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2016-08-04 10:20:43 2755浏览


MTI之神·鬼谷一喵  翻译天堂  2016-08-04



An abridged translation节译本

Absorb what is good and reject what is bad; absorb the essence and reject the dross; select the refined and discard the crude 取其精华,弃其糟粕

Abstract thinking ( thought ) 抽象思维

Academic community 学术界

An academic thesis 学术论文

Accommodate something to circumstances; accommodation 变通

Be well cultured in literature 有文学修养

Artistically accomplished 有艺术修养

A man of considerable culture 文化修养很高的人

Accurate comprehension 正确的理解

Accurate comprehension  and adequate representation 准确的理解与适切的表达

Accurateness, smoothness and promptness 准、顺、快(口译标准)

Accurate representation 准确的再现

Achieve spiritual similarity by departing from the original form 离形得神

Acquisition (语言)习得

Adapted translation; corrected version; improved version 改译

Adequate representation适切表达

Advance from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom 从必然王国走向自由王国

Aesthetic appreciation 审美(统觉)

Aesthetic perception 审美感知

Aesthetic taste 审美趣味

Agreement with; tally with; correspond to; accord with 契合

Alienation; dissimilation 异化

All blend into one harmonious whole; an integrated whole; a unified entity; one integrated mass 浑然一体

Alliteration 双声,头韵

Alternating interpretation 交替翻译

Amplification 增词法

Annotation 阐释法

Antithesis 对照;对仗;对偶

Applied translatology 应用翻译学

Appreciate one’s thought; take one’s meaning 心领神会

Appropriateness and creativeness 得体与创新

Areas of study 研究方向

Art of translation 翻译艺术

Artistic charm 艺术魅力

Artistic conception 意境;气韵

Automatic translation 自动翻译


Barely know the rudiments of writing 粗通文墨

Basic meaning 基本意义

Basic norms of translation 翻译的基本标准

Basic patterns of translation theory 翻译理论的基本模式

Beauties of nature 自然美

Beautiful in words but poor in contents 文过其实

Beauty-in-itself 自在之美

Beauty of art 艺术美

Binary translation 一对一翻译

Business translation 事务翻译

Boundary science 边缘科学

Breadth of thinking 思考广度

Break new ground 创新

Brilliant exposition 精辟论述

Bring out the beauty of the original in sense, in sound and in form 传达原文的意美、音美和形美

Broken English 蹩脚英语;不标准英语

Buddhist learning 佛学


Catch-word 名言;流行语

Catering for public taste 投合众好

Central meaning ( thought) 中心意义(思想)

