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2019-05-06 10:39:33 1067浏览



 1.深中通道 Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge

 2.年号 era name

 3.森林火灾 forest fire

 4.自主招生 independent enrollment

 5.森林火灾红色预警 red alert for forest fire

 6.志愿军遗骸 remains of Chinese People's Volunteers

 7.个人征信报告 personal credit reports

 8.全面取消落户限制 remove all restrictions on household registration

 9.首席教师 chief teacher

 10.近视矫正 myopia correction

 11.阿桑奇被逮捕 Julian Assange arrested

 12.奔驰漏油风波 oil leak scandal


Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge



The construction of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge started on Dec 29, 2016, and it is expected to come into operation in 2024. The 24-kilometer engineering feat will consist of a series of bridges, islands and tunnels. It will build the world's first eight-lane tunnel under the sea, and its maximum designed speed is 100 km/h.


深中通道(Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge)是国家“十三五”重大工程和《珠三角规划纲要》确定建设的重大交通基础设施项目(major transportation infrastructure construction project),是粤东通往粤西乃至大西南的便捷通道。建成通车以后,珠江东西两岸的通行时间将由2小时缩短为半小时。

和港珠澳大桥类似的是,深中通道也要途经伶仃洋,也是通过“东西人工岛”进行连接,同样要采用沉管技术(immersed tube methodology)。深中通道沉管隧道(immersed tube tunnel)工程比港珠澳大桥沉管隧道还长1.2公里,宽两车道。

受航运和空运等条件限制,深中通道设计采用了“东隧西桥”的设计方案,即在通道东侧采用隧道方式穿越通行(an immersed tunnel in the east section),西侧采用桥梁通行(a bridge in the west section)。

中交一航局S09标段副总工程师杨润来介绍,目前隧道正着手“海底接吻”(the connection of a tunnel end on an island with the first immersed tube,岛上现浇隧道与首节沉管对接)前的施工准备工作。


Yang said the immersed tunnel used the steel shell tube, the first of its kind in China, and there were many other new structures and technologies, which brought lots of challenges, such as lack of technical standards in the country.


沉管隧道首节管节钢壳(the first steel shell tube of immersed tube tunnel)目前正在制造加工,预计上半年完成制造。按照计划,后续将运输至桂山岛预制场完成管节预制,我国研制的世界第一艘且唯一一艘沉管运输安装一体船(the world's first and only ship for immersed tube transportation and installation)将于今年下半年进行联调联试,为今年底首节沉管安放做好准备。


era name

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The reign of Japan’s next emperor will be known as the Reiwa era, after the new imperial name was unveiled before an expectant nation on Monday morning.


The new era will begin on May 1, a day after the emperor, Akihito – whose era is known as Heisei (achieving peace) – makes way for his eldest son, Crown Prince Naruhito, in Japan’s first imperial abdication for more than 200 years.


日本官房长官菅义伟透露,新年号的出处是日本古籍《万叶集(Manyoshu)》中的诗句“初春令月,气淑风和”,《万叶集》是现存最古老的日本诗歌总集(the oldest existing compilation of Japanese poetry)。


日本政府于当地时间4月1日上午9点半起在首相官邸召开关于年号的专家恳谈会(panel discussion),就新年号原案征求意见。为了防止泄密,内阁成员在参与决定前必须交出手机和移动设备,并一直留在决策室中,直到正式宣布为止。一旦有候选年号被泄露给媒体,则立即失去候选资格(any names leaked to the media ahead of the announcement would immediately be withdrawn)。

对于年号的选择,日本首相安倍晋三表示,这个词代表日本丰富的国民文化和悠久的传统(our nation’s profound public culture and long tradition)。


Just like amazing plum flowers in full bloom that signal the arrival of spring after bitter cold, each and every Japanese person can hope for the future and make their own flowers blossom.


Our nation is facing up to a big turning point, but there are lots of Japanese values that shouldn’t fade away. We are very proud of our history, culture and tradition, and this term expresses the Japan of tomorrow, the one we want to build for future generations. That was the most decisive point in making the choice.


日本官房长官表示,不会公布新年号的提供者姓名(the identity of the expert who suggested the new gengo),也不会公布其他候选年号(the other candidate names)。

Era names, or "gengo" as they are known in Japanese, are used in Japan for the length of an emperor's reign.


The new era name is usually announced after the accession of the new monarch, but the government decided to announce the new name in advance of the accession of the new Emperor.


