翻译天堂 4天前
1.NGO 无政府组织
2.African Union 非洲联盟
3.SCO 上海合作组织
4.Sino-British Joint Declaration 《中英联合声明》
5.Security Council resolutions 安全理事会决议
6.AL Qaeda 基地组织
7.Great Depression 大萧条
8.The Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region 《澳门特别行政区基本法》
9.Millennium Declaration 《联合国千年宣言》
10.ASEAN Regional Forum 东盟地区论坛
11.debt relief 债务免除
12.farm subsidy 农业补贴
1.经济效率 economic efficiency
2.物联网 Internet of Things
3.命运共同体 community with a common future
4.中国梦 The Chinese Dream
5.资产阶级 bourgeoisie
6.供给侧结构改革 supply-side structural reform
7.信息与通信技术 Information and Communication Technology
8.人工智能 artificial intelligence(AI)
9.石油输出国组织 OPEC
10.综合国力 comprehensive national strength
11.资源配置 resource allocation
12.一带一路倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative
13.大规模杀伤性武器 weapons of mass destruction(WMD)
1.T-square 丁字尺
2.FIFA 国际足球联合会
3.fixed star 恒星
4.UNESCO 联合国教科文组织
5.ISBN 国际标准书号
6.criminal law 刑法
7.taxiing turn 滑行转弯
8.IMF 国际货币基金组织
9.LISA 线性系统分析
10.center of symmetry 对称中心
11.shelf life 保质期
12.application interface 应用接口
1.不锈钢 stainless steel
2.即期付款信用证 Sight Payment Credit
3.分解反应 decomposition reaction
4.腐蚀效应 corrosion effect
5.劳动密集型 labour-intensive
6.大众传播 mass communication
1.ISO 国际标准化组织
2.B/L 提货单
3.WHO 世界卫生组织
4.document against acceptance 承兑交单
5.nuclear disarmament 核裁军
6.US Federal reserve system 美国联邦储备系统
7.alma mater 母校
8.leap year 闰年
9.plead innocent 无罪答辩
1.紫外线 ultraviolet ray
2.食品添加剂 food additives
3.摩擦系数 friction coefficient
4.大众传播 mass communication
5.室内装饰 interior decoration
6.亚洲基础设施投资银行 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
7.驾驶证 driving licence
8.民用工业 civil industry
9.农历 lunar calendar
10.常备军 standing army
1.Noah's Ark 诺亚方舟
2.Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加
3.Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific 亚太自由贸易区
4.Scottish Independence Referendum 苏格兰独立公投
5.Immigrant Investor Program 投资移民项目
6.zero tolerance 零容忍
7.cyber power 网络力量
8.European Monetary Integration 欧洲货币一体化
9.carpooling 拼车
10.anti-apartheid 反种族隔离
11.air defense identification zone 防空识别区
12.residence permit 居留证
13.information sovereignty 信息主权
14.issue price 发行价格
1.高架公路 skyway
2.外来物种 alien species
3.公益大使 charity ambassador
4.双轨思路 Dual-track approach
5.中期选举 mid-term election
6.独立董事 independent director
7.联合声明 joint declaration
8.仪仗队 guard of honour
9.周边外交 neighboring diplomacy
10.亚太经合组织 APEC(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
11.清明节期货交易 Ching Ming festival futures trading
12.考勤制度 work attendance checking system
13.过度开垦 excess land reclamation
14.个人抵押贷款 loan on personal security
1.CBD 中央商务区
2.NYSE 纽约证券交易所
3.Royal Swedish Academy of Science 瑞典皇家科学院
4.Chicago Board of Trade 芝加哥交易所
5.stakerholder 利益相关者
6.multi-polar world 多极世界
7.economic aggregate 经济总量
8.GPS 全球定位系统
9.UNESCO 联合国教科文组织
10.an irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销信用证
11.shareholding system 股份制
12.extensive deforestation 过度砍伐
13.sustainable development 可持续发展
1.技术传播 technology transfer
2.全球价值链 global value chain
3.国际货币基金组织 International Monetary Fund (IMF)
4.国有企业 state-owned business
5.诚实守信 honesty and trustworthiness
6.碳排放 carbon emission
7.虚拟经济 virtual economy
8.准据法 lex causae
9.边际成本 Marginal cost
10.高速公路 expressway
11.诺贝尔文学奖获得者 winners of nobel prize for literature
12.金砖四国 BRIC (Brazil Russia India China)
13.创意产业顾问 creative industry consultant
14.另有说明除外 unless otherwise specified
15.石油输出国组织 OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
1.RCEP 区域全面经济伙伴关系
2.a bull market 牛市
3.Russian ruble 俄罗斯卢布
