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2016-05-15 15:42:39 3270浏览


微博@翻硕  翻译天堂  2016-05-15


U.S. economyslows as GDP grows 0.5% in first quarter


Chico Harlan

The U.S. economy grew at itsweakest quarterly pace in two years between January and March, new governmentdata showed Thursday. The nation's gross domestic product expanded just 0.5percent as consumers slowed their spending and businesses cut back oninvestments with a severity not seen since the financial crisis.




The relatively tepid growthindicates that the economy is being held back by apprehension and caution -even as global chaos diminishes, employers continue hiring and the stock marketrecovers from its early-year turmoil. Most analysts say that the nation faceslittle risk of recession, but the economy is stuck in second gear, providing apicture of contradictions for investors and policymakers.



relatively tepid growth,相对疲软的增势:在表示经济形势良好时,我们一般会说强劲;表示经济形势不怎么好,一般用词疲软,但并不是说译成其它的不对。


第二句中,有小伙伴直接将stuck in second gear译为被卡在第二个齿轮中,这并不make any sense。此处stuck in second gear本意是说开车卡在二档,无法迅速前进。如果真不知道这个涵义,仔细分析也能想明白,原文想表达的就是就是虽然衰退风险低,但是快速发展也难这么一种纠结、矛盾的情况。另外,这种矛盾并不是指投资者和政策制定者之间有矛盾,而是说这样一种局面、状况是矛盾的。

 Among those contradictions:Wages are starting to rise, and cheaper gasoline is providing an influx ofcash, but most Americans have cut back on consumption since the middle of lastyear.


Meanwhile, a dollar that hasweakened slightly in recent months has helped to boost profits for U.S. corporategiants, including airlines and tech companies. But those firms are holding offon investing in the basic goods they need, including computers, machinery andoffices. Nonresidential investment - a gauge of that spending - plunged 5.9percent in the first quarter, the sharpest decline since 2009.


In the latest quarter, thetrade deficit was also a slight drag on growth.


Companies are probably trimmingback in response to sluggish global demand. A few could also be pushinginvestments overseas, spurred by the high U.S. corporate taxes. The cutbacks,too, are attributable to massive hemorrhaging in the oil and gas sector, wherelow prices have all but paralyzed investment. Investment in mining fell 86percent in the first quarter, the greatest drop on record, going back to 1958.


 "The business investment is down, andagain, it's this uncertain environment," said Dan North, achief economist at Euler Hermes, a credit insurance company. He said the sameuncertainty is holding back consumers. "They are thinking: Why am I goingto buy a washing machine in this sort of crummy economy?"

信用保险公司裕利安宜的首席经济学家丹·诺斯(Dan North)表示:现在商业投资出现下滑,究其原因,还是不稳定的环境造成的。他认为,这样不稳定的局面同样也会促使消费者削减支出。消费者在想:在经济如此不景气的时期,我为何要去买一台洗衣机?

After its meeting Wednesday,the Federal Reserve provided a mixed review of the economy, saying in itsstatement that economic activity had slowed despite labor market improvement.Inflation has held below the Fed's 2 percent target for more than three years.


Mainstream forecasts suggestthat the U.S. economy will speed up as the year goes along - a trend that alsoheld in 2014 and 2015. The International Monetary Fund projected this monththat the U.S. economy would expand by 2.4 percent this year, slightly betterthan the pace of other advanced economies. But that projection has been nudgeddown twice in the past seven months, and some economists said Thursday that thesecond quarter could be dreary.


       "There's no naturalpresumption here that you'll get a bounce in the second quarter," saidSteveBlitz, a chief economist at ITG Investment Research. "We might,but it's not a guarantee," because consumers and businesses would bothhave to change their behavior.

ITG投资研究机构的首席经济师史蒂夫·布里兹(Steve Blitz)认为,做出预测认为美国第二季度经济会有所反弹并非一件理所当然的事,他说:也许我们会做类似预测,但这并不是一种保证,因为消费者和企业都必须改变他们的行为。

Thursday's data, released bythe Commerce Department, is a preliminary reading and will be revised twicemore in the coming months.



²   粗心的问题很严重:比如Thursday译为周三0.5 percent 译为百分之五”...... 此类最低级错误会立刻打消读者对译文质量的信任。

²   “翻译就是再写作;翻译就是做一个好的story teller”——硕硕在之前推荐的一个LITx视频中就提到了这一点。译者是有自由空间进行结构转换的,最终的目的就如尤金· 奈达所强调,翻译应达到dynamic equivalence,不必太拘泥原文。

²   理解错误很致命。严格的阅卷老师对此类错决不忍,基本只要出现理解错误这一整句就不要想得分了。然而,理解性错误并非不好避免,多读几遍句子,认真分析语法结构,再结合上下文语境,就能很容易地判断自己是否理解正确。


1. tepid /'tɛpɪd/  adj. 微热的;有点溫热的;不冷不热的

 2. apprehension /ˌæprɪ'hɛnʃən/ n. 忧虑;担心;逮捕;理解;领悟

3. gauge /gedʒ/  n.标准尺寸;规格;量规;量表 v.测量

4. hemorrhage /'hɛmərɪdʒ/ n. (尤指大量的)出血;失血vi. 大出血

5.trim back = cut back

6. stuck in second gear: lacking energy and not likely to realizethe potential


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