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2019-07-08 14:11:05 807浏览


生态福建喜迎八方宾朋,丝路扬帆共绘开放蓝图。75日,外交部蓝厅灯光璀璨,以“新时代的中国:生态福建 丝路扬帆”为主题的外交部福建全球推介活动在这里隆重举行,各国嘉宾齐聚一堂,共同感受福建发展的新成就新面貌。


生态福建 丝路扬帆

Eco-friendly Fujian, Gateway for the Maritime Silk Road


In Chinas southeast, to the west of the Taiwan Strait, lies a stretch of coastline of more than 3,700 kilometres.


This piece of land bordering the blue ocean is reputed as the "greenest" province in the country -- Fujian.


Fujian is a crucial nurturing place for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.


This is Fujian in the new era.



Thriving and prospering by the sea made Fujian the origin of Chinese maritime civilization.


Ancestors of the Min people "took seas as fields and boats as wagons".


More than 1,300 years ago, the Port of Quanzhou, or Zaytonat the time, was well-known to the world.Being "the largest oriental port" for 400 years, it was an important starting point of the Maritime Silk Road.


Over 600 years ago, Chinese navigator Zheng He led his fleet to "the western seas" on seven voyages. Fujians Changle City was the place where the fleet started its expeditions.


Surrounded by mountains and oceans, with the inheritance of the profound Central Plain culture and the open-mindedness of maritime civilization, Fujian plays an important role in promoting the strength and prosperity of the country and nation.


"Fujian Shipyard", known as "the Cradle of China's Modern Navy", was established in Mawei, Fuzhou, more than 100 years ago.


About 80 years ago, the Communist Party of China had its first historic governing practice in the south of Jiangxi and west of Fujian. Back then, Fujian was the heart of the revolutionary base areas.



Along with the development of China since 1949, Fujian has transformed from a poorly-developed "coastal defense frontline" to a fully-opened booming province.


Fujian was the first province to provide free compulsory education for students in the rural areas; it was also the first province to assist, through relocation, villagers who live in remote mountainous areas or on isolated islands.

建档立卡,造福工程,产业发展——“精准扶贫”的经验是福建对世界减贫事业做出的重要贡献。The practice of "targeted poverty alleviation" by identifying poverty households, developing relocation projects and fostering suitable industries is an important contribution that Fujian has made to poverty reduction in the world.


Fujian's enterprises are going abroad to do business. Engineers have brought Chinese architectural techniques to 31 countries and regions. The seeds of friendship for mutually beneficial cooperation have been spread across the world.



Over the past 20 years, this largest global investment fair has welcomed more than 300,000 people from over 200 countries and regions, and witnessed the signing of over 30,000 investment agreements.

福建是21世纪海上丝绸之路核心区。今天, 34条“丝路海运”航线,通达12个国家的中欧班列,在这里交汇。“一带一路”国际综合物流服务平台,让福建既是全世界的目的地,也是走向世界的中转站。

Fujian is the core area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. It now operates 34 shipping routes to countries and regions along the Maritime Silk Road as well as freight trains to 12 central European countries. The state-of-the-art logistics services have made Fujian an ideal business destination and a transshipment hub in the world.


Fujian has established 108 pairs of sister relationships worldwide. It has opened 73 flight routes and 121 container shipping routes to major cities and ports across the world. All these have connected an open Fujian with the rest of the world.


福建是21世纪海上丝绸之路核心区。今天, 34条“丝路海运”航线,通达12个国家的中欧班列,在这里交汇。

Fujian is the core area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. It now operates 34 shipping routes to countries and regions along the Maritime Silk Road as well as freight trains to 12 central European countries.


Fujian, the ancestral home to 80% of Taiwan compatriots, is aspiring to be the "First Home" on the mainland for Taiwan compatriots and businesses.


The bridge for buses and trains across the Haitan Strait, once completed, will be the longest of its kind in the world. In the future, it will extend across the Taiwan Strait and link up with the transportation network of Taiwan.



Through reform and opening-up over the past 40 years, Fujian has witnessed an increase of economic aggregate from about 6 billion Yuan to 3.58 trillion Yuan, ranking among the top tier of the most economically competitive provinces in China.


Fujian was Chinas first national pilot area for ecological conservation. Its forest cover ranks first for 40 consecutive years in the country.With high water and air quality, the eco-environment here is enviable.


Fujian will continue to engage the world with its green way of life.



Fujian is one of the most promising growth markets and competitive economies in China.


Apolong Bus, Chinas first Level 4 driverless model by King Long Company will soon be delivered to senior living communities in Japan.


A new type of "hearts" made at this largest production base of new energy power battery in China will be installed in 1,500 vehicles each and every day.


"The Future Classroom" designed by Fujian NetDragon manages 1.3 million classrooms around the world.


There are 1.67 million pieces of data being exchanged through the provincial e-government platform on a daily basis. Fujian's digital economic aggregate takes up more than one third of its GDP. Fujian is well on the way to be a model of Digital China.


During his inspection tour to Pingtan, Fujian in 2014, President Xi Jinping mapped out a blueprint for the development of the province featuring "dynamic mechanisms, upgraded industries, a prosperous people and a beautiful environment".


From north to south, there are more than 600 rivers and tributaries running through Fujian to the ocean.


Winding and surging through mountains, valleys, basins, and cities, they echo the sound of the era and the voices of the people striving for a better life.



An eco-friendly Fujiangateway for the Maritime Silk Roadwelcomes you


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