翻译天堂 2016-10-12
Recently newspapers have reported that officials in a little-known mountainous area near Guiyang, Guizhou Province wanted to turn the area into a “central business district” for Guiyang and invited a foreign design company to give it an entirely new look. The design company came up with a blueprint for unconventional, super-futuristic buildings. This has triggered off different responses. Some appreciate of the bold innovation of the design, but others held that it failed to reflect regional characteristics or local cultural heritage. What is your view on this? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.In the first part of your essay you should state dearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
The first time I visited Las Vegas, I saw a city of architectural wonders, unprecedented luxury and glamour, and the miniature of all exotic beauty in the vast and remote desert of Arizona. However, the idea of bringing a number of unconventional and super-futuristic buildings to a mountainous area in Guiyang sounds nothing but a joke to me. Despite the local government’s expectation of making the little-known mountainous area into a “central business district”, I dare say it may not necessarily lead to the economic success as wished, but may turn out to be a huge loss to the area. Because the mountainous area doesn’t provide the sufficient resources for a successful running of business, the marketing of the natural resources goes against the needs of the consumer, and the local cultural heritage and regional characteristics may face serious damage.
开首句引入较好,有特色、用词用句优美、审题有点偏差、Thesis statement写得不错、开头段总体符合要求,既介绍了背景,又提出了自己的观点,还指出下面将从三个方面来进行论证、论点与主题有点偏差、用了140词,不够简练。
To begin with, the mountainous area doesn’t meet the needs of a successful central business district. For the success of business, you need a right market, a bunch of right people and the sufficient supporting resources. For manufacturing business you need facilitated transportation for logistics, which is obviously lack in the mountainous area and the cost of infrastructure building will be unpredictable. For service industry you need a bunch of qualified employees, but who might want to work in this little-known area and whether the local residents are qualified still remain a problem. And since the productivity and living standards in mountainous area are mostly below the average in China, a potential market for the revenue of the business is hardly seen in this case.
(1)段落结构完美:Topic sentence、Supporting sentence、Conclusing sentence(2)用修辞手段强调观点,如:排比句 For…、语言运用洗练、得体、缺点:论据符合论点,但是与主题有偏差。
Secondly, the marketing of the mountainous area to be a business central district seems to go against the needs of the consumers. As a marketer you have to learn what your target consumer needs. For Guiyang, I think most people visit for the natural beauty of the landscape and to seek a retreat from the city. The so-called “central business district”, though harbours a beautiful blueprint in mind, is actually more attractive to the tourists rather than the cunning investors.
Thirdly, the local cultural heritage and regional characteristics are under threat with the construction of the business district. Environment will face damage and the local people will face huge cultural shock which might probably lead to the break of cultural heritage continuity. Not to mention the great damage it might bring to the mountainous area that changes it to every other business district. In fact, we need more of the typical features of an area than a uniformed city.
这二段比上面一段逊色,但还是比较严谨,思路明晰。第二点从consumer角度议论,第三点从cultural heritage and regional characteristics 方面议论。讨论比较泛,不够具体。语言语句运用得体,流畅。
The success of Las Vegas contributes to the lucrative gambling profit and huge amount of investment, which Guiyang apparently could not afford. To make a decision, you have to weigh the cost, outcome and the predictable profit. In the case of Guiyang, the government should be more cautious in making such a decision, as the tax-payers’ money may be put at stake。
宫崎骏说:“自从立志成为动漫师起,我就决心不为任何而改变自己。” (这句话放在宫崎骏材料的叙述之后,可能更好。)他人的赞誉或指责,不必过于在意。不妨学莠草:人云随他去,我自任逍遥。(回归材料“不妨学莠草”,强调观点,“我自任逍遥”。)