1、电视机 television(TV)set
电视机生产大国(a leading producer of televisionsets)
国产品牌(domestic brands)
高清电视(high-definition television)
液晶电视(liquid crystal display televison,LCDTV )
平板电视(flat-panel television, FPTV)
2、电风扇 electric fan
电器(electric appliances)
吊扇(ceiling fan)
台扇(desk fan)
落地扇(floor fan)
壁扇(wall fan)
静音电风扇(quiet fan)
节能风扇(energy-efficient fan)
遥控风扇(remote-control fan)
3、洗衣机 washing machine
半自动洗衣机(semi-automatic washing machine)
全自动洗衣机(automatic washing machine)
排水(drain off water)
波轮洗衣机(ripple washing machine)
滚筒洗衣机(cylinder washing machine)
收录机 radio cassette recorder
单卡收录机(single cassette recorder)
双卡收录机(double cassette recorder)
立体声收录机(stereo cassette recorder)
CD机(CD player)
5、电冰箱 refrigerator(fridge)
日本原装进口冰箱(refrigerators imported from Japan)
不断更新换代(keep upgrading)
单开门冰箱(single-door refrigerator)
双开门冰箱(two-door refrigerator)
对开门冰箱(side by side refrigerator)
三开门冰箱(three-door refrigerator)
保鲜技术(preservation technology)
6、空调 air conditioner
壁挂式空调(wall-mounted air conditioner)
柜式空调(cabinet air conditioner)
中央空调(central air-conditioning system)
变频空调(variable frequency air conditioner)
自清洁空调(self-cleaning air conditioner)
7、电饭锅 electric cooker
小家电产品(small household electric appliances)
电压力锅(electric pressure cooker)
定时功能(timing function)。
8、个人电脑 personal computer(PC)
台式电脑(desktop computer)
显示屏(display screen)
音响系统(audio system)
9、空气净化器 air purifier
健康意识(health consciousness)
电子牙刷(electric toothbrush)
按摩椅(massage armchair)
豆浆机(soybean milk maker)
空气加湿器(air humidifier)
净水器(water purifier)
1、万元户 ten-thousand-yuan household
存款在10000元以上的家庭(a household with deposits of over 10,000 yuan)
在那个年代并不多见(not common at that time)
2、大款 tycoon, fat cat
傍大款(gold digging)
衣食靠山(find someone who can be a "breadwinner")
暴发户 upstart, new money
暴发户(people who get rich as fast as volcanic eruptions)
暴发户的文化程度一般不高,但有一定的商业头脑,且敢于冒险(they are mainly half-educated but have a business mind and are adventurous)
炫耀式消费(showing-off consumption)
3、百万富翁 millionaire
千位符(use a comma to separate thousands in numbers)
4、土豪 nouveau riche (new rich), rich guy
土豪指的是欺压佃户和仆人的乡村地主(rural landlords oppressing the tenant farmers and servants)
土豪一词在网络上又变得流行,指花钱如流水或喜欢炫耀财富的有钱人(rich men who lavish and flash money about)
5、煤老板 coal boss
以煤炭开采业(coal mining industry)
粗放型经济增长模式(the extensive mode of economic growth)
6、富二代 rich second generation, silver-spoon kid
富二代是指继承巨额财产的富家子女(rich children who inherit huge amounts of property)
娇生惯养、傲慢自大、任性妄为等(spoiled, arrogant and self-willed)
头条新闻(make headlines)
7、炒房客 real estate speculator
炒房客一般指的是囤积房屋以期转手从中谋取暴利(they hoard houses in expectation that they can reap huge profits by selling them)
非法集资(illegal fund-raising)
高净值人士 high-net-worth individual (HNWI)
高净值人士指可投资资产(investable assets)
有机食品(organic food)
职业金领(gold collars)
8、创二代 second generation entrepreneur
创二代一般指出生于上世纪八十年代的新一代创业群体(a new generation of entrepreneurs born in the 1980s)
兴趣爱好(personal interests)
接手了家族产业中某个的相对独立的部分(take over a relatively independent part of the family businesses)
1、喇叭裤 flared trousers, bell-bottomed pants
全国流行(a fashion trend nationwide)
中国时尚界最初的冒险(the initial adventure in Chinese fashion industry)
喇叭牛仔裤(flared jeans)
铅笔裤(pencil pants)
阔腿裤(loose pants)
2、蝙蝠衫 batwing-sleeved blouse/batwing blouse
必备行头(must-have wardrobe essentials)
蝙蝠衫式的毛衣(batwing type sweater)
当时摩登女青年的最爱(the favorite of modern young women at that time)
3、蛤蟆镜 aviator sunglasses
蛤蟆镜是太阳镜的一种(a type of sunglasses)
反光大镜片(large reflective lenses)
引领了时代新潮流(lead new trend of times)
红裙子 red dress
4、健美裤 fitness tights
“踩脚裤(anchored pants)”
苗条修长的身材(slim figure)
5、露脐装 midriff-baring tops
腹部以及腰部曲线(flat abs and waist curve)
观念更为开放(more open-minded)
崇尚个性、追求自由的心理(pursuit of individuality and freedom)
6、吊带裙 slip dress
