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2019-07-09 15:22:15 928浏览














The State Post Bureau said it recently received complaints from an unspecified number of FedEx clients saying FedEx rerouted their parcels to destinations other than the designated addresses without informing them or asking for permission.



这里的reroute是由前缀re-和单词route构成的,route除了用作名词时表示“路线”之外,也可以用作动词,表示“按特定路线发送(乘客、货物、车辆等)”,比如:We should route the parcels to their designated addresses.(我们应该把这些包裹发送到指定的地址。)Route前面加了表示“再次、重新”的前缀re-,自然就表示“路线被重新设定;更改路线”等意思,比如:Our shuttle bus was rerouted lately bacause of a construction site on our regular route.(因为常规路线上在施工,我们的班车最近该路线了。)

This has seriously violated relevant laws and regulations of China's express industry and harmed the legitimate rights of Chinese clients, so the Chinese authorities decided to launch the investigation, Ma Junsheng, the bureau head, said in a statement on its website on Sunday.


马军胜说,这是针对用户交寄的核心条款,要求从事快递服务的企业一定按约定的地址、收件人(the service provider must deliver parcels to designated addresses and receivers),以及收件人的代收人,进行当面的投递。如果违反这一条款,损害了用户权益,邮政管理部门有权进行查处。


FedEx values our business in China. Our relationship with Huawei Technologies and our relationships with all of our customers in China are important to us. FedEx holds itself to a very high standard of service. FedEx will fully cooperate with any regulatory investigation into how we serve our customers.


马军胜指出,我国快递市场巨大,发展快、潜力大,我们欢迎各国来投资发展。但前提是遵守中国法律法规(foreign coumpanies should obey local laws and regulations when operating in China),遵守市场规则和契约精神,不能出于非商业目的来阻断正常的快递服务(express service providers should never interrupt normal services for noncommercial purposes),损害中国企业的合法权益。我们衷心希望国外企业严格遵守中国快递业法规,依法经营,加强服务质量管控和运营管理,合规地提供快递服务。


baby formula



The quality of domestic baby formula is expected to keep improving to meet the demand from domestic consumers, according to the plan.



Formula这个词用法比较广,除了这里的“配方奶粉”以外,还可以表示我们学习数理化时会用到的“公式、方程式、分子式”,比如:mathematical formula(数学公式)、 the formula for a substance(某个物质的分子式)等。此外,formula还可以用来表示“方案、方法”,比如:a formula to unify the divided peninsula(半岛统一方案)。当然,我们还不能忘了,赛车领域的“级、方程式”也是用formula来表示的,比如Formula 1 racing cars(一级方程式赛车)。


大力实施国产婴幼儿配方乳粉“品质提升、产业升级、品牌培育”行动计划,国产婴幼儿配方乳粉产量稳步增加,更好地满足国内日益增长的消费需求,力争婴幼儿配方乳粉自给水平稳定在 60%以上(baby formula produced domestically is expected to account for more than 60 percent of the total supply);

产品质量安全可靠,品质稳步提升,消费者信心和满意度明显提高(consumers' confidence and satisfaction in domestic products will be significantly improved);

产业结构进一步优化(industrial structure further upgraded),行业集中度和技术装备水平继续提升;

产品竞争力进一步增强(product competitiveness strengthened),市场销售额显著提高,中国品牌婴幼儿配方乳粉在国内市场的排名明显提升。

方案指出,在企业现有质量安全追溯体系的基础上,逐步建立全国统一的婴幼儿配方乳粉质量安全追溯平台(unified national quality tracing platform for baby formula products),实现全过程、电子化信息查询追溯,力争三年内实现质量安全追溯体系建设覆盖60%以上婴幼儿配方乳粉企业(more than 60% of baby formula producers will be included in the tracing system),并与国家重要产品质量追溯平台对接。

同时,建立婴幼儿配方乳粉食品安全生产规范体系检查常态化机制(establish a regular inspection mechanism of product safety),用3年时间完成新一轮生产企业全面检查,强化对生产环境、生产质量管理体系运行、原料查验和检验检测能力等方面的检查,指导企业规范管理。