In this way companies and the general public have time to prepare for the change and disruption is kept to a minimum.



forest fire

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Thirty people were confirmed killed while fighting a forest fire that broke out on Saturday in the Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Sichuan province, the Ministry of Emergency Management said in a statement on Monday.


By 6:30 pm on Monday, the bodies of the victims were all recovered, including 27 firefighters and three locals, said the ministry.

应急管理部称,4月1日18点30分, 所有遇难者遗体均已找到,包括27名消防队员和3名当地群众。

截至1日17时,木里森林火灾过火面积已达到15公顷左右(the fire has burned around 15 hectares of forest),火势尚未得到控制,扑灭存在较大困难。


➤ 一是火场最高海拔约3700米,海拔高(high altitude),风大且方向不定,火势难控制;

➤ 二是木里当地地形复杂(complex terrain),尤其是雅砻江沿岸一带山高坡陡,很多地方没有路(lack of road access),给灭火和搜救工作带来很大困难;

➤ 三是当地森林腐殖层较厚(thick humus layer),火不易打熄;

➤ 四是山上取水非常困难(difficulty in getting water)。

根据专家初步分析,此次火灾很可能是由雷电引发的(the fire was possibly caused by thunder),在燃烧过程中可能还发生了“轰燃(flashover)”现象,其突发性导致部分灭火人员避难不及时。“轰燃”指在一限定空间内, 所有可燃物表面全部卷入燃烧的瞬变状态。


independent enrollment

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Many of China's top universities, including Tsinghua University and Peking University, will start annual independent enrollment tests in the next two months.


The test, initiated in 2003, is a part of China's educational reforms, giving conditional offers to students who exhibit talents or achievements in specific fields so that they may enter the university with lower admission scores.


Earlier this month, the brochures handed out by many top universities have triggered backlash online – people noticed that a few top universities canceled tests for the liberal arts this year.



Meanwhile, Shandong University has canceled tests for philosophy, Chinese literature and history, while math, information technology and engineering remain.


Many argue that those who have achievements and talents in literature and the social sciences will no longer be allowed to take part in the independent tests.


Netizens are saying that such actions constitute discrimination against liberal arts students. Many have expressed pessimism over the future of liberal arts students。



ven though liberal arts subjects are not included, students are still qualified to apply for the tests. As the Tsinghua recruitment brochure states, subjects such as economics, finance and architecture are open to both liberal arts and science students.


Peking University, however, are holding tests for science subjects such as astronomy, computer science and biology, as well as liberal arts subjects such as history, Chinese literature, international relations and archaeology.


For those who want to join the media industry, the Communication University of China will also recruit students in journalism and publishing in the independent recruitment tests.



red alert for forest fire

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China issued a red alert, the highest level, for forest fire risks in arid northern and southwestern regions. Beijing, Tianjin, and the provinces of Hebei, Shanxi and Sichuan, will see the risk of forest fires stay at the highest level until Monday, and "under the red alert, no open fires are allowed in forests and grasslands", Yang Xiaodan, chief forecaster of the National Meteorological Center's Public Information Center, said on Tuesday.


一般来说发生在野外的火灾在英语里统称为wildfire(野火),根据燃烧植被的种类又可以具体分为brush fire(灌木丛火灾), bushfire(丛林火灾), desert fire(沙漠火灾), forest fire(森林火灾), grass fire(草地火灾), hill fire(山火)等。

依据气象因子变化(meteorological factor change)、森林可燃物变化(change of combustible forest materials)以及引发森林火灾火源发生状态(the state of forest fire sources),森林火险预警等级(forest fire risk level)由低到高划分为三个预警级别,并依次采用黄色、橙色和红色来加以表示。


The alert was issued based on comprehensive considerations, including the persistent dry weather, strong winds and high temperatures, and also the coming Tomb Sweeping Day when thousands will travel to ancestors' grave sites and in some cases, burn offerings.



remains of Chinese People's Volunteers

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Escorted by two Chinese fighter jets, a PLA Air Force plane carrying the remains and 145 belongings of the fallen soldiers landed at the Shenyang Taoxian International Airport, Liaoning province, at around 11:36 am Wednesday.


The remains will be buried in a martyrs' park in Shenyang in a ceremony on Thursday, according to the Ministry of Veterans Affairs.


当地时间3日上午,中韩双方在韩国仁川国际机场(Incheon International Airport)举行交接仪式。

During the transfer ceremony, South Korean troops handed over the coffins, covered by China's national flag, to Chinese guards of honor who carried them into a PLA Air Force plane.



