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2019-04-17 16:46:56 1060浏览



当地时间3月22日,应西点军校邀请马云出席他们一年一度的麦克唐纳品格领导力论坛 。马云分享了自己关于领导力的理解。马云说,不作恶不是科技公司的目标,而是底线。“大部分人因为看见,所以相信;领导力是因为相信,所以看见。领导力意味着看到别人看不到的事情。”

At the invitation of West Point, Jack Ma gave his own answer today on the question: What is leadership? Below are the main qualities Jack Ma believes leadership should have:

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Leadership is determined by mission. “For most people, they see and believe. We believe, and then we see. For leadership, we have to see things that other people don’t see.”


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The world today needs leadership. Not to prove how good you are, but to enable mankind to solve problems together. We need to work for a better future by creating more value. A leader should do things that other people haven’t thought about and things that are necessary for society, consumers and people. A leader needs to be smart and also wise.


 “Smart people can live happy, but wise people can live longer because they know what to give up. Leaders need to have courage and be brave. By being brave, it’s not because of muscles, but because of love.”


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Today, we have the most powerful technology in history, the best equipment and resources, but not the best leadership. Technology improves, but leadership doesn’t. “You can imagine if weapons become more advanced but leadership doesn’t, it’s a threat to you and the whole world.”


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“Don’t be evil” should not be the goal of tech companies, that’s the bottom line. “We need to create more value and take responsibility. If people are worried about losing jobs, high-tech companies should create jobs,” said Jack Ma, “As leaders, you need to think more than other people.”


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Jack Ma told the senior management as well as cadets of West Point that the first technology revolution caused World War I, the second technology revolution caused World War II. Now we’re entering the third technology revolution. “It should be a war on poverty, disease and pollution.”



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