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2018-12-24 15:17:10 647浏览






1、改革开放 reform and opening-up

对内改革(domestic reform

根本利益(the fundamental interests of the people

对外开放(opening up

基本国策(basic national policy

中国特色社会主义(socialism with Chinese characteristics

计划经济体制(centrally planned economy

社会主义市场经济体制(socialist market economy

世界第二大经济体(the second largest economy in the world

2、南方谈话 south tour speeches

视察(inspection tour

一系列讲话(a series of speeches

必要性和重要性(necessity and significance of deepening reform and speeding up development

改革开放(reform and opening-up

中国特色社会主义(socialism with Chinese characteristics

3、三通 three direct links

两岸“三通”是指台湾海峡两岸(即台湾和大陆)之间双向的直接通邮、通商与通航(direct links in post, trade and transportation

和平统一(peaceful reunification

春节包机(charter flights during the Spring Festival

货运包机(charter cargo flights

4、一国两制 one country, two systems

社会主义制度(the socialist system

资本主义制度(the capitalist system

“港人治港”(the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong

“澳人治澳”(the people of Macao governing Macao

高度自治的方针(a high degree of autonomy

一个中国原则(one-China principle

坚持“九二共识” (the 1992 Consensus

推进祖国和平统一进程(advance the process toward the peaceful reunification of China

5、科学发展观 scientific outlook on development

以人为本(putting people first

全面、协调、可持续的发展观(comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development

促进经济社会和人的全面发展”,按照“统筹城乡发展、统筹区域发展、统筹经济社会发展、统筹人与自然和谐发展、统筹国内发展和对外开放(promote a balanced growth between urban and rural areas, different regions, economic and social undertakings, man and nature as well as domestic progress and opening-up to the world

6、依法治国 rule of law

依法治国(rule of law

社会主义市场经济(socialist market economy

社会文明进步(social civilization progress

国家长治久安(enduring peace and stability of the country

建设社会主义法治国家(building a socialist country under the rule of law

完善以宪法为核心的中国特色社会主义法律体系(improve a socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics in which the Constitution is taken as the core

加快建设法治政府(speed up building a law-abiding government

提高司法公信力(improve judicial credibility

增强全民法治观念(promote the public awareness of rule of law

加强法治工作队伍建设;加强和改进党对全面推进依法治国的领导(improve team building and to sharpen the CPCs leadership in pushing forward rule of law

7、中国梦 Chinese dream

中华民族伟大复兴(the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

国家富强(prosperity of the country

民族振兴(rejuvenation of the nation

人民幸福(happiness of the people

8、“一带一路”倡议 Belt and Road Initiative

“丝绸之路经济带”(the Silk Road Economic Belt

21世纪海上丝绸之路” (the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

区域合作平台(platform for regional cooperation

合作伙伴关系(cooperative partnership

利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体(community with shared interests, a shared future and responsibility

9、电子政务 e-government


现代信息技术(modern information technology

网络技术(internet technology

办公自动化技术(office automation technology

公共服务(public service

网络服务器(web server

10、乡村振兴战略 rural vitalization strategy

农业农村农民问题(issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers

全党工作的重中之重(a central place on the work agenda of the Party

产业兴旺(thriving businesses

生态宜居(pleasant living environment

乡风文明(social etiquette and civility

治理有效(effective governance


摆脱贫困(out of poverty

11、人类命运共同体 a community with a shared future for mankind

人类命运共同体(a community with a shared future for mankind

冷战思维(Cold War mentality

强权政治(power politics

零和游戏(zero-sum game

以邻为壑(beggar-thy-neighbor policies

坚持以对话解决争端(settle disputes and disagreements through dialogue and consultation

以协商化解分歧(replace estrangement with exchange

12、精准扶贫 targeted poverty alleviation

精准扶贫(targeted poverty alleviation

严格坚持现行扶贫标准(authorities should stick to the current poverty relief standards

不能擅自拔高标准,也不能降低标准(should not make arbitrary decisions to raise or lower the standards