此外,方案要求,强化政策引导,鼓励各地通过企业并购(merger)、协议转让(transfer)、联合重组(joint reorganization)、控股参股等多种方式开展婴幼儿配方乳粉企业兼并重组,淘汰落后产能。

鼓励有实力、信誉好的企业在国外设立加工厂(set up factory overseas),并将生产的产品以自有品牌原装进口。鼓励国外乳粉企业在国内设立外商投资企业(encourage foreign enterprises to set up ventures in China),促进中国品牌与外国品牌公平竞争,引入国外先进的生产技术及管理经验(introduce advanced technologies and management ideas),丰富国内产品供应。


travel alert



The alert from the education ministry states that the visa applications of some Chinese hoping to study in the United States have recently been restricted, with an extended review process, shortened validity period, and an increased rejection rate, which have affected their plans to study in the United States or the completion of their studies there.



According to the China Scholarship Council, 182 government-funded students and scholars failed to get into the US because of visa restrictions from January to March13.5 percent of the total. Only 3.2 percent of the total 10,313 government-funded students and scholars were unable to go to the US as a result of visa restrictions in 2018.



Noting the frequent occurrence of shootings, robberies and theft in the United States recently, the ministry warned Chinese tourists to fully assess the risks of traveling there. Chinese tourists are urged to learn about the information about the public security situation and related laws and regulations of tourist destinations, to raise safety awareness and step up precautions to stay safe.


The travel alert is valid until Dec. 31, 2019.



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chinese embassy in the United States reminded citizens traveling to the US and Chinese companies in the US to step up their safety awareness and preventative measures and respond appropriately and actively.



US law enforcement agencies have harassed Chinese citizens traveling to or leaving the country through entry-and-exit interrogations and "drop-in" interviews, the department said, advising people to call the embassy or local consulate in case of emergency.







Relevant authorities have already responded to questions on yesterday's warning by the Ministry of Education. Regarding the US response, the US knows better than anyone the things it has done, the barriers set up and their impact.


For some time, the US has been politicizing normal education exchange and cooperation with China on the pretext of the so-called "China threat" and "Chinese infiltration". For example, it falsely accuses Confucius Institutes as a tool to expand political influence and spread Chinese values, accuses some Chinese students and academics of carrying out "non-conventional espionage activities" and wantonly harasses them, and imposes visa restrictions on Chinese students majoring in certain disciplines. It reviewed and revoked some Chinese citizens' visa under the pretext of counterintelligence and recently canceled the 10-year visa for some Chinese academics studying China-US relations. These examples show clearly how US actions have severely affected bilateral exchange in education and other people-to-people and cultural sectors.


I need to emphasize that China always supports international student exchange and other education and people-to-people cooperation, including with the US. However, such cooperation should not be one-way, but should be based on mutual readiness and mutual respect.


As to the tourism reminder issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism this afternoon, I believe it is only necessary in light of current circumstances. China would not have done so were it not necessary.


For some time, US law enforcement agencies have been harassing Chinese citizens with interrogation upon entry or exit and on-site interviews, among other forms. Therefore the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the tourism reminder, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy and consulates in the US decided to issue the safety reminder to raise safety awareness. That, I believe, is what a responsible government should do.


At the same time I would like to stress that China keeps an open attitude towards normal people-to-people and cultural exchange with the US, but it should be based on mutual respect.



China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era


国家主席习近平5日在莫斯科克里姆林宫同俄罗斯总统普京会谈。两国元首高度评价建交70年来双边关系发展,一致同意秉持睦邻友好、合作共赢理念,发展中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系(China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era),将两国关系提升到更高水平,更好惠及两国人民和世界人民。

Xi noted that it is his first state visit to Russia following his re-election as Chinese president last year, and is the eighth time he travelled to the country since 2013, saying that the China-Russia relationship is seeing a continuous, steady and sound development at a high level, and is at its best in history.


Both sides, said Xi, have firmly supported each other in their efforts to defend respective core interests and nurtured strong political and strategic mutual trust, adding that they have actively pushed forward all-around cooperation as internal driving forces of bilateral ties are emerging, and the convergence of the two countries' interests is deepening.


