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2017-01-12 14:55:46 686浏览



武当之巅,雷龙闪动,一副仿佛要灭世的样子的滚滚墨云,终于渐渐散去。At the summit of Wudang Mountains, the lightning streaks and thunder shrieks like a dragon roaring across the sky. The rolling clouds, black as if hell bent on swallowing the whole world, have finally begun to dissipate.

武当张真人,张三丰即将渡劫,这个消息震撼了修行界,已经有多少年没有人渡劫了,自从刘伯温斩龙脉之后,中华大地灵气一日不如一日,数百年在没有听闻有人渡劫。Immortal master Zhang Sanfeng is about to conquer his heavenly challenge, and this news shocked the doctrinal self-cultivation community, because it has been an uncounted number of years since the last completion of heavenly challenge. Ever since Liu Bowen slashed the dragon's vein, the spiritual power of the Chinese land dwindles by the day, and several centuries have gone by without anyone passing the heavenly challenge.

但是这个时候,一直被视为修行界第一高手的张三丰终于经过数百年的修炼,在几乎所有人都对飞升绝望的情况下,修炼到了飞升的临界点,渡劫飞升了。But this time, Zhang Sanfeng, who has always been considered the pinnacle of the doctrinal self-cultivation community, after a few hundred years of self-cultivation and when almost everyone has given up on the hope of ascension, has finally trained himself to the tipping point and finished his heavenly challenge, ready for ascension.

张三丰这个几百年来最具传奇性的名字,全天下修者的希望,即将继无数破碎虚空的先贤之后,破碎虚空了,飞升传说中环境优美,不老不死的天界了。Zhang Sanfeng, a name that has become synonymous with fables in the past couple of centuries and an embodiment of the hopes of the world's doctrinal self-cultivators, will soon follow the path of so many sages before him and break through the sky. Legend has it that after ascension, one will reach the heavenly realm where the landscape is the most beautiful and life knows no aging or death.

一步一登天!One step and onward to paradise!

跨出这一步,就能达到传说中不老不死的境界!Taking this one step means reaching the state of immortality!

这一刻,张三丰等了很久,中华修行界也等了很久了!Zhang Sanfeng has waited so long for this moment, and so has the doctrinal self-cultivation community of China!

皓月当空,天空犹如被风拂过的水面,不断波动,从容渡过天劫的张三丰凌空虚度,跨出山崖,在空中如履平地,一步一步走向波动的空间。A silver moon hangs overhead, and the sky ripples like water surface brushed by a light breeze. Zhang Sanfeng, having just completed his heavenly challenge in flying colors, strides off the cliff, treads on air as if on land, and with each step forward marches ever closer to the rippling space.

所有人都屏住呼吸,这是千百年难得一见的飞升啊,几百年前的传说,终于化为现实。All are holding their breaths, because the rare chance to witness an ascension does not come by every century. Legend passed on from a few hundred years ago is about to become reality.

看着张三丰的身影渐渐消失在波动的空间中,这时候,山腰处突然传来一声大喝:“秦方,交出《青莲圣歌》,饶你一命!” As Zhang Sanfeng's figure slowly fades into the rippling space, all of a sudden an outcry bursts from the middle of the mountain: "Qin Fang, hand over theGreen Lotus Hymn and I will let you live!"

话音未落,一道人影以风一般的速度飞掠上山顶,虽然这道人影速度极快,但是在场的人无一不是修行界各大门派大佬,目光如炬。The bellow was still resonating when a silhouette darted toward the peak like a gust of wind. Though speedy, but all those present are the bosses of the various factions of the doctrinal self-cultivation community and each and everyone of them possess eyes like eagles.

一眼就看出了这是一个约莫着二十岁上下的青年,一袭青衫,手持一柄发黑的铁剑,衣衫有些褴褛,还有些血迹,但是却不是他的,一张略微有些清秀的脸庞透着几分坚毅的表情。It is apparent that the silhouette is that of a youth in the twenties, clad in green and holding a black iron sword. His attire is a bit ragged and some places are stained with blood spots that are not his. Though his facial features are delicate, they are not enough to fully hide his resolved determination.

这个才不过二十岁上下的青年,竟然有着后天七品的修为,几乎比得上一些小宗派的长老了。This youth around his twenties already command the self-cultivation level of Acquired State Ninth Grade, which is comparable to the elders in some of the smaller sects.

一眨眼的功夫,这青年已经掠过众人,这时候所有人都反应过来了,青莲圣歌,传闻中的绝世功法,当年诗仙太白凭借一手青莲圣歌打遍天下无敌手,最终破空而去。At the blink of an eye, the youngster has already sped past the crowd and now everyone has realized what is going on. The Green Lotus Hymn is a formidable skill of legendary status, and back in the days Immortal Poet Taibai was invincible and able to defeat all opponents at will because of mastery of the Green Lotus Hymn technique, eventually breaking through the sky into heaven.

几乎是下意识的,众人已经做出了反应。It was almost as if everyone was guided by the same instinct.

    “小施主请留步!” Young master, please stay!

    “小子,不要跑!” Hey kid, stop!