农村贫困人口实现脱贫,贫困县摘帽(lifting all rural poor and impoverished counties out of poverty

消除绝对贫困(eliminating absolute poverty

13、反腐 anti-corruption

查处领导干部违纪违法案件(handling law-breaking cases of leading officials

要坚持党纪国法面前没有例外(no exceptions will be made when it comes to Party discipline and law

不管涉及到谁,都要一查到底,决不姑息(no leniency will be granted to those found guilty, no matter who is involved

巡视(discipline inspection

全覆盖(full-scale inspection

猎狐行动(Fox Hunt)和“天网”行动(Sky Net


1、家庭联产承包责任制 household contract responsibility system

集体经济组织(collective economic organization)

基本经济制度(basic economic system)

对内改革(internal reform)


黄金时代(golden age)

2、经济特区 special economic zone

改革开放(reform and opening-up)

国家级高新区(national high-tech zone)

保税区(bonded area)、出口加工区(export processing zone)

保税物流园区(bonded logistic park)

保税港区(bonded port area)和综合保税区(comprehensive bonded area)

3、下海 venture into business, jump into the business world

市场竞争(market competition)

政府机关(government organs)

国有企业(State-owned enterprises

个体户(self-employed entrepreneur)

外资企业(foreign enterprise)

停薪留职(retain the job but suspend the salary)

4、“三农”问题 issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area

农村问题学者正式提出(formally raised by researchers on rural issues)

中央一号文件(No 1 central document)

社会主义现代化(socialist modernization)

5、西部大开发 Western Development

调整结构(adjust structure

搞好基础设施(focus on infrastructure


科技教育(technology and education

投资环境初步改善(improve investment environment

全面升级(all-round upgrade

边远山区(remote mountainous areas

落后农牧区(agricultural and pastoral areas

6、入世 joining the WTO

世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization, WTO)

改革开放进入历史新阶段的标志(a new stage in China's reform and opening-up

早在2010年,中国降税承诺就已全部履行完毕(by 2010, China had fulfilled all of its tariff reduction commitments)

服务贸易(trade in services)

市场准入(market access)

外商投资(foreign investment)

7、南水北调工程 South-to-North Water Diversion Project

西气东输(West-to-East natural gas transmission)

西电东送(West-to-East power transmission)

水资源短缺(water shortage)

世界上最大的调水工程(the largest water diversion project in the world)

调水(transfer water)

8、一揽子经济刺激计划 economic stimulus package

国际金融危机(global financial crisis)

农民工(migrant workers)

扩大内需(expand domestic demand)

减税(structural tax cut)

产业调整(industrial restructuring)

自主创新(independent innovation)

提高社会保障(improve social security)

9、自由贸易试验区free trade pilot zone

贸易和投资(trade and investment)

豁免关税(duty exemption)

自由贸易港(establishment of free trade port)

世界上开放程度最高的一种经济区形式(the world's most open form of economic zone)

中国特色自由贸易港(free trade port with Chinese characteristics)

10、新常态 new normal

从高速增长转为中高速增长(the economy has shifted gear from the previous high speed to a medium-to-high speed growth)

结构——经济结构不断优化升级(the economic structure is constantly improved and upgraded)

动力——从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动(the economy is increasingly driven by innovation instead of input and investment)

11、沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect

债券通(Bond Connect

沪伦通(Shanghai-London Stock Connect)

存托凭证(Depository Receipts, DR)

新型城镇化 new urbanization; new type of urbanization

第一产业(primary industry

第二、第三产业(secondary and tertiary industries

基础设施一体化和公共服务均等化(infrastructure integration and public service equalization

促进经济社会发展(promote economic and social development

实现共同富裕(achieve common prosperity

可复制、可推广的经验(duplicatable practices

在全国范围内推广试点地区的成功经验(promote the successful practices around the country

12、人民币“入篮” RMB inclusion in the SDR; Renminbi joins SDR

国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund, IMF)

特别提款权(Special Drawing Rights, SDR)

将人民币纳入特别提款权货币篮子(include the RMB in the SDR currency basket)

中国经济融入全球金融体系的一个重要里程碑(an important milestone in the integration of the Chinese economy into the global financial system)

中国过去多年来在改革其货币和金融体系方面取得的成就的认可(recognition of China's achievements in reform of monetary and financial systems)