退役军人事务部副部长钱锋在现场发表讲话时表示,中方将进一步加强与韩方务实友好合作(practical and friendly cooperation),积极推进在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸联合搜寻、鉴定(joint search and identification)等工作,让更多志愿军烈士英魂早日回到祖国。

The South Korean defense ministry said in a statement that the transfer ceremony was a part of efforts to heal the scar of the war and conveyed the message of peace to enhance regional peace and stability.



69年前,中国人民志愿军(Chinese People's Volunteers)跨过鸭绿江,奔赴战火弥天的前线,踏上抗美援朝、保家卫国的战场。

The Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) fought alongside the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) army in the Korean War against the South Korean army and the United States-led UN forces between 1950 and 1953.



1月23日,退役军人事务部(China's Ministry of Veterans Affairs)副部长钱锋会见了来访的韩国国防部国际政策局局长李元翼一行。

双方一致同意,中韩双方遵循人道主义原则(humanitarian spirit),本着友好协商、务实合作的精神(based on friendly exchanges and practical cooperation),从2014年至2018年已连续5年成功交接589位在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸,今年将按照中韩双方达成的共识实施第六次交接。今后在韩发掘出的中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸,韩国将继续移交给中国(any additional remains that are discovered will be returned to China)。



personal credit reports

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The new version of personal credit reports are intended to better reflect a person's credit situation. They will also be used to better manage credit risks, improve social management and build a transparent and honest society.


“个人征信业务”可以用personal credit information investigation表示,是指依法设立的征信机构(credit agency/organization)对个人信用信息(personal credit information)进行采集和加工,并根据用户要求提供个人信用信息查询和评估服务的活动。



➤ 更细化(more detailed)。新版个人征信报告,个人信息将更加细化。除旧版个人基本信息之外,新版个人信息将更加完整,还可以查看配偶信息(spouse's information)。同时,职业信息(career information)也更完整,信息量与个人求职简历相当。

➤ 更全面(more comprehensive)。新版个人征信报告,维度更加丰富、更加全面。比如,还款记录(repayment history records)延长至5年,将记录详尽的还款信息、逾期信息;新增还款金额,逾期或透支额也将标注出来。除借贷等金融信息外,新版征信将纳入更广泛的信息,如电信业务、自来水业务缴费情况(payments for utilities and telecom services)、欠税(outstanding tax)、民事裁决(civil adjudication)、强制执行(forcible execution)、行政处罚(administrative penalty)、低保救助(subsistence allowances)、执业资格(practicing qualifications)和行政奖励(administrative awards)等信息。

➤ 更精准(more accurate)。新版的个人信息更加细化和全面,使得个人信用状况可以得到更加真实的反映,金融机构的信贷管理将变得更有针对性,风险管理更加精准,可有效降低信贷风险(reduce credit risk)。



remove all restrictions on household registration

Under the plan, cities with permanent residents population under 3 million should remove all limits on hukou — household registration — and cities with populations between 3 million and 5 million should relax restrictions on new migrants.



根据国务院2014年发布的《关于调整城市规模划分标准的通知》,城区(urban area)是指在市辖区和不设区的市,区、市政府驻地的实际建设连接到的居民委员会所辖区域和其他区域。市辖区内的农村地带,并不计入城区范畴。


➤ 常住人口(population of long-term residents/permanent residents population)指经常居住在某一地区的人口,包括常住该地而临时外出的人口,不包括临时寄住的人口(temporary residents excluded)。目前世界上大多数国家都把居住半年以上作为判别常住人口的时间标准。

➤ 户籍人口(household registered population)是指公民依照《中华人民共和国户口登记条例》已在其经常居住地的公安户籍管理机关登记了常住户口的人。这类人口不管其是否外出,也不管外出时间长短,只要在某地注册有常住户口,则为该地区的户籍人口。

➤ 现有人口(current population)指在规定的标准时点上,居住在某一地区的全部人口。



➤ 全面取消落户限制

城区常住人口(permanent residents populations within administrative city limits)100万以下的中小城市和小城镇(small and medium-sized cities and small towns),城区常住人口100万—300万的II型大城市(cities with populations between 1 million and 3 million),全面取消落户限制(remove all restrictions on household registration)。城区常住人口100万—300万的II型大城市包括珠海、海口、潍坊、抚顺、银川等城市。