    “交出青莲剑歌,本教主保你一命,嘎嘎!” Hand over the Green Lotus Hymn, and me and my sect will guarantee your safety!


秦方没有丝毫犹豫,脚下丝毫不停,身后这些或者道貌岸然,或者邪气凛然的大佬比起追杀他十天十夜的仇家也不会好心到哪里去!Qin Fang did not show half a moment of hesitation or the slightest sign of slowing down, leaving behind him the crowd of various bosses, some with solemn expressions, some exuding an evil and deadly aura, but surely none feel any happier than Qin's enemies who have been striving to chase him down for ten days and ten nights without any success.

这时候,半空中波动的空间波动的范围越来越小,秦方的眼中闪过一丝坚毅,留下来也是死,不如拼一把!At this time, the oscillation in the rippling space begins to shrink in scale. Qin Fang's eyes gleamed with a flash of resolve. If I stay I'd die anyway, might as well give it a try!

    “喝!秦方踏出悬崖朝波动的空间扑去,但是他哪有张三丰那种一步一登天,泰然自若的威势,眼见着即将掉落下去。"Go!" Qin Fang stepped off the cliff and launched himself toward the rippling space, but of course not in the tranquil and confident manner of Zhang Sanfeng. It looks like he is about to fall and crash into the ground below.

秦方脚下顿时无数真气爆裂开来,开出一朵青色莲花,秦方奋力一踏,顿时秦方受力再次飞了上去,脚下奋力一踏,又是一朵青莲出现。Instantaneously, a seemingly endless stream of life force blasted out from beneath his feet in the form of a green lotus. Qin stomps again and another green lotus blossomed out of thin air.

一定要赶上!I must catch up!

秦方咬着牙在心里想到,他连先天境界都没达到,远远做不到真气源源不绝,如长江如黄河,更别说飞行了,他不过是取巧罢了,但是消耗的真气却是一个可怕的程度,他又被追杀了十天十夜,一身真气和体力都将近枯竭,就这短短的几步就好像天堑一般遥远。Qin grits his teeth as he thinks that he hasn't even achieved Natural State, which means the source of life force is not endless like the flow of the Yangtze or the Yellow River, so flying is definitely out of the question. He just leveraged on some bit of trickery, but the expenditure of life force is genuine. Compounding the trouble is that he has been fleeing for ten days and ten nights, and his reservoir was almost fully depleted, so these few steps felt like the distance between two ends of the earth.

    “小子,想跑,给老子留下来!” Boy, don't even think of going anywhere!

    “小施主莫走,阿弥陀佛!” Young one, don't go, amitabha!

    “去死吧!” Go to hell!


在场各位大佬见秦方想走,哪里还不知道他打的主意,顿时又惊又怒。The bosses on hand sees that Qin Fang is attempting to run again and everyone knows very clearly what he is thinking, all erupting with both fear and anger.

顿时各式法器出手,无数道流光朝秦方猛扑过来。Every instrument and tool in view were drawn and countless rays of light shoot toward Qin Fang with deadly ferocity.

拼了!This is it!

波动的空间就在眼前,秦方脚下爆踩出一朵青莲,身子一头栽进只剩下半人多高的波动空间中。The rippling space is just ahead. A green lotus bloomed from underneath his feet, and Qin dives forward into the rippling space that has shrunk to a size no larger than half the height of an ordinary man.

紧接着顿时一阵昏天黑地,秦方终于支持不住,昏了过去!What follows right after is an irresistible pitch black abyss. Qin Fang finally could no longer hold it together and succumbed to the vertigo.

波动空间轰然消失,无数道法器流光终究没能赶上,在场无数的大佬纷纷又是遗憾又是感叹这小子运气好,竟然赶上了张三丰张真人的末班车,前往了传说中的仙界他们怎么就没想到,竟然还有这种方法。The rippling space disappeared in mid-air, and the countless rays from the instruments and tools ultimately could not catch up, and the countless bosses on site are filled with both regret and awe at the unbelievably good fortune of the kid, who caught on the trail of the great master Zhang Sanfeng toward the legendary paradise. If only one of them could have come up with an idea like Qin's.


一片郁郁葱葱的树林冲天而起,遮天蔽日,一幅原始世界的苍莽景象。Swaths of verdant forests rise toward the sky, blocking the sun from the terrain below and resembling the vastness of the prehistoric world.

虎啸猿啼,天空中不时的有不知名的巨大飞禽或高或低掠过天空中。Tigers growl and apes howl, while every now and then giant fowls of unknown species sweeps across the sky, sometimes high up in the air, sometimes low and close to the ground.

这是。。。天界 This is...heaven

秦方在心里犯嘀咕,这就是传说了几千年的天界?怎么感觉回到了洪荒世界,苍莽景象,怪物横行。Qin's mind is racing. So this is the same heaven described in thousand years of tales? Why does it feel like being thrown back to the archaic universe with all these vastness and beasts.