Ceremony interpretation 礼仪翻译

China hand; an old China hand; Sinologue  中国通

Closest natural equivalent 最切近的自然的译文

Cloudy idea 模糊的观念

Comprehension and expression 理解与表达

Colloquial standard 标准口语

Combination 合译法

Communicative approach 交际翻译

Compilative translation 编译

Covert translation 隐性翻译

Conference interpreter   会议翻译

Conscientious and responsible translator 认真负责的译者

Consecutive interpretation 连续翻译

Content and from 内容与形式

Contextual restriction 语境限制

Conversion between parts of speech 词性转换

Convey the beauty of the original 传原文之美

Convey the spirit 传神

Correct approach to translation 翻译的正确途径

Corresponding English version 相应的英语译文

Co-translation 合作翻译

Creation and treason 创造与叛逆

Creative treason 创造性叛逆

Cross-cultural communication 跨文化交际

Crystallization 结晶

Cultural diffusion 文化传播

Cultural translation 文化翻译

Cultural untranslatability 文化不可译

Culturally-loaded 文化内涵丰富的

Culture-bound 文化束缚

Culture broker 文化沟通者

Culture gap 文化沟

Culture shock 文化冲击


Dead translation 死译

Dead word 废弃词

Descriptive translation 描述性翻译

Divorce of theory from practice 理论与实践相脱离

Doctor of translatology 翻译学博士

Doctoral supervisor of translation 翻译学博士生导师

Doctorial hat 博士帽

Doctorial (doctoral) student 博士生

Doctoral supervisors 博士生导师

Doctoral supervisor of English and literature 英语语言文学博士生导师

Doctorate; doctor’s degree 博士学位


Eidos 文化形象


Elementary transformation 基本转换

Eminent monk 高僧

Emotive function 移情功能

Emotive language 情绪语言

Emphatic sentence pattern 强调句型

Enciphering 译成密码

Enculturation 文化熏染

End-weight 句尾中心

Entailment 含义;蕴涵

Enter into the spirit of the character 进入角色

Equal face-value 文字表面意义的等值

Equivalence 对等;等值

Equivalent 对等语

Essential difference 本质区别

Establish Chinese translatology 建立中国翻译学

Etymology 词源学;语源学

Every translation involves loss 所有的翻译均有损失

Exact equivalent 精确对等语

Excellent in both content and language 词情并茂;情文并茂

Exoticism; exotic flavor 异国情调;异国风味

Expert translator; an expert in translation 翻译家

Expressive function 表达功能

Expressiveness 表现力

Extension; extending; expanding 引申;词义扩大

Extracultural 超文化的

Extralinguistic feature 超语言特征


Factual meaning 真实意义

Faithfulness and smoothness 忠实通顺


Figurative expression 比喻用法

First-grade translator 译审

Flight of ideas 思维奔逸

Flowery language 华丽的辞藻

Fluent and intelligible 通顺易懂

Foot 音步

Footnote 脚注

Foregrounding 前景化;突出

Formal beauty 形态美

Formal equivalence 形式对等

Free translation 意译

Functional equivalence 功能对等

Fuzzy language 模糊语言

Fuzzy beauty 模糊美


General theory of translation 普通翻译理论

General translatology 普通翻译学

Gesture language 体态语言

Get the kernel of the problem 抓住问题的核心

Get (put) one’s ideas into shape 理清思路

Give full play to the superiority of the target language 充分发挥译语优势

Graduate admission examination; Graduate Record Examination (GRE) 研究生资格考试

Graduate degree 研究生学位

Grammaticality 合乎语法

Great master of translation 翻译大家

Guide interpretation 导游翻译


Habitual ways of expression 表达习惯

Han people 汉族

Happy translation 得体的翻译

Have substance in speech 言之有物

Head word 中心词

Headed construction 中心结构

Heterology 异质

Heterotranslation 异态翻译

Higher education 高等教育

Higher teacher education 高等师范教育

Holistic perspective 整体观

Human mental development 人的心理发展

Human nature; humanity 人性

Humanism 人文主义

Humanities 人文学科

The humanities; humane studies; humanistics 人文科学

Humanization 人性化

Hypotaxis 主从结构


Ideological content 思想内容

Ideological level 思想境界

Ideological line 思想路线

Ideological system 思想体系

Ideological trend 思想动向

Idiomatic 成语性的,惯用的

Idiomatic translation 地道的译文

Imaginative power; imagination 想象力

Image-rendering; rendition of images 形象翻译

Incompatible with reason; unreasonable 不合情理

Individual character; personality 个性

Individual style 个人风格

Information distortion 信息歪曲

Information focus 信息焦点

Information interpretation 宣传翻译

Information dissemination 信息传播

Information equivalence 信息等价

Information science 信息科学

Information theory 信息论

Inner life 精神生活

Institutes of higher learning; colleges and universities 高等院校

Intellectual product 精神产品

Intellectual property 知识产权

Intension 内涵

Interdisciplinary subjects 交叉学科

Interlingual communication 不同语言间信息传递,语际交际

Interlinear translation 死译

Internal world; subjective world 主观世界

Interpreters’ booth 同声传译室

Interpersonal function 人际功能

Intersemiotic translation 符际翻译

Intralingual translation 语内翻译

Intuitive thinking 直觉思维

In view of the foregoing 鉴于以上

It stands to reason 言之成理

It is unnecessary to go into details 无庸赘述


Juxtaposition 并置;并列


Kernel sentences 核心句

Key university 重点大学

