar bills双倍:20元美钞

Ducats: money (from the Italian coin)达克特:钱(源于意大利硬币)

Fins: five-dollar bills (perhaps from the shared initial sound with fives)鱼鳍:5元美钞(可能源于fin的起始发音与fives相同)

Five-spots: five-dollar bills五点:5元美钞

Fivers: five-dollar bills五元钞:5元美钞

Folding stuff: paper money折叠的东西:纸币

Greenbacks: paper money (from the color of the ink)绿背票:纸币(源于油墨颜色)

Gs: thousand-dollar bills (an abbreviation for grand)大票:千元美钞(grand的缩写)

Grand: one thousand dollars (as in “three grand” for “three thousand dollars”)大票:千元美钞(如“three grand”指的是三千美元

Large: thousand-dollar bills大额票:千元美钞

Loot: money (originally denoted goods obtained illicitly or as the spoils of war)战利品:钱(最初指代非法获得的货物或战利品)

Lucre: money or profit (from the biblical expression “filthy lucre,” meaning “ill-gained money”)收益:钱或利润(源于圣经表达污秽的收益,意即非法获得的钱

Moola (or moolah): money (origin unknown)钞票:钱(起源未知)

Ones: dollars (also, fives for “five-dollar bills,” tens for “ten-dollar bills,” and so on)钞票:美元(同样,fives“5元美钞tens“10元美钞,等等)

Quarter: twenty-five dollars (by multiplication of the value of the twenty-five-cent coin)25分币:25美元(25美分硬币的增值)

Sawbucks: ten-dollar bills (from the resemblance of X, the Roman symbol for ten, to a sawbuck, or sawhorse)锯木架:10元美钞(源于十的罗马标志X与锯木架的相似性)

Scratch: money (perhaps from the idea that one has to struggle as if scratching the ground to obtain it)刮擦:钱(可能源于必须刮擦地面获得钱这一想法)

Shekels: dollars (from the biblical currency)锡克尔:美元(源于圣经货币)

Simoleons: dollars (perhaps from a combination of simon, slang for the British sixpence and later the American dollar, and napoleon, a form of French currency)金钱:美元(可能源于simonnapoleon的组合,前者是英国六便士也是随后美元的俚语表达,后者是一种法国货币)

Singles: one-dollar bills钞票:一元美钞

Skrilla: money (origin unknown)钞票:钱(起源未知)

Smackers: dollars (origin unknown)一块钱:美元(起源未知)

Spondulix: money (either from spondylus, a Greek word for a shell once used as currency, or from the prefix spondylo-, which means “spine” or “vertebra”; these have a common etymology)金钱:钱(源于海菊蛤或前缀spondylo-,前者是意为贝壳的希腊单词,曾用作货币,后者意为脊柱脊椎;二者词源相同)

Stacks: multiples of a thousand dollars草堆:多张千元美钞

Tenners: ten-dollar bills十元钞:10元美钞

Ten-spots: ten-dollar bills十点:10元美钞

Two bits: twenty-five cents (a reference to pieces of eight, divisible sections of a Mexican real, or dollar)两角五分:25美分(起源未知)

Wad: a bundle of paper money大量的钱:一捆纸币

Wampum: money (from the Native American term wampumpeag, referring to native currency)贝壳串珠:钱(源于印第安人术语白贝壳串珠,指代当地货币)

Yards: one hundred dollars码:百元美钞


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