China and Russia have played active roles in international affairs and global governance, and made important contributions to maintaining world peace and stability as well as international fairness and justice, he said.


The Chinese leader noted that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the China-Russia diplomatic relationship, calling it a milestone and a new starting point.


Acknowledging the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, Xi said China and Russia shoulder an even greater expectation from the peoples of the two countries and the international community.


He added that the Chinese side is ready to join Russia in amplifying the positive effect of the two countries' high level of political relationship, bringing more benefits of bilateral cooperation to the two peoples, and presenting more China-Russia options for global affairs.


Noting that the world today is becoming increasingly uncertain and unstable, Xi said enhancing the China-Russia relationship is the call of history, and a firm strategic choice by both sides.


He called on the two sides to strengthen strategic communication and coordination, and further their mutual support on issues regarding their respective core interests.


Xi also urged the two countries to further promote their economic and trade cooperation, push forward cooperation on major strategic projects as well as in emerging fields at the same time, and boost cooperation at local levels, and in economy and trade, investment, energy, technology, aerospace, inter-connectivity, agriculture and finance sectors.


The two sides, according to Xi, should actively push forward their cooperation to dock the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Eurasian Economic Union so as to promote regional economic integration.


To step up people-to-people exchanges, Xi said the plan for the China-Russia year of scientific and technological innovation from 2020 to 2021 should be well designed.


He said China and Russia, both permanent members of the UN Security Council, are going to continue working with the international community to safeguard the international order that is based on the international law with the UN at the core, maintain multilateral trading system and make new contributions to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


Putin warmly welcomed Xi for his visit, saying that with joint efforts from both sides since the establishment of diplomatic ties 70 years ago, the Russia-China relationship has reached an unprecedented high level, and the two countries' all-around exchanges and cooperation have been fruitful.


The Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination has not only benefited the two peoples, but has also become an important force for safeguarding global security and strategic stability, he said.


Putin called on the two countries not to be complacent about what they have achieved, but be dedicated to bettering their bilateral relations.


Xi's visit is of great significance in the complicated and volatile international situation, and it will inject strong impetus into the development of the Russia-China ties in the new era, Putin said.


Russia and China should continue to strengthen coordination on major international and regional issues, jointly deal with the challenges of unilateralism and protectionism, and maintain global peace and stability.


The Russian leader said his country is committed to deepening cooperation with China in the fields of economy and trade, agriculture, finance, science and technology, environment protection, telecommunications and infrastructure construction. Russia is willing to boost interactions at local levels, and promote exchanges in education, culture and tourism, according to him.


Putin also said Russia is ready to provide China with sufficient oil and gas, and export more soybeans and other farm produce to China, and expects a faster alignment between the Eurasian Economic Union and the BRI.





With all expressway lanes capable of offering electronic toll collection (ETC) service by October, more than 90 percent of vehicles on expressways in China should be able to use the ETC system by year-end, the action plan said.



ETCelectronic toll collection),即“电子收费”,在公路收费领域一般被称为“电子不停车快捷收费”。实现ETC收费需要在收费站设置电子识别设备(electronic readers),车辆上要安装应答器(transponders),驾驶员还需要提前在银行办理专门的信用卡作为高速公路通行费的扣款账户(declining-balance account)。

Toll这个词可以直接表示“(道路、桥梁)通行费”,所以,没有必要说toll fee,“收费站”就可以用toll gatetoll booth表示,咱们国家一些法定节假日期间小型车辆高速公路免费通行则可以说Most expressways in the country are going toll free for passenger cars with fewer than seven seats during the holiday period. 此外,在有关灾难事故的新闻报道中见到的toll则表示“(伤亡)人数”,比如death toll(死亡人数)、the toll of dead and injured mounted(伤亡人数增加)。

根据安排,201971日起,对ETC用户实施不少于5%的车辆通行费基本优惠(granting a discount of no less than 5 percent off expressway tolls for ETC users),各省份对通行本区域的ETC车辆实行无差别基本优惠政策。

