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干货 | 如何用英语描述亚洲?这篇讲话告诉你答案

2019-05-21 16:00:16 966浏览


最近,天堂君分享了一篇同传练习素材:同传 | 双语全文!习近平在亚洲文明对话大会开幕式上的主旨演讲(附音视频)





底格里斯河 the Tigris

幼发拉底河 the Euphrates

印度河 the Indus

恒河 the Ganges

黄河 the Yellow River

长江 the Yangtze

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《诗经》 The Book of Songs

《论语》 The Analects of Confucius

《塔木德》 The Talmud

《一千零一夜》 One Thousand and One Nights

《梨俱吠陀》 The Rigveda

《源氏物语》 Genji Monogatari

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楔形文字 cuneiform script

阿拉伯数字 Arabic numerals

造纸术 paper making

印刷术 printing techniques

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长城 the Great Wall

麦加大清真寺 the Great Mosque of Mecca

泰姬陵 Taj Mahal

吴哥窟 Angkor Wat

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古老商路 ancient trade routes

丝绸之路 the Silk Road

茶叶之路 the Tea Road

香料之路 the Spice Road





Asia is home to one of the earliest human settlements and an important cradle of human civilizations. This vast and beautiful continent covers a third of the earths land mass and has two-thirds of the worlds population. It has more than 1,000 ethnic groups living in 47 countries.


For several thousand years before the Common Era, our forefathers living along the Tigris and the Euphrates, the Indus and the Ganges, the Yellow River and the Yangtze, tilled and irrigated the land, made tools and utensils, and built homes to live in. Generation after generation, our ancestors in Asia, with their tireless endeavors, created a time-honored history and profound and rich civilizations.


Our vast and fertile plains, beautiful river basins, large steppes, immense deserts, mighty rivers and oceans, and lofty mountains have nourished and enriched diverse and colorful civilizations across Asia.


In building our civilizations over the course of several millennia, we the people of Asia have made splendid achievements. I think of literary classics such as The Book of Songs, The Analects of Confucius, The Talmud, One Thousand and One Nights, The Rigveda and Genji Monogatari; of inventions such as the cuneiform script, maps, glass, Arabic numerals, paper making and printing techniques; and of majestic structures like the Great Wall, the Great Mosque of Mecca, Taj Mahal and Angkor Wat. They are all invaluable assets of human civilization. Through interactions on this continent, Asian civilizations have enriched each other and written an epic of development.


Our forefathers in Asia have long engaged in inter-civilizational exchanges and mutual learning. The ancient trade routes, notably the Silk Road, the Tea Road and the Spice Road, brought silk, tea, porcelain, spices, paintings and sculpture to all corners of Asia, and witnessed inter-civilizational dialogue in the form of trade and cultural interflow.


Today, the Belt and Road Initiative, together with the Two Corridors and One Belt, the Eurasian Economic Union and other initiatives, have greatly expanded inter-civilizational exchanges and mutual learning. Cooperation among nations in science, technology, education, culture, health and people-to-people exchanges are thriving like never before. Thanks to exchanges and mutual learning among themselves and with other civilizations in the world, Asian civilizations have grown from strength to strength.


The great Asian civilizations have a special place in the annals of world civilizations, and they have added to the diversity of human civilizations. Think of what Asia stands to offer in terms of religion, philosophy, ethic code, law, literature, painting, drama, music, and even the building of towns and villages. They speak volumes for Asias proud achievements: extensive systems of social customs, immortal classics that have endured for millennia, the fine pool of exquisite art, and diverse institutions, among others. All these offer rich choices for civilizations the world over to draw on.




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