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2016-11-03 11:21:44 770浏览



翻译天堂  2016-11-03

Space Journal: Entry 4

I found two "arteries" in my neck

ABOARD TIANGONG-2 Oct. 31 (Xinhua) -- Today is Oct. 30 my 12th day on board Tiangong-2. I am Xinhua space correspondent Chen Dong.今天是进入天宫二号的第十二天(1030日),我是新华社太空特约记者陈冬。

I would like to tell you about our in-orbit gravity-free cardiovascular experiments or as we call the whole process the "CDS experiment" which track changes to our bodies while we are in orbit. 我给大家科普一下在轨的一个实验——失重心血管研究实验,简称CDS实验,主要用来在轨检查我们身体的一些指标。

The CDS device features an electrocardiograph (ECG) wire that has four leads attached to our bodies. It measures things like our heart rate and blood pressure. The device that measures our blood pressure is put onto our arms just like how a ground-based doctor would measure a patient's blood pressure. In addition there is a sensor used to measure respiration. It is wrapped in a black bag and we hang it from our necks to measure our chest breathing and belly breathing. CDS装置上有一根心电信号线,这根线有四个探头,连接在身上,测量我们的心率。在心电信号线下面的口袋里,装有测量血压的设备,和地面上的操作是一样的,展开后套在胳膊上。还有一个黑色袋子,里面包裹了一个传感器,主要用来测量呼吸,可以搭在我们的胸部和腹部,来测量胸部呼吸和腹部呼吸。

There is also another fairly-curious instrument which I am sure many of you may not have heard of. It is called a laser Doppler device. This device measures the microcirculation of our blood vessels. As far as I know this is the first time that China has tested it in space. 还有比较神秘的一个设备,用来测量我们的激光多普勒。使用激光多普勒探头,可以测量皮肤上细小血管的微循环。据我所知,这是目前我国首次在太空上使用。

The biggest difference between a CDS experiment in space and one on the ground is ultrasound. Under zero gravity our organs are slightly displaced. As a result organs that are usually easy to find on Earth are much more difficult to locate when in space. We have to be aware of this and move the wires accordingly. 在太空做CDS实验和地面上最不一样的地方就是超声。因为在太空中失重后,人的器官会发生一定的位移,所以在地面上很好找的位置,在天上就变得不太容易找,需要我们反复地变换探头来寻找它。

The data we are generating and reviewing are primarily used to monitor the difference between our body indexes up here and on Earth: we are trying to find out which ones change and do not. This precious data will be analyzed further by ground staff and will give a clearer picture of the subtle changes that occur in a gravity-free environment.

I would like to share an interesting discovery: Normally on Earth we only have one artery in (either side of) our necks. But there are two in space. Earlier in the mission I misidentified the blood vessel because the vein besides our artery becomes thicker in space.


给大家讲一个有趣的事,平常我们做脖子的动脉检查时,很明显就一条动脉,但在天上发现有两条。一开始我就找错了,找成旁边的静脉了,因为到天上后,旁边的静脉也变得很粗,很容易搞错。 这也是我们为什么在天上做这个实验,就是来对比,来找这些不同点,来研究大家在失重环境下一些不同的地方。

There are many things that I had assumed before coming up here that have proven to be wrong. For example I had imagined that I would have a rather complete round bright view of Earth with the expansive darkness of space in the background. In fact we are not far enough away for this -- so from the porthole I just see part of Earth.其实,进入太空后很多事情跟想象中不同。上天之前我想象,看地球应该是能看到一个比较完整的圆形,背景是广袤无垠的太空,很黑,地球很亮。但实际上,我们离地球的高度还不是很高,所以从舷窗看出去,还只能看到地球的一部分。

Another discovery for me is my new-found almost super human strength I can maneuver heavy items much easier up here than on Earth. For example a very heavy piece of equipment on the Earth may need two or three people to carry and install onto the wall of the capsule. But in space by gently using one hand or two fingers I can move it as I wish. While I feel that my strength has increased all of a sudden because of being in space -- that is sadly not the case. In fact it is the items that have lost weight. I think that in space it would be easy to break all sorts of weightlifting world records. 此外,我感觉到自己变成了大力士,因为在地面上非常重的东西,在这里我很轻松地就能把它拿起来。例如,一个在地面很重的设备,可能需要两三人扶着,才能把它装到舱壁。但在太空中,轻轻地用一只手或者两个手指,就可以把它随意地来回移动。我感觉自己在太空中一下子力气变大了,实际上是这些东西都没有重量了。我想,应该在太空中很容易打破各种举重世界纪录。

I have only lived in space for less than a fortnight and I am still learning. I hope my friends to share all these new experiences with you. 我在太空中生活才10天左右,还很短,还在慢慢体会中。如果后续能再发现更有趣的东西,还会跟朋友们一起分享。


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