201910月底前,所有车道均具备ETC服务功能,其中大中城市、新建城镇、旅游景区周边收费站ETC专用车道占比不低于70%the proportion of ETC lanes should be no less than 70 percent by the end of October for big and medium-sized cities, new towns and sites near scenic spots)。

到今年年底,全国ETC用户数量将突破1.8亿,ETC车道将成为主要收费车道(ETC lanes will become the mainstream),货车实现不停车收费(allow nonstop passage of freight vehicles),所有人工收费车道支持移动支付(mobile payment)等电子收费方式。

202011日起,除国务院另有规定外,各类通行费减免等优惠政策均依托ETC系统实现。同时鼓励社会资本参与发行,通过积分(collecting points)、打折(offering discounts)、返利(cash refund)、红包等形式优惠用户通行。

202012月底前,基本实现机场、火车站、客运站、港口码头等大型交通场站停车场景ETC服务全覆盖(full coverage of ETC service at airports, railway stations, bus hubs and ports)。推广ETC在居民小区、旅游景区等停车场景的应用。

2025年,全国ETC用户数量将进一步提升,建成技术先进、制度完善、服务优质、运行稳定的高速公路电子不停车快捷收费体系(establishing an technologically advanced and stable electronic toll system for China's expressways that is well organized and able to provide quality services)。


new energy vehicle


China has released a guideline to encourage the consumption of new energy vehicles (NEVs) to promote high-quality development of the sector and form a strong domestic market.



新能源汽车(new energy vehiclesNEVs)指采用新型动力系统,完全或主要依靠新型能源驱动的汽车,具有能耗低(low energy consumption)、污染物排放少(low pollutant emission)等特点,主要包括插电式混合动力汽车(plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,简称PHEV)、纯电动汽车(battery electric vehicles ,简称BEV)和燃料电池汽车(fuel-cell electric vehicles)。

方案提出,严禁各地出台新的汽车限购规定,坚决破除乘用车消费障碍。各地应大力推动新能源汽车消费使用,不得对新能源汽车实行限行、限购(local governments are strictly prohibited from imposing any limit on the consumption and use of NEVs),已实行的应当取消。

方案还提出鼓励地方对无车家庭购置首辆家用新能源汽车给予支持(support for the purchase of first NEVs of car-free families),鼓励有条件的地方在停车费等方面给予新能源汽车优惠等。

此外,方案也提出了大幅降低新能源汽车成本(lower the cost of NEVs production)、稳步推动智能汽车创新发展(promote innovative development of smart vehicles)、持续提升汽车节能环保性能(increase energy efficiency)等方面的内容。


chipping pets



The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and inserted underneath the dog's skin right between the shoulder blades, according to Feng Zengjun, deputy director of Shenzhen Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau. "The chip can migrate on the pet's body and poses no harm to the dogs."



中文里,不同的名词前面使用不用的量词,在英语里也是一样的。这里提到的“一粒米”用的是a grain of rice,其他常见的食品量词,我们再多补充几个:

a scoop of ice cream 一个冰淇淋球 (注意,不可用ball

a slice of pizza 一块披萨

a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力

a loaf of bread 一个面包

a cube of sugar 一块方糖

a handful of corn 一把玉米

a crate of bananas 一箱香蕉

a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄

a dash of salt 少量盐

a clove of garlic 一瓣蒜

冯增军表示,犬只注射芯片有不少好处,芯片证明了狗的唯一性,名贵犬只走丢,执法人员发现后,一扫就知道基本信息(the basic information of each dog can be scanned),有助于失主快速寻回犬只。同时,芯片也可督促养狗人尽责(remind owners to better discipline their dogs),犬只肇事后也跑不掉。

Shenzhen will also borrow experience from Hong Kong to establish pet corners across the city for dog lovers to communicate with each other.


在为养犬人提供便利服务的同时,城管部门也将严格执法,全面规范养犬行为。“所有的犬只带到户外,必须牵绳(all dogs must be walked on leashes in the open air),同时,也会严格查处犬只造成的环境污染,狗大小便需及时清理(dog droppings must be immediately cleaned)。”


hospice care


China hopes to soon expand an end-of-life care program across the country after a successful pilot program, the National Health Commission said.


