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2019-02-15 11:13:27 484浏览




    天堂君研究了之后发现,很多高校的复试问题与此高度重合,无论你是口译考生还是笔译考生,全部照顾到位。所以全国各地的 MTIer 们,不要放过这份重要的资料。






1.1 Translation Studies

1. Definition and types of translation

2. Key translation theories (e.g. Dynamic Equivalence, Skopos Theory, Genre Theory, foreignization and domestication, etc)

3. Translation strategies and skills

4. Business or legal translation techniques

5. History of translation studies

6. Important translators and translation studies books in China and abroad

7. Computer-aided translation technology

8. Localization and translation management

9. Current developments in language service

10. Research methods in translation studies

1.2 Business Knowledge

1. Intercultural communication competence and skills

2. Concepts of international business

3. Corporate social responsibility and ethics

4. Marketing mix and sales

5. Entrepreneurship and innovation

6. e-business and internet

7. Basic concepts and principles of economics, trade and law

8. International trading procedures

9. International negotiation procedures

10. Concept of continental law and common law

11. International treaty/agreement



二、 英语口译专业

2.1 Interpreting Studies

1.The definition of interpreting and the relationship between interpreting and translation

2.Varieties of interpreting:  Escort/Consecutive/Relay/Sight/Conference/

Community/Court interpreting

3. Research domains and dimensions of interpreting

4. Disciplinary perspectives of interpreting

5. Memes of interpreting studies

6. Research methodologies of interpreting

7. IT/NL/CP/TT/DI Paradigm and models

8. The history of interpreting as a profession

9. Professional ethics

10. Technologies and their applications in interpreting

2.2 Business Knowledge

1. Intercultural communication competence and skills

2. Concepts of international business

3. Corporate social responsibility and ethics

4. Marketing and sales

5. Entrepreneurship and innovation

6. e-business and internet

7. Basic concepts and principles of economics and trade

8. International negotiation procedures

9. Concept of continental law and common law

10. International treaty/agreement

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