13、雄安新区 Xiongan New Area

党中央继京津冀协同发展(coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region)

世界级城市群(world-class city cluster)

国家级新区(state-level new area)

重要引擎(important engine of China's economic growth)

14、双创 mass entrepreneurship and innovation

夏季达沃斯论坛(Summer Davos Forum

大众创业、万众创新” (mass entrepreneurship and innovation

世界互联网大会(World Internet Conference




1、高考 national college entrance exam

选拔性考试(selective exams)

自主命题(independent proposition)

学业水平(academic achievements)

公平公正(fair and impartial)

2211工程 Project 211

211工程”即面向21世纪、重点建设100所左右的高等学校和一批重点学科的建设工程(the project of building 100 or so key higher educational institutions and a number of key disciplines for the 21st century)

3985工程 Project 985

《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划(Action Plan for Education Rejuvenation for the 21st Century)

4、扩招 enrollment expansion

大学入学率(enrollment rate)

精英教育(elite education)

大众化教育(mass education)

5、保研 postgraduate recommendation

全国研究生入学考试(national postgraduate entrance examination)

提交申请材料(submit application materials)

全面发展(all-round development)

6、自主招生 independent recruitment

有门槛高(high threshold)

通过率低(low pass rate)

高考降分录取(be enrolled at a score lower than a normal enrollment line)

7、留学 overseas study

经济全球化(economic globalization)

世界最大留学生生源国(the largest origin of international students)

自费留学(self-funded overseas study)

低龄化的趋势(present a low age tendency)

海归(overseas returnee)

8、高考移民 national college entrance exam migrant

获取加分(get bonus points)

教育公平(undermine the fairness of education)

教育资源的分配不均(the uneven distribution of educational resources)

9、游学 overseas study tour

中产阶层的壮大(a growing middle class)

海外游学(participate in overseas study tours)

能丰富孩子的教育和生活经历(enrich their children's educational and life experiences)

全球视角(global perspectives)

提高语言能力(improve their language skills)

10、双一流 “Double First-Classinitiative

一流大学建设高校共计42(42 universities and colleges will be developed into first-class educational institutions)

一流学科建设高校共计95(95 universities will focus on building their preponderant disciplines into first-rate ones)

“双一流”("Double First-Class" initiative)

若干所大学和一批学科进入世界一流行列(a number of universities and disciplines are developed into world-class ones)

若干学科进入世界一流学科前列(a number of disciplines are in the leading position among world-class disciplines)

到本世纪中叶,一流大学和一流学科的数量和实力进入世界前列(the number and capability of first-class universities and disciplines ranks among the best in the world)

基本建成高等教育强国(make China an international higher education power)


1、解放思想,实事求是 Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts

《解放思想,实事求是,团结一致向前看》(Emancipating the Mind, Seeking Truth from Facts, Uniting as One and Looking to the Future)

2、从我做起,从现在做起 It starts with me, it starts now

座右铭(a motto for a generation)

3、五讲四美三热爱 five emphases, four points of beauty and three loves

“五讲”即“讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德”(emphasize decorum, manners, hygiene, discipline and morals)

“四美”即“心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美”(beauty of the mind, language, behavior and environment)

“三热爱”即“热爱共产党、热爱祖国、热爱社会主义”(love of the motherland, socialism and the Communist Party)

4、团结起来,振兴中华! Unite to revitalize China!

5、时间就是金钱,效率就是生命 Time is money, efficiency is life

深圳经济特区(Shenzhen Special Economic Zone)作为改革开放的“试验田” (the "experimental field" of China's reform and opening-up)

6、冲出亚洲 走向世界 Out of Asia, into the world

7、贫穷不是社会主义 Poverty is not socialism

“搞社会主义,一定要使生产力发达,贫穷不是社会主义。”(To build socialism, it is necessary to develop the productive forces. Poverty is not socialism.)

8、发展才是硬道理 Development is the absolute principle

“我们的国家一定要发展,不发展就会受人欺负,发展才是硬道理。”(Our country must develop, and if it does not develop, it will be bullied by others. Development is the absolute principle.)

9、要想富,先修路! If you want wealth, build roads first!