4.anti-dumping 反倾销
5.stock in trade 存货
6.paid on delivery 货到付款
7.unanimous vote 全票通过
8.carbon footprint 碳足迹
9.recursive function 递归函数
10.provisional agenda 临时议程
11.ready-made garment 成衣
12.United Nation secretariat 联合国秘书处
13.Global Environment Facility 全球环境基金
14.International Refugee Organization 国际难民组织
15.The World Travel and Touriam Council 世界旅行和旅游理事会
1.种族歧视 racial discrimination
2.就职演说 inaugural speech
3.和谐共赢 all-win harmony
4.文化事业 public cultural undertakings
5.全民健身 Fitness-for-All programs
6.本地化服务 Local Service
7.产能过剩行业 Excess capacity industry
8.放宽市场准入 relax control over market access
9.自助创新能力 Self-service innovation ability
10.载人航天飞行 manned space flight
11.促进生态修复 promote restoration of the ecosystems
12.公共卫生体系 public health system
13.科技成果产业化 industrialization of scientific and technological achievements
14.多语言跨文化交际 Multilingual intercultural communication
15.古为今用个,洋为中用 In the past, it is used for today, while in the west, it is used for today
1.EQ 情商(Emotional Quotient)
2.IAEA 国际原子能组织(International Atomic Energy Agency)
3.HDTV 高清晰度电视(high-definition TV)
4.NMD 国家导弹防御系统(National Missile Defense)
5.CBD 中央商务区(Central Business District)
6.API 应用程序界面(Application Program Interface)
7.OA 办公自动化(office automatic)
8.VOD 视频点播(Video-On-Demand)
9.United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易和发展会议
10.North American Free Trade Zone 北美自由贸易区
11.Consumer goods 生活消费品
12.endangered animal species 濒危动物物种
13.genetic engineering 基因工程
14.sewage treatment plants 污水处理厂
15.trade surplus 贸易顺差
16.NGO 非政府组织(Non-Governmental Organization)
17.software development 软体开发
18.wildlife conservation 野生生物保护
19.mineral resources 矿产资源
20.wholesale price 批发价格
21.transfer of technology 技术转让
22.overheated economy 经济过热
23.foreign reserve 外汇储备
24.birth control 避孕
25.triangle-debts 三角债
26.purchasing power 购买力
27.tariff 关税
28.economic leverage 经济杠杆
29.macro-control 宏观调控
30.International Standardization 国际标准化
1.EU: 欧盟(European Union)
2. FAO: 联合国粮食与农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization)
3.L/C : 信用证 (Letter of Credit)
4.OECD: 经济合作与发展组织 (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development )
5. POD: 货到付款 (pay on delivery)
6.WTO: 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)
7. NASA 美国航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
8. OPEC 石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
9. UNESCO: 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)
10. account balance : 帐户结余; 帐户余额
11. automated teller machine: 自动出纳机; 自动柜员机;自动取款机(Automated Teller Machine)
12. checks and balances: 制衡;三权分立;权力制衡
13. installment plan: 分期付款
14. most-favored nation treatment: 最惠国待遇
15. bonded goods: 保税货物
16. 报关: make a customs declaration; customs declaration (清关 customs clearance)
17. 恶性循环: vicious circle; vicious cycle
18. 节能: energy conservation; energy-saving
19. 贸易顺差 trade surplus; favorable balance of trade
20. 优惠关税: preferential duty
21. 购贷合同 : mortgage loans
22. 安检 security check
23. 战略伙伴关系: strategic partnership
24. 安理会常任理事国: permanent member of the UN security council
25. 关贸总协定: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
26. 自负盈亏: be responsible for one’s own losses and profits; responsibility for one’s own profits and losses
27. 政企分开: separate government functions from enterprise management; separation of enterprise management from government functions
28. 液晶显示器: Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)
29. 载人航天计划: manned space program
30. 外向型经济: export-oriented economy