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2016-09-05 15:14:32 1974浏览


翻译天堂  2016-09-05

  8、地方经贸合作:中美双方认识到中美省州和城市间经贸合作对促进双边贸易和投资的重要作用,将进一步落实两国政府在第26届中美商贸联委会期间签署的《中华人民共和国商务部和美利坚合众国商务部关于建立促进中美地方贸易投资合作框架的谅解备忘录》,通过中国商务部、中国驻美使领馆和美国商务部、美国驻华使领馆,以及其他利益相关方,加强双方信息沟通和协调,以适当的方式,共同支持谅解备忘录框架下的贸易和投资团组互访和相关促进活动。 8. Recognizing the important role China-U.S. trade and economic cooperation is playing at the subnational level, China and the United States are to further the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the Department of Commerce of the United States of America and the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China to Establish a Framework to Promote Cooperation at the Subnational Level on Trade and Investment between China and the United States signed by the two governments during 26th Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade, strengthen bilateral communication and coordination through China's Ministry of Commerce, the Chinese Embassy and Consulates General in the United States, U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Embassy and Consulates General in China, and other stakeholders to jointly support, where appropriate, the exchanges of the trade and investment groups and relevant promoting activities under the MOU framework.

  9、政府和社会资本合作(PPP):中美双方承诺向各自的地方政府宣传推广政府和社会资本合作(PPP)模式的最佳实践,并进一步加强在公共服务设施投资和运营领域的交流与信息共享。 9. China and the United States commit to promote the dissemination of public-private partnership best practices to their respective subnational government entities and to further strengthen communication and information exchange in the area of public service facilities investment and operation.

  10、出口管制:美方重申,继续促进和便利商用高技术产品对华民用最终用户和民用最终用途出口。双方重申,继续通过中美高技术与战略贸易工作组深入并详细讨论共同关心的出口管制问题。 10. The United States reiterated its commitment to encourage and facilitate export of commercial high technology items to China for civilian end-users and for civilian end-uses. Both sides reiterated their commitments to continue detailed and in-depth discussion of export control issues of mutual interest through the China-U.S. High Technology and Strategic Trade Working Group.

  11、多边贸易体制:中美双方重申WTO在当今全球经济的中心地位,并承诺在WTO事务中加强沟通与协调。双方继续致力于优先推动多哈发展议程剩余议题的谈判,并坚定地共同维护和加强多边贸易体制。双方还注意到,各个区域贸易协定中涉及的和G20工商界提出的一系列议题,也许对当前全球经济具有共同利益和重要性,因此可成为WTO讨论的合理议题,但不对各自在未来谈判中的可能立场进行预判。 11. China and the United States reaffirm the central role of the WTO in today's global economy, and commit to enhance communication and coordination on WTO issues. Both sides remain committed to advance negotiations on the remaining Doha Development Agenda issues as a matter of priority and are determined to work together to further strengthen the multilateral trading system. Both sides also note that a range of issues, such as those addressed in various regional trade agreements and by the B20, may be of common interest and importance to today's global economy, and thus may be legitimate issues for discussions in the WTO, without prejudice to respective positions relating to possible negotiations in the future.




12. Recognizing the importance of an efficient aviation system to the safe and secure transport of people and goods, and the strategic role that air transport plays in overall economic development, China and the United States commit to take individual and joint steps to address air transport system challenges. China-U.S. aviation cooperation should be based on mutual benefit and the whole-of-government approach established at the June 2016 Strategic and Economic Dialogue. The two sides commit to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on the following areas:

-- The two sides acknowledge the importance of safety oversight and economic regulation to the development of air transportation and commit to pursue activities related to new and enhanced cooperation in these areas by civil aviation authorities.

-- Building on existing civil aviation cooperation between China and the United States, the two sides commit to conduct exchanges and explore cooperation on priority topics of mutual interest such as enhancing the efficiency of civil aviation and development of general aviation under technical assistance provided by the U.S. Trade & Development Agency.



