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2016-05-15 15:58:46 3087浏览


微博@翻译硕士  翻译天堂  2016-05-15


注焦11月民主党,Studies Ways to Parry





Democrat, With Eye on November, StudiesWays to Parry


Withthe nation on the verge of a presidential election between the first woman tolead a major party and an opponent accused of misogyny, Hillary Clinton andDonald J. Trump are digging in for a fight in which he is likely to attack herprecisely because she is a woman.

Mr.Trump, the Republican favorite, has already proved willing to attack Mrs.Clinton in ways that many women find sexist and that her supporters considerout of bounds.

Thisweek alone, he accused her of playing the “woman’s card” to

get where she is, saying, “If HillaryClinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote.” Hequestioned her “strength” and “stamina,” and he mocked her for “shouting.” Alsothis year, he attacked Mrs. Clinton as the enabling political spouse of aformer president who Mr. Trump said had abused women.

Mrs.Clinton’s advisers say they are confident that such comments will galvanizeDemocrats and infuriate nearly any woman who has ever had to work harder than aman. But they also recognize that Mr. Trump has proved adept at reading theelectorate and at dominating news coverage — and that Mrs. Clinton must parryhis attacks without overplaying her hand or further eroding her standing withmale voters, whom she has struggled to win over in the Democratic primary.

Mr.Trump’s advisers, meanwhile, say that the woman’s card attack serves toundermine Mrs. Clinton by sowing doubts about her qualifications — not justwith men, but with white women, who have supported the Republican nominee inevery election since 1996 and are vital to Mr. Trump’s chances in November.

He’sgoing to have to deconstruct Hillary Clinton if he’s going to run against her,”said Roger J.Stone Jr., a longtime Trump confidant. “He can’t let her be theaugust secretary of state and former senator.”

Democratssay the strategy is an exercise in delusion, given Mr. Trump’s weakness amongwomen: They are solidly in Mrs. Clinton’s corner against Mr. Trump so far inthe polls. Fifty percent of white women said they would support her, to 39percent for him, according to a CBS News poll in April.

Itseems like a real strategic misstep for him, considering he has unprecedentedproblems with women in his own party,” said Jess McIntosh, vice president ofcommunications at Emily’s List, which works to elect Democrats who supportabortion rights and is backing Mrs. Clinton.

SomeRepublicans, similarly, cringed. “When people rally around her are when peoplebring things up about her husband’s infidelities and when it appears as thoughshe’s being attacked by the boys’ club,” said Katie Packer, who runs ananti-Trump group and cofounded a consulting firm that helps Republicanscommunicate to women.

Buteven some Republican political operatives fiercely opposed to Mr. Trump say heis pursuing what could be a sound strategy by turning Mrs. Clinton’s chance tomake history against her while deflecting scrutiny of his own weakness amongfemale voters.

Bytaking gender head-on, Trump refuses to cede women voters and so-called women’sissues to Hillary just because she is a woman,” said Kellyanne Conway, aRepublican pollster who heads a “super PAC” supporting Senator Ted Cruz.

Heis ‘Swiftboating’ her by throwing shade on what should be a strength,” Ms.Conway said in an email, referring tothe 2004 attacks on John Kerry’s war record, which turned a strength into aweakness and diverted attention from President George W. Bush’s ownvulnerabilities.

Ms.Conway added that Mr. Trump could sully Mrs. Clinton’s record of advocacy onissues like pay inequity by saying she has accomplished too little on them.

Next he’ll say, ‘Ladies: She shares your gender and nothing else,’ ”Ms. Conway said. “‘It takes you years toearn what Wall Street paid her for a single 25-minute speech that wasn’t eventhat interesting.’ ”

Withthe Democratic primary winding down, Mrs. Clinton’s advisers say they have beenanalyzing why Mr. Trump’s attacks were so damaging to Republican rivals likeJeb Bush and Senator Marco Rubio to determine how Mrs. Clinton can avoid thesame pitfalls.

Sinceher victories on Tuesday, Mrs. Clinton has met with advisers at her home inChappaqua, N.Y., to discuss taking on Mr. Trump. A playbook is beginning tocome together.

Onthe debate stage, Mrs. Clinton will not respond in kind to personal attacks: Nojokes about Mr. Trump’s hair or the size of his hands. When Mr. Trump’scomments dominate the news, her campaign plans to stick to its message, even ifit means being momentarily eclipsed. And when Mr. Trump accuses Mrs. Clinton ofplaying the woman’s card, Mrs. Clinton will pivot to issues like equal pay forwomen, paid family and medical leave and raising the minimum wage.

Thiscan’t be a tit for tat on comedic insults,” said Hilary Rosen, a Democraticstrategist. But, she added, without the right push back, Mr. Trump’s attacks“could have a corrosive impact, and that’s what the campaign is thinking hardabout.”