有长年之光景?日月不夜之山川。宝盖层台?四时明媚。这才是传说中的仙界的场景,但是现在完全颠覆了秦方心中的印象。 Gorgeous views for infinite years? Mountains and rivers that are always illuminated by the sun and the moon? Pagodas and terraces? Radiant and enchanting dawns and dusks? These are the imageries that come to mind when one thinks of heaven, and right now the scene in view is utterly flipping his preconception upside down.

秦方动了一下身子,全身酸软无力,全身的真气在缓缓回复,力量也在一点一点的回复当中。Qin tries to move his limbs but to no avail. His entire body is sore and drained, his life force and physical strength only beginning to replenish bit by bit.

这里就是传说中的天界么?那些传说了几千年,破空而来的前辈们也在么?秦方肚子里许多的疑问,一时间也得不到回答。So this is the heaven as told in the legends? Those predecessors that broke through the sky as told in the legends, are they here too? Qin Fang has a bosom overflowing with questions but no answer is coming anytime soon.

现在他首先要做的是,恢复实力,这个地方给他一种不安全的感觉。First thing first, what he needs to focus on right now is recovering his capacity because this place is giving him an acute sense of danger.

他修炼的功法,乃是一次偶然间得到的功法,《青莲圣歌》,传闻中,这是诗仙李太白当年仗之横行天下的绝世功法,秦方也是偶然间获得了这套功法,才走上了修行之路,在此之前他也不过是一个普通人罢了。The technique he practices is a technique that he happened to have obtained by random chance. The Green Lotus Hymn, as legends go, was the formidable technique that bestowed Immortal Poet Li Taibai with his invincible prowess. Qin Fang started down the path of doctrinal self-cultivation because he came into contact with this technique by accident, before which he was just another regular run-of-the-mill kind of guy.

后来他得到《青莲圣歌》的事情泄露出去了,于是就开始长达两年的被追杀的历程。After word got out that he acquired the Green Lotus Hymn, that was when the hunt for his head started, which has gone on for some two years already.

《青莲圣歌》不愧是传说中剑仙李太白(是詩仙又不是李白還是劍仙哦)的绝世功法,短短七年的时间,秦方就从一个普通人一跃成为一个后天七品的小高手,在地球这样的环境中,一般人没有三四十年是根本不可能达到这种实力的。The Green Lotus Hymn is truly worthy of its reputation in legends as the technique of the invulnerable Immortal Swordsman Li Taibai. In the short span of seven years, Qin was catapulted from a common folk into something of an expert at Acquire State Seventh Grade. In an environment like the earth's, it would take somewhere between 30 to 40 years of diligent effort for a normal person to reach this caliber of ability.

好在他并没有受伤,只是脱力了,否则在这一派蛮荒景象的世界,说不定就会遇到了什么危险!Fortunately he is not hurt, just burned out. Otherwise, in a primeval world like this, it would be hard to say if danger finds its way to him.

没过多久,秦方的实力也已经恢复的差不多了,起身认准一个方向,拖着长剑,朝前走去,大约走了小半个小时,一条可以容纳八车同行的驰道出现在他的面前。 After a while, Qin Fang has more or less recuperated. He gets up, finds his bearing and moves ahead as he drags his sword on. After a little less than half an hour of walking, a carriage road wide enough for eight carts to stand side by side materializes in front of him.

驰道,这绝对不是大自然的杰作,绝对是人工的杰作,也就是说,这里附近有人,想到这里,秦方的心情顿时大好。Carriage road is certainly no work of nature but the construction of mankind. In other words, people live around here. At this thought, Qin feels much more elated about he situation.

随即秦方注意到驰道附近,甚至是驰道上,各种长达四五米巨大不知名巨兽的骸骨随处可见,甚至秦方还注意到有长达数十米的巨大骸骨横在远处,极为骇人。But soon, Qin notices along the carriage road, and even on the road itself, are various sorts of skeletons and bodily remains roughly four to five meters long, belonging to beasts of unknown origins. To his dismay, Qin even made out a skeleton several dozen meters long strewn across the thoroughfare further ahead.

脚下的整个不知道绵延多少里的驰道全部都是由不明岩石铺垫而成,历经了不知道多少年的风雨,秦方有种感觉,就算再过千年,万年,这里也不会有任何改变。 Beneath his feet, this carriage road of undetermined length is laid with stones and rocks of unfamiliar types and has withstood an unknown number of years of weathering and usage. A thought arose in his mind, even after a thousand years, or even ten thousand years, no change will come to this forsaken land.

如果这都是人工完成的话,那场面一定非常浩大,俗世间是不会有这样千年万年都不变的道路的,不过想到这里可能就是传说中的天界,似乎也没什么不可能的。If these were built artificially, then the scene of construction must have been quite a marvel. In the world of humans, there are no roads that can remain unchanged for tens of thousands of years. Yet, this place is probably heaven, and it seems like anything is a possibility here.

秦方望向远方,先他一步到了这里的张三丰呢,还有那些传闻中飞升了的诸多先贤呢!Qin Fang squints and looks farther ahead. What happened to Zhang Sanfeng, who was supposed to have arrived before him? And what about those sages of the past that legends say ascended here!

是否,都在这里!Are they all here!


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