13. Military-to-Military Relations: The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to implementing the consensus reached by their national and military leaders, enhancing strategic dialogue, deepening practical cooperation, strengthening risk management, avoiding unexpected incidents, and promoting the sustained and smooth development of China-U.S. military relations. The two sides stressed the significance of military practical cooperation in enhancing mutual trust and expanding common interests, and agreed to continue deepening the exchanges and cooperation in the areas of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR), counter-piracy, search and rescue, military health-care and UN peace-keeping, etc. The two sides will continue to jointly hold the HA/DR exercises and relevant exchanges, and launch consultation on the establishment of dialogue mechanism between their joint staff departments. The two sides agreed to have further exchange of views on international counter-terrorism issues. The military medicine departments of the two sides will co-host the 1st China-U.S. military medical experts exchange on acupuncture therapy in China in 2017, and co-host the Asia Pacific Military Health Exchange (APMHE) in China in 2018. At the invitation of the U.S. side, China will send a delegation to participate in a bilateral workshop on submarine rescue to be held in the U.S..

The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to implementing the two MOUs regarding confidence building measures signed by the Chinese Ministry of National Defense and the U.S. Department of Defense, namely The Notification Mechanism of Major Military Activities and the Rules of Behavior for safety of Air and Maritime Encounters (ROB), in an active and strict manner. The two sides agreed to conduct joint training and seminar on familiarization and utilization of ROB within this year, when Chinese naval ships make port call in the U.S..

  14、网络安全:双方均认为,中美在网络领域拥有共同利益和责任。双方重申20159月习近平主席访美期间两国元首达成的共识,同意继续加强两国在这一领域的合作,携手应对挑战。双方高度评价20166月第二次中美打击网络犯罪及相关事项高级别联合对话的成果,决定于12月在华盛顿举行第三次中美打击网络犯罪及相关事项高级别联合对话。双方充分肯定20168月举行的网络安全保护研讨会成果,决定如期于10月举行针对不正当使用技术和通讯帮助暴力恐怖活动研讨会。双方肯定中美网络空间国际规则高级别专家组首次会议的价值,决定在2016年内举行第二次高级别专家组会议。 14. Cyber Security: Both sides shared the view that China and the United States have common interests and responsibilities in cyberspace. Both sides reaffirmed the consensus reached by the two heads of state during President Xi's visit to the U.S. in September 2015, and agreed to continue to enhance cooperation in this area and jointly tackle challenges. The two sides highly commended the outcomes of the 2nd China-U.S. High-Level Dialogue on Cybercrime and Related Issues in June 2016, and decided to hold the third China-U.S. High Level Dialogue on Cybercrime and Related Issues in Washington D.C. in December 2016. Both sides recognized the outcome of the seminar on cyber security protection in August 2016, and decided to hold the Illegitimate Usage of Technology and Communication Assisting Violent Terrorism Activities Forum in October. The two sides recognized the value of the inaugural meeting of the Senior Experts Group on International Norms in Cyberspace and Related issues, and decided to hold the 2nd round of the Senior Experts Group meeting within 2016.

  15、执法合作:双方积极评价两国近年来在执法领域的合作成果,同意继续发挥好中美执法合作联合联络小组(JLG)作为两国执法合作主渠道的作用,进一步深化并加强在遣返逃犯、追缴犯罪资产等方面的执法合作。双方将就承认与执行没收判决事宜举行磋商,争取达成适当安排。双方同意于2016年秋天在中国举行中美JLG14次全体会议。中国公安部与美国国土安全部将于201612月在华盛顿举行部级会晤。双方决定深化并加强禁毒领域执法合作,同意定期交换合成毒品及其类似物列管清单,共同应对新型毒品挑战。 15. Law Enforcement Cooperation: Both sides commended the outcomes of their law enforcement cooperation in recent years, and agreed to continue to deepen and strengthen law enforcement cooperation including fugitives repatriation and criminal assets recovery, by utilizing the Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation (JLG) as the principal mechanism of bilateral law enforcement cooperation. The two sides will hold consultations on the issue of recognition and enforcement of forfeiture judgments with the aim of reaching proper arrangements. The two sides agreed to hold the 14th plenary session of the JLG in China in fall of 2016. The Ministry of Public Security of China and the Department of Homeland Security of U.S. will hold a minister-level meeting in Washington D.C. in December 2016. The two sides decided to deepen and enhance cooperation on counter-narcotics law enforcement, and agreed to routinely exchange lists of controlled synthetic drugs and their analogs, and jointly tackle challenges posed by new drugs.