Still,pushing back against Mr. Trump is unlikely to go unanswered. In January, afterMrs. Clinton accused him of being sexist, he warned that Bill Clinton’s sexualindiscretions would be fair game, accused Mrs. Clinton of impugning thereputations of women who accused her husband of sexual indiscretions, thenboasted that Mrs. Clinton had been intimidated into dropping the subject.

Aidesto Mr. Trump, three of whom insisted on anonymity to discuss the campaign’sinternal deliberations, suggested he would likely return to that line of attackas his campaign prepares for a fall contest with Mrs. Clinton.

Mrs.Clinton’s advisers said she would not directly respond to such attacks or allowthem to stop her from calling Mr. Trump sexist. Rather, they said, her campaignwould rely on surrogates and television ads paid for by a super PAC to rebutthem and to highlight Mr. Trump’s record with women.

Ina sign of how closely Mrs. Clinton’s aides are watching Mr. Trump’s every step,after his advisers signaled last week that Mr. Trump would start behaving more“presidentially,” the Clinton campaign released an online ad, called “ExtremistMakeover,” replaying some of his most controversial utterances about Muslims, immigrantsand women. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them,” Mrs. Clintonsaid in the ad, quoting Maya Angelou.

Butby Tuesday night, after Mr. Trump had appeared to shift course again, Clintonaides adjusted. In her victory speech in Philadelphia, Mrs. Clinton’s preparedremarks included a line meant to rev up female voters at Mr. Trump’s expense:“If fighting for women’s health care and paid family leave and equal pay isplaying the ‘woman card,’ then deal me in,” she said.

Ona private flight after Mrs. Clinton’s victory speech, her aides could hardlybelieve their luck when they learned that Mr. Trump, speaking about an hour later,had used the term woman’s card in his own victory speech.

Avideo that spliced Mr. Trump’s comments with Mrs. Clinton’s line was quicklysent out to her supporters without any further commentary.

Alliesof both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump viewed the exchange on Tuesday night as anopening round in what will probably unfold in the months ahead. “I’m surprisedthey aren’t selling decks of cards yet,” said Tracy Sefl, a Democraticstrategist who is supporting Mrs. Clinton. “They should just go nuts with it.”

That may yet come. On Thursday, Mrs.Clinton’s campaign appealed for donations by offering supporters their “veryown official Hillary for America woman card” — a hot pink credit card with th

ewords “Congratulations: You’re in the majority!”








民主党人称,鉴于特朗普不受女性选民的欢迎,这个策略简直异想天开:迄今为止的民意调查结果表明她们坚定地支持克林顿而不是特朗普。据CBS News4月进行的民意调查显示,50%的白人女性表示将支持克林顿,39%支持特朗普。

“鉴于他和本党女性之间前所未有的问题,对他而言这似乎的确是一次战略失误,”Emily’s List(致力于推举支持堕胎权的民主党人,现支持克林顿)公关副主席Jess McIntosh说。

一些共和党人同样担忧,“当提起她丈夫不忠的时候、看似被‘男性俱乐部’围攻的时候,也正是人们团结起来支持她的时候,”反特朗普团队负责人(同时也是一家帮助共和党与女性选民沟通的咨询公司的联合创始人)Katie Packer说。


“通过在性别议题上的正面交锋,特朗普表示不会因为克林顿是女性就放弃女性选民以及所谓女性议题,” 共和党民意调查专家(同时领导着一个支持参议员Senator Ted Cruz超级政治行动委员会Kellyanne Conway说。

“他正借势给克林顿的优势制造阴影,”康韦(Ms. Conway)女士在邮件中提到,像2004年袭击约翰·克里的战争记录,就是把优势转为劣势从而使焦点由总统布什的缺陷转移。

康韦(Ms. Conway)补充道,特朗普可以攻击克林顿在主张诸如不公平薪酬问题上落实不到位,以期破坏她的名声。

“之后他将说:‘女士们,她的确与你们相同性别,但除此之外别无其他,’”康韦(Ms. Conway)说道。“‘你们数年挣得的她只需25分钟不那么有趣的演讲便可从华尔街那儿赚到。’”




“不能将竞演变成喜剧性的唇枪舌战,”民主党谋士希拉里·罗森(Hilary Rosen)说。但她还表示,如若不对特朗普的攻击进行有力回击,可能造成负面影响,这也是克林顿团队正在冥思苦想的问题。








双方盟友将周二晚的交锋视作将在未来几个月展开的大战前的序幕。“我很惊讶他们还没开始卖扑克牌,”支持克林顿的民主党谋士特雷西·塞夫(Tracy Sefl)说。他们应该会卖疯了吧。



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