➤ 全面放开放宽落户条件

城区常住人口300万—500万的I型大城市要全面放开放宽落户条件(relax restrictions on household registration),并全面取消重点群体落户限制(remove limits on household registration of key population groups)。I型大城市主要有大连、长沙、济南、厦门、南宁等。重点群体则主要为高校和职业院校(技工院校)毕业生(universities and vocational colleges graduates)、城市间转移就业人员,等等。

➤ 完善积分落户政策

超大特大城市要调整完善积分落户政策(improve points-based household registration policy),大幅增加落户规模(increase newly approved household registrations)、精简积分项目(streamline points-collecting categories),确保社保缴纳年限和居住年限分数占主要比例。


特大城市(cities XL)为城区常住人口500万以上1000万以下的城市,主要包括成都、南京、杭州、郑州、沈阳等,以省会城市居多。


chief teacher

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China will choose chief teachers at primary and middle schools in rural areas in its central and western regions in a pilot program to promote local education, according to a notice from the Ministry of Education on Tuesday.


首席教师(chief teacher/lead teacher)的遴选标准为政治素质过硬(impeccable credentials)、业务素质精湛(excellent professional qualities)、育人水平高超(high educational abilities)、组织协调能力强(outstanding organizing and coordinating capabilities)。


看到chief,我们可能会首先想到Chief Executive Officer (CEO,首席执行官),当然,现在的企业里还有各种C字头的职位头衔,比如:CCO(Chief Content Officer,首席内容官)、CFO(Chief Financial Officer,首席财务官)等。

Chief这个词可以做名词和形容词,表示“首领、主管;主要的、首要的”等意思。如果要表示“总指挥”、“总编辑”等以“总”字开头的职位,我们可以用...in chief这样的结构: editor in chief(总编辑)、commander in chief(总指挥)。

首席教师是一个教学岗位,负责学校管理的校长就不能用chief了,而要用head teacher,headmaster,school director,principal等表示。


➤ 承担所在乡村学校正常教学工作(fulfilling teaching tasks at schools);

➤ 参与所在县(市、区)、乡镇和学校的教育教学改革(participating in local education reforms),对教学改革、课程建设、教学管理等工作提出意见建议;

➤ 发挥教育教学示范带动作用(playing an exemplary and leading role as chief teachers),组建教师发展共同体、名师工作室,同时通过听课评课、示范课、专题讲座、师徒结对等方式,承担本乡镇青年教师培养、指导任务;

➤ 紧跟基础教育教学研究前沿,引领、带动本乡镇或学区的教科研工作(taking the lead in educational research ),任期内取得标志性成果。

首席教师岗位计划2019年在安徽、河南、陕西、甘肃等四省先行试点。岗位设置侧重语文、数学、英语学科,面向县域内中小学教师公开竞聘(open competition)。实行任期制(fixed-term appointment)管理,3年一聘。每一任期从当年8月开始,到第三年7月结束。


myopia correction

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The notice on further regulating and supervising myopia correction in young people bans merchants from using wording such as "rehabilitation," "recovery," and "myopia cure" to mislead nearsighted children and their parents.



近视的医学专业术语是myopia,但是日常生活中人们通常用nearsightedness / shortsightedness来表示,比如:Tom is nearsighted/shortsighted because he used to play games in darkness whole night long.(汤姆近视是因为他过去经常晚上在黑暗中玩一整晚游戏。)

其他相关的表达还有:远视(hyperopia ['ha?p?'r??p??] farsightedness/ longsightedness)、散光(astigmatism [??st?ɡm??t?z?m])、隐形眼镜(contact lenses)、无框眼镜(rimless glasses)、眼科医生(eye doctor/ophthalmologist [?ɑfθ?l?mɑl?d??st] )等。

通知指出,在目前医疗技术条件下,近视不能治愈(myopia cannot be cured)。儿童青少年时期可以通过科学用眼、增加户外活动时间(more outdoor activities)、减少长时间近距离用眼(less time spent on near work)等方式预防、控制和减缓近视。

同时,从事儿童青少年近视矫正的机构或个人不得违反中医药法规定冒用中医药名义或者假借中医药理论、技术欺骗消费者(deceive consumers in the guise of traditional Chinese medicine),谋取不正当利益。


2018年8月底,教育部等八部委联合发布《综合防控儿童青少年近视实施方案》。其中国家新闻出版署提出要实施网络游戏总量调控(curb the number of new online games available to children),采取措施限制未成年人使用时间(take new measures to limit their time on games)。


The overall myopia rate among teenagers reduces by more than 0.5 percentage points per year from 2018 until 2023. Provinces with a high incidence of myopia are required to cut at least 1 percentage point per year.