深受年轻女孩喜爱的服装(fashionable and much-loved style of dress)
碎花吊带裙(floral slip dress)
搭配外套或坎肩(jacket or waistcoat)
回头率绝对爆表(definitely a head-turner)
7、坡跟鞋 wedge heels
坡跟鞋(wedge heels)
高跟鞋(high heels)
松糕鞋(platform shoes)
8、旗袍 cheongsam
中国传统服饰(traditional Chinese clothing)
《花样年华》(In the Mood for Love)
不仅展示出中国女性特有的优雅与柔美(reveal not only the distinctive elegance and tenderness of Chinese women)
身姿的曼妙(graceful posture)
9、新中装 new Chinese-style outfits
立领(stand up collar)
连肩袖(raglan sleeve)
对开襟(Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front)
海水江崖纹图案(sea and mountain pattern)
软实力(soft power)
1、私家车 private car
中国第一位私家车主(China's first private car owner)
车牌(car plate)
私家车保有量(private car ownership)
2、绿皮车 green train
“绿皮车”是对老式火车的一种俗称(a traditional nickname for old-style trains)
农民工外出(rural labor migration)
春运(Spring Festival travel rush)
运力不足(low transport capacity)
3、长途汽车 long-distance bus
偏远地区(remote areas)
4、摩托大军 motorcycle ride
安全隐患(potential safety problems)
免费机械维修(free mechanical repair)
5、高铁 high-speed train
最高时速(maximum speed)
京津城际(Beijing-Tianjin intercity train)
高速铁路2.5万公里(China had 25,000 km of high-speed railway lines)
占世界高铁里程(high-speed railway mileage)
6、共享单车 bicycle sharing
单车共享服务(bicycle sharing service)
分时租赁(short-time rental)
重回两轮时代(back on two wheels)
互联网+共享经济(internet + sharing economy)
网约车 online car-hailing/ride-hailing
叫车软件(car-hailing apps)
出租车叫车服务(taxi-hailing service)
专车(tailored taxi service)
顺风车(ride sharing)
快车(fast ride)
电动平衡车 electric self-balancing scooter
滑来滑去(glide along the street)
7、BMW混搭出行 Bus Metro Walk (BMW)
绿色出行(green commuting)
8、无人驾驶汽车 autonomous/ self-driving vehicle
我国首个无人驾驶汽车封闭测试场启用(China's first closed testing field for self-driving cars came into operation)
L4级量产无人驾驶巴士(level-4 self-driving bus)
“阿波龙”开始量产(mass production)
无人驾驶汽车依靠人工智能(artificial intelligence)
视觉计算(visual computing)
雷达、监控装置(monitoring devices)
1、玩游戏 playing games
跳皮筋(rubber band skipping)
踢毽子(shuttlecock kicking)
滚铁环(iron ring pushing)
电子游戏(video games)
电脑游戏(computer games)
手机游戏(mobile games)
体感游戏(motion sensing games)
桌游(board role-playing games)
2、打台球 playing billiards
台球厅(billiards rooms)
小镇青年们(small-town youngsters)
旱冰场(roller rink)
3、唱K Karaoke singing
卡拉OK (Karaoke)
五星级酒店(five-star hotels)
娱乐活动(recreational activities)
4、蹦迪 disco dancing
迪斯科(disco)意为"公共舞厅(a public dance hall)"
夜店(night club)
交谊舞(ballroom dancing)
5、看电视 watching TV
春晚(Spring Festival gala)
“四大名著(four great classics of Chinese literature)”
追星族(celebrity fans)
古装武侠剧(martial arts drama)
青春偶像剧(trendy drama)
家庭剧(family drama)
战争剧(war drama)
反腐剧(anti-corruption drama)
6、上网 surfing the internet
不受时间、环境等客观条件的限制(no limitation of objective conditions, such as time and environment)
广场舞 square dancing
集体舞(group dancing)
全民健身的热潮(a nationwide fitness craze)
网上自学(self-taught from the internet)
健身 workout, going to the gym
快节奏的都市生活(fast-paced city life)
纤细腰部和诱人马甲线 (flat and firm abs, abdominal muscles)
打保龄球(playing bowling)
跑马拉松(running marathons)
7、旅游 traveling
跟团游(package tour)
自由行(independent travel)
国内游(domestic trip)
出境游(outbound tour)
深度游(in-depth travel)
出境游学(overseas study tours)
1、爆炸头 Afro
越蓬越好(the bigger the hair the better)
飞机头 quiff
喇叭裤(bell bottoms)
2、大背头 pompadour /slicked-back hair
复古发型(vintage hairstyle)
3、郭富城头 the Aaron Kwok haircut
五五开的蘑菇头(center parted mushroom cut/bowl cut)
纷纷效仿(follow suit)
黑长直发(long straight black hair)
波浪卷发(loose waves)
boy短发(short boyish haircut)
中长发 medium length hair
4、马尾 ponytail
发绳(hair tie)
高马尾(high ponytail)
低马尾(low ponytail)
歪马尾(side ponytail)
半马尾(half ponytail)
5、莫西干头/鸡冠头 Mohawk hairstyle
齐刘海(neat bang)
杀马特发型(shamate hairstyle)
90后(born in the 1990s)
造型夸张(exaggerated hairstyle)
扫把头(high-top fade)
刺猬头(spiked hair)
长波波头(long bob)