Know and change the objective world 认识、改造客观世界


Language features 语言特色

Language of image 形象语言

Language style 语言风格

Law of the unity of opposites 对立统一规律

Leading figures 带头人

Legitimate translation 合格的译文

Let the eye travel over the great scenes and let fancy free 游目驰怀

Level of education 文化程度

Lexical equivalence 词汇等值

Liaison interpreter 联络翻译

Liberal education 通才教育

Like nature itself 浑然天成

Limits of translatability 可译限度

Linguistic circle 语言学界

Linguistic competence 语言能力

Linguistic form 语言形式

Literary translation 文学翻译

Literary and art circles; the world of literature and art 文艺界

Literary grace (talent) 文采

Literary value 文学价值

Loss and skewing of the cultural images 文化意象的失落与歪曲

Lower levels or layers of meaning 低层语义


Machine-aided translation 机助翻译

Machine translation 机器翻译

Master’s degree programs; graduate programs (specialties) 硕士点

Material civilization 物质文明

Matter-of-fact attitude 实事求是态度

Maximum translation 极量翻译

Medio-translatology 译介学

Mental translation 心译

Method of dun replacing the metric feet 以顿代步

Military interpreter 军事翻译

Mistranslation 错译,误译

Misty poetry 朦胧诗

Mutual creation between the factual and the imaginary 虚实相生


National character 民族性格

National mentality 民族心理

Naturalism 自然主义

Negotiation interpretation 会议翻译

Neologism 新词

Non-literary translation 非文学翻译

Notes on poet and poetry 诗话


Official version 正式译本

Officialese 官腔文体

One-many correspondence 一多对应

One-one relation 一一关系

One-sided view 片面性观点

Original author 原作者

Original version 原译

Overloaded translation 超载翻译

Over-representation 过分表达


Paradigm 范式,聚合体

Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic 纵聚合与横组合

Parallel construction 平行结构

Paraphrase 释义,意译

Parataxis 省略连词,意合法

Parody 仿拟

Partial translation 部分翻译

Part-whole relation 部分与整体关系

Periodic sentence 掉尾句

Phatic function 交感功能,交际功能

Philology 语文学

Poetic circle 诗坛

Poetic interest 诗味

Pointless argument 无谓的争论

Polarization 极化

Positive connection 必然联系

Practicalness 实践性

Principal contradiction 主要矛盾

Principle of translatability 可译性原则

Program in Chinese as a foreign language 对外汉语专业

Proper name 专有名称

Prototype 原型

Provincial standard 地方标准


Quote remarkable passages and cull model sentences 引章摘句

Quotation, quoted passage 引文


Random talk 漫谈

Random translation 乱译

Rational knowledge 理性知识

Reader-centered translation 读者为中心的翻译

Realm of freedom 自由王国

Recasting 重构

Recreation 再创造

Reference book 工具书

Reference version 参考译文

Relevance theory 关联理论

Required course; compulsory course 必修课

Research centre 研究中心

Research fellow 研究员

Restricted translation 有限翻译

Retrospective translation 后顾式翻译

Retain the original images 保留原文形象

Retranslate 重译

Romantic charm 神韵

Romantic color 浪漫主义色彩


Science of translation 翻译科学

Scientific personnel 科研人员

Scientific research 科学研究

Secondary specialized education 中等专业教育

Secondary specialized school; specialized high school 中等专业学校

Seek truth 探求真理

Semantic approach 语义翻译法

Semantic translation 语义翻译

Sense of creation 创造意识

Sense perception 感觉,知觉

Sentence-for-sentence translation 句句对译

Sight interpretation 视译

Significant; signifier 能指

Signified 所指

Similarity in formmeaning and spirit 形似、意似、神似

Simultaneous interpretation 同声翻译

Sinologist; Sinologue 汉学家

Social meaning 社会意义

Social mentality 社会心理

Speech act 语言行为

Stale phrase 陈腐的词句

Style of translating 译笔;译风

Subject consciousness 主体意识

Subjective feeling 主观感受

Subjectivism 主观主义

Subjectivity 主体性

Sudden enlightenment 顿悟

Surface meaning 表层含义


Target language 目的语

Technique of expression 表现手法

Terminology 术语学

Theoretical level 理论水平

Theories of communication 传播学

Theory divorced from practice 理论脱离实际

Theory of human nature 人性论

Theory of literature and art 文艺理论

Thinking organs 思维器官

Thinking set 思维定势

Thought pattern; thinking model 思维模式

Thread of ideas in writing 文思

Total translation 完全翻译

Traditional translation theory 传统翻译理论

Translated literature 翻译文学

Translatology 翻译学

Translationese 翻译腔

Truth, goodness and beauty 真、善、美


Undertranslation and overtranslation 欠额翻译与过度翻译

Unity of thinking 思想一致

Unity of content and form 内容与形式的统一

Untranslatability is absolute while translatability is relative 不可译是绝对的,而可译是相对的


Value of human life 人生价值


Whispering interpreting 耳语翻译

Wonderful both in form and in spirit 形神兼备

Word-for-word translation 字字对译

Wordsmith 能言善辩者

Work of high order 上乘译品

Writing mirrors the writer文如其人

Written translation 笔译

Wrong choice of words 措辞不当


Zero translation 零翻译

Zoosemy 拟物




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