By 2030, the myopia rate for 6-year-old children should be below 3 percent, for primary school students, below 38 percent, for middle school students, below 60 percent, and for high school students, below 70 percent.



Julian Assange arrested

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Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange has been arrested at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.


After 2,487 days in the embassy, the 47-year-old was arrested after Ecuador revoked his political asylum and invited Metropolitan police officers inside their Knightsbridge premises, where he has stayed since 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden over sexual assault allegations which Assange has always denied.



Revoke,表示“撤销、取消、废除”等意思,比如: revoke a student's undergraduate bachelor's degree(取消某人的学士学位)、revoke one's driver's license(撤销某人的驾照)等。由此衍生的两个形容词revocable和irrevocable则分别表示“可撤销的”和“不可撤销的”。

这里的sexual assault allegations可以理解为有女性指控阿桑奇对其有侵犯行为,但是否有证据支持,无法确定。如果已经有足够的证据支持,正式提起诉讼的话,我们就要用a charge of sexual assault against Assange。

At Westminster Magistrates' Court on Thursday he was found guilty of breaching earlier bail conditions.


He faces up to 12 months in jail when sentenced, and will face a separate extradition hearing via videolink on May 2.


The US accuses Assange of “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion”, alleging that he assisted former US intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in cracking a password to help her infiltrate Pentagon computers and download material to share with WikiLeaks. If convicted, Assange faces a maximum sentence of five years .



Accuse someone of something/doing something以及charge someone with something/doing something多数情况下可以替换使用,都表示“指控某人做了某事”或者“以某种罪名指控某人”。如果这种指控得到检方的认可,被指控的人就会被逮捕,并进入诉讼程序了。


In a sovereign decision Ecuador withdrew the asylum status to Julian Assange after his repeated violations to international conventions and daily-life protocols. He accused Assange of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and added: "The patience of Ecuador has reached its limit."



oil leak scandal

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The market regulator in Xi’an, Northwest China’s Shaanxi province has ordered a Mercedes Benz 4S dealership in the city, mired in an oil leak scandal, to refund the buyer as soon as possible after conducting an investigation of the incident.

陕西西安一家奔驰4S店陷入漏油问题风波, 西安市场监管部门责成4S店对此事调查核实后,尽快退车退款。


这里的4S指:sale(销售)、spare part(零配件)、service(售后服务)和survey(信息反馈)。

大多数商品享受到的售后“三包服务”为warranty services of repair, replacement and refund(修理、更换及退货)。



The Mercedes Benz dealership in Xi'an Saturday said the shop is negotiating with the buyer. The dealership has agreed to refund her in full, but the buyer told local regulators that she was not satisfied with the deal, and insisted on further negotiations.



The video shows the woman sitting on top of a Mercedes-Benz and crying that she bought it for 660,000 yuan, making a down payment of 200,000 yuan, and after the leak was discovered her complaint was ignored for 15 days.



➤ 调查该车车辆历史(an investigation into the history of the car),要求知晓该车到店至销售期间的基本情况;

➤ 车辆PDI检查(pre-delivery inspection,新车交付前检查)是否真实,检查人员有无资质,3月22日到3月27日期间又做了哪些检查,车辆的检查有没有检查到问题,检查人员有无资质;

➤ 没有任何利益的第三方对车辆进行检测(an independent inspection of the vehicle),如果是质量问题依法赔偿,如果是三包问题,我们也愿意接受。我们合法维权;

➤ 调查4s店在销售过程中是否侵犯了知情权,是否有强制消费,收取的金融服务费(financial service fee)是否合理,要求调查是否存在违法;每年有多少消费者被动消费;

➤ 规范汽车行业车辆PDI检查,与从业人员素质;

➤ 奔驰官方要给一个正式的道歉和情况说明(a formal apology and statement from the Mercedes-Benz company);

➤ 对个人精神方面的损害给予补偿(compensation for her psychological damage);

➤ 对汽车行业销售方面乱象进行整治,维护消费者合法权益(protect legal rights and interests of consumers)。

On Saturday, the Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co issued a statement saying it was deeply sorry for the customer's experience. It said it had launched an investigation and dispatched a special team to Xi'an to negotiate with the woman.



In another statement on Sunday, the Mercedes-Benz Financial Services said that Mercedes-Benz charges no such financial service fee to dealers or customers, and have repeatedly required its dealers to abide by the law and guarantee customers' rights.



The car in question has been sealed for examination by local regulators, media reports said on Saturday.



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