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2018-09-07 11:03:56 509浏览


翻译天堂  97



阴阳合同 the dual contracting system

海水稻 salt-resistant rice

追新的都市年轻人 hep urban youngsters

假货 counterfeit goods

官网 official website

植物人 a patient in permanent vegetative state

文化认同 cultural identity

社会关系 social connection

现实生活中的真实任务 real-world task

健康宣传活动 health campaign

第三方供应商 third-party vendor

产业升级 industrial upgrading

可持续旅游 sustainable tourism

在线折扣平台 online discount platform

山寨商品 copycat commodity, knockoff

胡同文化 hutong culture

印太战略 Indo-Pacific strategy

公民社会 civil society

智能检测 intelligent detection

全球供应链 the global supply chain

劳动力成本 labor costs

服务贸易顺差 service trade surplus

知识产权法律保护制度 intellectual property legal protection system

超级计算机 super-computer

双输 lose-lose

潜在力量 underlying forces

房屋限购 purchase limits for real estate

信息对抗 information countermeasures

固定利率贷款 fixed-rate mortgage

课业负担 homework loads

走红 go viral

流量不清零服务 rollover data service

货币暴跌 currency plunge

历史新低 new record low

稳定经济增长 stabilize the economic growth

言出必行 not only talking the talk, but also walking the walk.

释放潜力 unleash one's potential

溢出效应 spillover effects

市场经济地位 Market Economy Status (MES)

政治意愿 political will

抢购潮 shopping spree

高科技企业家 tech entrepreneur

全政府对华战略 a whole-of-government strategy on China

无人月球探测器 unmanned lunar probe

低生育率 low fertility rate

网恋 online romance

在线流媒体平台 online media streaming platform

抢票插件 ticket-buying plug-in

房贷 housing mortgage

车贷 car mortgage

金钱崇拜 money worship

宰客 overcharge

妈宝男 mummy's boys

爸宝女 daddy's girls

育龄妇女 women of child-bearing age

节日消费 holiday spending

技术故障 a technical malfunction

政治天赋 political instinct

拜仙祈福 worship the celestials through rituals

爱情的象征 a token of love

超纲教学 teaching beyond the syllabus

课外培训机构 after-school training institutions

学龄儿童 school-age children/children of school age

补习班 cram session/tutoring class

城市群  city cluster

台海和平稳定 the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait

互联网普及率 internet availability rate

科考船 scientific expedition vessel

性别歧视 gender discrimination

课业负担 homework loads

核心技术 core technology

恶劣的自然环境 harsh natural environment

无人时代 unmanned era

在线政务服务用户 users of online government services

政治精英 political elite

信息化 IT application

价值链 value chains

电子体育项目 electronic sports/ esports

体育赛事 sporting events

正式比赛项目 official sports/medal events

自动驾驶出租车服务  autonomous taxi services

赡养老人 caring for the elderly

民企500 top 500 private enterprises

社保基金 social security funds

基本养老保险基金 basic pension insurance funds


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