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2016-09-08 14:54:37 2509浏览


翻译天堂  2016-09-08

Robert Lynd - Arguments against Smoking

It is always inspiring to see a brave man fighting for a lost cause, and I never cease to admire the Jacobitish zeal with which year after year Mr. John Ervine carries on a guerrilla warfare against the ever-increasing power of tobacco. I admire it all the more because I have fired a few shots in the war against tobacco myself, and have invariably retired defeated, with the sign of defeat, a cigarette in my mouth. I can go on fighting for a week or a month, but there always comes a time when I strike my colors--and a match.


Henry James - Too Distinguished to be a Personality

When the porter’s wife (she used to answer the house-bell), announced “A gentleman--with a lady, sir,” I had, as I often had in those days, for the wish was father to the thought, an immediate vision of sitters. Sitters my visitors in this case proved to be; but not in the sense I should have preferred. However, there was nothing at first to indicate that they might not have come for a portrait......It was a truth of which I had for some time been conscious that a figure with a good deal of frontage was, as one might say, almost never a public institution. A glance at the lady helped to remind me of this paradoxical law: She also looked too distinguished to be a “personality”. Moreover one would scarcely come across two variations together.


Freya Stark - Happiness Consists in Love

Who can say in remoteness of time, in what difference of earthly shape, love first come to us as a stranger in the jungle? We, in our human family, know him through dependence in childhood, through possession in youth, through sorrow and loss in their season. In childhood we are happy to receive; it is the first opening of love. In youth we take and give, dedicate and possess—rapture and anguish are mingled, until parenthood brings a dedication that, to be happy, must ask for no return. All these are new horizons of content, which the lust of holding, the enemy of love, slowly contaminates. Loss, sorrow and separation come, sickness and death; possession, that tormented us, is nothing in our hands; it vanishes. Love’s elusive entrenchment, his ubiquitous pretence, again become apparent; and in age we may reach a haven that asking for nothing knows how to enjoy.


David Riesman - Aloneness is Worse than Failure

What is feared as failure in American society is, above all, aloneness. And aloneness is terrifying because it means that there is no one, no group, no approved cause to submit to. Even success often becomes impossible to bear when it is not socially approved or even known. This is perhaps why successful criminals often feel the need to confess, that is, to submit to the community’s judgment, represented in the person to whom the confession is made. They will confess even under circumstances where this will probably, if not certainly, endanger their previous success: proof, I think, that aloneness is more intolerable than mere failure. For mere failure, provided it is found in company, can rather easily be borne; many ideologies have the function of making it possible for people to digest the worst miseries and even death. Under the sway of the ideologies, they do not feel the impact of their failure; they are in the grip of an authority, even if it lets them down. On the other hand, one who is, alone lacks this solace which can make even failure comfortable.



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