16. Anti-corruption, Fugitive Repatriation and Asset Recovery: The two sides applauded the important achievements in their practical cooperation on anti-corruption, fugitive repatriation and asset recovery in recent years, and decided to enhance cooperation on information sharing and individual cases between their anti-corruption and law enforcement authorities and deepen practical cooperation. They reaffirmed the role of the China-U.S. Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation through the Working Group on Anti-Corruption (JLG ACWG) as the principal channel and will actively explore ways to raise the efficiency and the impact of cooperation. China commended the U.S. assistance and cooperation on priority cases. The two sides will continue to cooperate on repatriating fugitives and illegal immigrants through chartered flights. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation on anti-money laundering and corruption asset recovery, jointly implement the relevant documents including the MOU on Anti-money Laundering and Anti-terrorist Financing Information Sharing, and consult on mutual recognition and execution of confiscation and an agreement on asset sharing. The two sides also agreed to consult on lawful procedures of returning criminal suspects through communication.

The two sides supported the endorsement by the G20 Summit of the High-level Principles on Persons Sought for Corruption and Asset Recovery and its decision to establish in China the Research Center on International Cooperation Regarding Persons Sought for Corruption and Asset Recovery, and committed to jointly promote the implementation of the G20 2017-2018 Anti-corruption Action Plan. The two sides will further strengthen anti-corruption cooperation under multilateral frameworks such as UNCAC, G20 and APEC, deny safe haven to the corrupt and their criminal proceeds, continue to implement the 2014 APEC Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption, and support the work of ACT-NET. The two sides decided to convene the 11th meeting of the JLG Anti-corruption Working Group before the end of 2016.

  17、反恐合作:双方均认为,恐怖主义对国际和地区稳定与安全的威胁进一步上升,中美加强反恐领域合作的必要性、紧迫性增强。双方重申反对一切形式的恐怖主义,呼吁国际社会按照《联合国宪章》和国际关系基本准则,积极开展反恐国际合作,有力打击恐怖主义。双方同意本着相互尊重、平等合作原则,加强在反恐情报信息交流、打击网络恐怖主义、防范外国恐怖作战分子跨境流窜、反恐怖融资、去极端化等具体领域务实合作。美方根据美13224号行政令将东伊运列为恐怖组织并支持将该组织列入联合国1267委员会综合制裁清单,中方对此表示赞赏。双方决定于2016年晚些时候在华盛顿举行中美第三轮副外长级反恐磋商及第二次中美打击简易爆炸装置问题研讨会。 17. Counter-Terrorism Cooperation: The two sides recognized the rising threat of terrorism to regional and global stability and security, and the greater necessity and urgency in strengthening China-U.S. cooperation on counter-terrorism. The two sides reiterated their opposition to terrorism in all its forms and called on the international community to actively conduct counter-terrorism cooperation and effectively combat terrorism in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and other basic norms governing international relations. The two sides agreed to promote practical cooperation in concrete areas such as information sharing on counter-terrorism, combating terrorists' use of the Internet, stemming trans-border flow of foreign terrorist fighters, countering terrorist financing and de-radicalization, in line with the principle of mutual respect and equal-footed cooperation. China expressed appreciation that the U.S. designated the East Turkistan Islamic Movement under the U.S. Executive Order 13224 and supported its listing at the United Nations 1267 Committee. The two sides decided to hold the 3rd round of China-U.S. Counter-terrorism Consultation at vice-ministerial level and the 2nd round of China-U.S. Countering Improvised Explosive Devices Workshop in Washington in late 2016.