路通才能财通(wide roads will allow wealth to roll in)

10、同一个世界,同一个梦想 One World One Dream

奥林匹克精神的实质(the essence of the Olympic Spirit)团结、友谊、进步、和谐、参与和梦想(unity, friendship, progress, harmony, participation and dreams

世界纪录(world records

奥运纪录(Olympic records

是奥运历史上首个登上金牌榜首的亚洲国家(the first Asian country topping the Olympic gold medal tally

11、撸起袖子加油干 Roll up our sleeves to work harder

“上下同欲者胜”(As one saying goes, "success comes to those who share in one purpose".

13亿多人民(1.3 billion-plus people

和衷共济(are pulled together for a common cause

我们就一定能够走好我们这一代人的长征路 We will surely succeed in a Long March of our generation.


1、婚纱照 wedding photo

证件照(identification photo

黑白结婚照(black and white wedding photo

物质生活(material life

时尚观念(ideas of fashion

影楼(photography studio

婚纱(wedding dress

外景地(shooting location

2、下岗再就业 re-employment after being laid off

外需(overseas demand

内需(domestic demand

经济萧条期(economic recession

产业链条的停滞(stagnation of the industrial chain

下岗(laid off

失业(out of work

失业人员(unemployed people

劳动关系(sever labor relation

保证最低生活需要的条件下(guaranteed minimum living conditions

职业培训(vocational training


3、农民工 migrant workers

非农业工作(non-agricultural work



一支新型劳动大军(a new type of work force

产业工人(industrial workers

现代化建设(modernization construction

新生代农民工(new generation of migrant workers


文化程度(educational level

归属感(sense of belonging

4、双休日 two-day weekend

家务活(house chores

电视台(TV stations

黄金时间(prime time

综合性娱乐节目(comprehensive entertaining programs

假日经济(holiday economy

5、房奴 mortgage slave

福利分房(welfare-oriented public housing distribution system

住宅商品化(commercialization of housing

商品房(commodity housing

多年辛苦得来的积蓄(hard-earned savings

巨额房贷(housing mortgage loan

占可支配收入(disposable income

偿还贷款本息(repaying the loan principals and interests

房租(house rent

6、黄金周 Golden Week

劳动节(Labor Day

国庆节(National Day

假日旅游热潮(holiday travel rush

集中出行(mass travel

交通拥堵(traffic jams

景区爆棚(crowded scenic spots

自由行(independent travel

亲子游(family trip

定制游(custom-made travel

出境游(outbound travel

乡村游(country tour

更加规范有序(more standardized and orderly

文明程度(level of civilization

全面落实带薪休假制度(all-round implementation of paid vacation system

7、选秀 talent show

选美(beauty pageant


《超级女声》(Super Girls

全民偶像(super idol

视频网站(video sites

网络自制综艺(homemade online variety shows

真人秀(reality shows

亲子秀(family shows

8、跳槽 job-hopping

“统包统配”(centralized labor allocation system

“铁饭碗”(iron rice bowl / secure job

企业用工制度(enterprise employment system

经济特区(special economic zones

沿海开放城市(coastal cities

发展空间(development space

升职加薪(promotion and salary increase

实现自我价值(achieve self-worth

9、网红 online celebrity

被大量网民关注(be followed by a large number of netizens

走红(go viral

文化圈(cultural circle

娱乐生活(recreational life

集体记忆(collective memory

网络平台(online platforms

文化多元时代(multicultural era


策划团队(planning team

购买力(purchasing power

10、红包 red packet

老式家庭(old-school families

过年(Spring Festival


大行其道(become popular


电子货币化(popularization of electronic currency

微信红包(WeChat red packets

长辈对晚辈的馈赠(the gift of the elder to the younger

11、厕所革命 toilet revolution

旅游厕所的数量过少(insufficient number of tourist restrooms

卫生质量低劣(unhygienic conditions

以及管理缺位(lack of management

12、积分落户 point-based household registration

合法稳定就业指标(legal and stable employment

合法稳定住所指标(legal and stable residence

教育背景指标(educational background

职住区域指标(area of employment and residence

创新创业指标(innovation and entrepreneurial ability



荣誉表彰指标(awards and honors

守法记录指标(legal record

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