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2018-11-07 16:41:52 599浏览



车牌 car plate

城际列车 intercity train

绿色出行 green commuting

1955年,查良镛偶然以“金庸”为笔名出版了第一部武侠小说《书剑恩仇录》。小说一经面世便大受欢迎。In 1955, he published his first martial arts novel The Book and the Sword under the pen name Jin Yong coincidentally, which was an instant success.

"一站式"通关 one-off customs clearance

跨海大桥 cross-sea bridge

货运飞船 cargo spacecraft

共创开放共赢新格局 create an open and win-win scenario

监控摄像头 surveillance cameras

恐怖行径 act of terror

炸弹包裹 package/mail bomb

大湾区 Greater Bay Area

空间实验室 space lab

中日是近邻,两国利益高度交融。China and Japan are close neighbors with great converging interests. 

积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策 a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy

前三季度国内生产总值同比增长6.7%。China's GDP growth reached 6.7 percent year-on-year in the first three quarters of this year.

海洋资源开发利用 marine resource exploitation and utilization 

智能网联公交车 buses linked with intelligent networks

实体经济是一国经济的立身之本、财富之源。The real economy is the foundation of a country's economy and the source of its wealth.

攀登世界科技高峰的必由之路是自主创新,所有企业都要朝这个方向努力奋斗。Independent innovation is the only way toward scaling the world's heights in science and technology, and all enterprises should make arduous efforts in this direction.

数字创意 digital creativity

民用空间基础设施 civil space infrastructure

减灾 disaster relief

全民健身的热潮 a nationwide fitness craze

交谊舞 ballroom dancing

通关 customs clearance

港澳珠大桥及其海底隧道,作为跨越珠江口的第一条通道,将激活区域经济,使河口两岸的城市融合为一个充满活力的整体。As the first road link to span the Pearl River Estuary, the bridge and tunnel will energize the regional economy and integrate cities from both sides of the estuary into one dynamic community.

总体平稳,稳中有进态势 a trend of overall stability and steady progress

下行压力增大 rising downward pressure

在较为动荡的全球经济环境中 amid global fluctuations

港珠澳大桥 the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

电脑游戏(computer games)、手机游戏(mobile games)、体感游戏(motion sensing games)、桌游(board role-playing games)

跳皮筋(rubber band skipping)、踢毽子(shuttlecock kicking)、跳房子(hopscotching)、滚铁环(iron ring pushing)

选秀节目 talent shows

累进税制 progressive taxing mechanism

专项附加扣除 special expense deductions

个税改革 reform of personal income tax

游戏成瘾 game addiction

流动人口 migrant population 

外地人 non-native

医暴 violence against medical staff

药品生产许可证  pharmaceutical production license

行政处罚决定 administrative penalty decision

科研攻关 tackle key problems in science and technology

开放型经济新体制 new institutions of the open economy

法治环境规范 sound legal environment

金融创新 financial innovation

差异化服务 differentiated services

巨额罚款 a hefty fine

积分落户制 a points-based household registration system

家政服务 household management service

最前沿的解决方案 cutting-edge solutions 

智能制造 intelligent manufacturing

模块化自动生产线 automated modular production line

网贷 online loan

构成犯罪 constitute a crime

保险索赔  an insurance claim

避税 tax avoidance

劳务报酬 remuneration for personal service

增量资金 incremental capital

稳健中性的货币政策 a prudent and neutral monetary policy

电子烟 electronic cigarettes

二手烟 second-hand smoking

禁烟令 smoking ban

信用信息管理制度 credit information management system

示范村 demonstration villages 

地处偏远、经济欠发达地区 remote and underdeveloped areas

中国国际进口博览会 China International Import Expo

治疗效果 curative effect

临床试验 clinical trial

网上一夜爆红 become an overnight Internet sensation

占据新闻头条 grab news headlines 

幸运抽奖活动 lucky draw campaign

再生资源回收分拣中心 recycling and sorting center for renewable resources

术语工具 terminology tools

财产公证 property notarization

电子社保卡 digital social security cards

明星工作室 celebrities' studios

货币信贷 monetary credit

保密义务 confidentiality obligation

恶意芯片 malicious chip

股票交易 stock exchange

内生经济增长动力 endogenous growth momentum

每日客流量 daily passenger flow

返乡高峰 the rush of people returning home

出境乘客 outbound passengers

人脸识别支付 payments using facial recognition

机器人送餐 robotic delivery of orders

现磨咖啡 freshly brewed coffee

临时交通管制 temporary traffic control 

过度依赖网络 excessive internet dependence

护卫队 guard of honor

升旗仪式 flag-raising ceremony

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