  18、海警合作:双方强调加强中美海警部门在人员往来、舰船互访、情报信息交换及共同打击海上违法犯罪等方面开展合作的重要性,同意共同努力,以便早日签署《中美海警海上执法合作备忘录》。双方还积极评价《中美海警海上相遇安全行为准则》第二轮专家磋商取得的进展,确认在改善舰舰相遇安全、有效履行海上执法职责、维护海洋秩序等方面拥有共同利益和目标,同意继续推进有关磋商,争取尽早达成《准则》。 18. Coast Guard Cooperation: The two sides emphasized the importance of strengthening personnel exchanges, exchange of vessel port calls, information sharing and jointly combating maritime illegal activities and crimes by the Chinese and U.S. coastguard authorities, and expressed intent to work together to sign the MOU on maritime law enforcement cooperation between Chinese and U.S. coast guards at an early date. The two sides commended the progress made in the second round of expert consultation on the rules of behavior for safety of maritime encounters between the Chinese and U.S. coast guards, confirmed their shared interests and goals in such areas as improving safety of surface to surface encounters, implementing maritime law enforcement responsibilities and maintaining maritime order, and agreed to continue to advance relevant consultations in order to conclude the rules of behavior at an early date.

  19、人文交流:双方充分肯定加强两国人文交流对增进彼此相互了解和友谊的重要作用,同意继续推动和落实好有关交流合作项目。中国国家旅游局和美国商务部将继续共同推进中美旅游高层对话、中美旅游年闭幕式暨5000名中国游客访美大型交流活动等中美旅游年各项活动。双方重申对中美共建中国园项目的支持,拟于20161030日前在华盛顿举行开工建设仪式。双方商定将于20169月至10月在美国加利福尼亚州和华盛顿州多个城市举办第三届跨越太平洋-中国艺术节系列活动。20173月至7月,中国国家文物局和纽约大都会艺术博物馆将在纽约合作举办《秦汉文明展》。 19. People-to-People Exchanges: The two sides fully recognized the important role of enhanced people-to-people exchanges in increasing mutual understanding and friendship between China and the United States, and agreed to continue to push forward and implement relevant cooperative programs. The China National Tourism Administration and the U.S. Department of Commerce will continue to jointly carry out China-U.S. Tourism Leadership Summit and various programs of the China-U.S. Tourism Year, including the Closing Ceremony of the China-U.S. Tourism Year/the exchange program of 5,000 Chinese tourists visiting the U.S.. The two sides reaffirmed the support to the China Garden Project and intent to hold groundbreaking ceremony before October 30, 2016 in Washington D.C.. The two sides decided that the 3rd Across the Pacific: Chinese Arts Festival would be held in relevant cities of California and Washington State from September to October, 2016. The China State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the U.S. Metropolitan Museum of Art will jointly present an exhibition on the cultural heritage of Qin & Han dynasties in New York from March to July, 2017.



20. Sub-national Cooperation: The two sides spoke highly of the important progress made over the years in China-U.S. sub-national exchange and cooperation, and supported their relevant departments and provinces/states to further expand cooperation. The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, and Sister Cities International will jointly host the Third China-U.S. Sister Cities Conference in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, from November 18 to 19, 2016. Local government leaders and representatives from different sectors of the two countries will hold discussions and plan for future cooperation on building healthy cities. The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and U.S. National Governors Association will jointly host the Fourth China-U.S. Governors Forum in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, in 2017. The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and U.S. State Legislative Leaders Foundation will jointly host the Second China-U.S. Sub-National Legislatures Cooperation Forum in Wuhan, Hubei Province, in 2017.

China and the United States affirmed their commitment to strengthening sub-national cooperation and announced the launch of a new program to promote effective municipal governance. The program - led by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the National League of Cities, and with support from the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and other Chinese and U.S. organizations as appropriate - is intended to host exchanges and workshops on environmentally sustainable urban planning, developing healthy communities, open government information, public participation and other governance issues. The first exchange is planned for early 2017 in the United States.


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