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2016-11-14 10:41:25 700浏览



翻译天堂  2016-11-14

Alibaba, the world’s biggest commerce group, delivered a stark warning to incoming US president Donald Trump that any upsets in China relations would be detrimental for the US and rippleacross the globe.全球最大电子商务集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)直言不讳地提醒即将上任的美国总统唐纳德特朗普(Donald Trump)称,任何颠覆对华关系的行为都会不利于美国并波及全球。

Joe Tsai, vice chairman of Alibaba, warned that the rest of the world looked to the US for economic leadership and that any disengagement would be harmful – particularly in the case of China, writes Louse Lucas.阿里巴巴董事局执行副主席蔡崇信(Joe Tsai)提醒称,全球其他地区都在把美国作为经济上的带头羊,任何与世界脱节的行为都是有害的——尤其是在中国的问题上。

If Chinese investors cannot invest in the US and create more jobs in the US, then [as president] you would be in trouble. We think the relationship between China and the US will define our century and be crucial for both countries, as well as the rest of the world,” he said.他说:如果中国投资者不能投资美国并在美国创造更多就业,你(作为总统)就会遇上麻烦。我们认为,中美关系将决定我们这个世纪,它对中美双方、对全球其他地区都至关重要。

The relationship between the US and China is absolutely crucial for everybody in the world,” he said, noting that China created an additional $700bn of net wealth a year, or more than America’s $200bn, based on economic growth.他说:美中关系对全球任何人都绝对是至关重要的。并指出,按照中国的经济增长速度推算,中国每年创造的净财富会增加7000亿美元,超过了美国的2000亿美元。

That means China is going to be, and already is, the source of consumer demand and the source of capital for America.” “这意味着中国将会成为,也已经成为消费需求的来源和美国资本的来源。

Taiwan-born and US educated Mr Tsai was speaking on the eve of Singles Day, the world’s biggest shopping bonanza. Last year it pulled in $14.3bn and this year sees Alibaba taking the first steps to globalising the event. 在台湾出生、在美国接受教育的蔡崇信是在光棍节”(Singles Day)前夜发表这番讲话的。光棍节是全球规模最大的购物狂欢。去年,光棍节曾吸金143亿美元。今年,阿里巴巴采取了初步举措,欲将该活动全球化。

Alibaba, one of China’s BAT tech trinity along with Baidu and Tencent, is the biggest tech giant to voice concerns ahead of the new US Presidency but fears are lurking more broadly in the sector. 阿里巴巴是名为BAT的中国高科技三巨头之一(另外两家分别是百度(Baidu)和腾讯(Tencent)),它是在美国新总统上任前发声表示担忧的最大的高科技巨头。不过,高科技部门普遍隐含着对特朗普的担忧情绪。

Putative Chinese takeovers of US companies in the sector – including some in far from cutting edge areas like light bulbs – have already been blocked by US regulators and fears are that a Trump presidency may see a ramp up in quashed deals. 此前在该部门,已有多起公认为是中国人对美企的收购被美国监管部门封杀——包括灯泡之类远不是科技前沿领域的企业。有人担心,特朗普上任后被封杀的并购交易也许会增加。

Mr Tsai added: “When you are in the position of president you have a responsibility to look out for your country and the best solution for America is to engage with the rest of the world because we live in a global market place”.蔡崇信还表示:当你坐到总统的位子上,你就有责任照看你的国家。对美国来说,最好的解决方案是与全球其他地区融为一体,因为我们是生活在全球化的市场中。”


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