The pilot program was first launched in five cities and municipal districts, including Haidian District in Beijing, Putuo District in Shanghai and Changchun in the northeastern province of Jilin, in 2017.



安宁疗护(hospice care/end-of-life care)是旨在为疾病终末期或老年患者在临终前提供身体、心理、精神等方面的照料(attend to the physical, emotional and sometimes spiritual needs of the terminally ill or elderly patients)和人文关怀,控制痛苦和不适症状(focus on palliation of their pain and symptoms),提高生命质量,帮助患者舒适、安祥、有尊严的离世(help them die with more comfort and dignity)。

“健康中国2030Healthy China 2030)”规划纲要当中明确提出,要构建治疗期住院、康复期护理、稳定期生活照料,以及安宁疗护的综合连续的老年健康服务体系(build a comprehensive and continuous elderly care service system that includes treatment, rehabilitation care,daily life care and hospice care)。

A total of 283,000 patients received end-of-life care across the country in 2018, according to an NHC meeting held on June 3.


王海东称,今年即将出台建立完善老年健康服务体系的指导意见,安宁疗护是其中一个重要方面,还要完善一些标准规范,比如说要制定出台安宁疗护进入的指导标准、安宁疗护用药的指导、专家共识(guidelines for end-of-life care services that include access requirements, medication guides and other expertise)等等。

China had about 170 million people aged 65 or above as of the end of 2018, which accounted for nearly 12 percent of its total population.


Around 75 percent of China's elderly people suffered from chronic diseases.


There are also 40 million disabled and semi-disabled seniors with an urgent demand for long-term care.



global representative of China's giant pandas


A Pu, a cartoon image of a young male panda who loves playing table tennis, has become the official global representative of China's giant pandas.


由五洲传播中心与中国大熊猫保护研究中心联合主办的“中国大熊猫国际形象设计全球招募大赛(China Giant Panda Global Image Design Competition)”于今年2月上线启动,收到来自22个国家的2023份优秀作品( 2,023 works recruited globally from 22 countries)。长着爱心眼圈、身穿红色短袖的卡通熊猫“阿璞”得票最高。


We gave A Pu the identity of a young male panda who will soon be a freshman in college and loves playing table tennis. A Pu wears a red T-shirt on which an image of his favorite foodbamboo shootcan be seen. The eyes of A Pu are heart-shaped, suggesting sentiments of love and caring.


The name A Pu is similar to the pronunciation of "up", as the theme of the competition is "UPanda, signifying the vitality of the young generation".


主办方认为,“阿璞”贴合大赛“中国大熊猫,世界新青年(Chinese Giant Panda and world's new generation)”的主题,呈现和代表越来越国际化的中国新青年:朝气、活力、乐观、自信、爱分享的国际风貌(common qualities shared by today's Chinese young people: dynamics, vitality, optimism, self-confidence, spirit of sharing)。

The image of A Pu will be widely promoted as the official icon of China's giant pandas through cooperation with entertainment and sports companies and will be a bridge connecting China with the rest of the world.



STAR Market


China inaugurated its Nasdaq-like STAR Market, also known as the sci-tech innovation board, at the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Thursday, kicking off the country's much-anticipated capital market reform.



上海证券交易所科创板的英文名为SSE STAR Market,其中SSE代表Shanghai Stock Exchange,而STAR则是从Sci-Tech innovAtion boaRd中各取了一个字母,STAR一词本身有“星星、明星、主演”之意,该缩写寓意着未来科创板如一颗冉冉升起的新星。

股市中的其他各种板包括:主板(mainboard)、中小板(SME board)、创业板(growth enterprise market, GEM)等。


The new market will support tech companies that are in line with the national strategies, make breakthroughs in core technologies and are well accepted by the market to grow stronger, Yi Huiman, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), said at the launching ceremony of the sci-tech innovation board at the Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai.




We will launch a science and technology innovation board at the Shanghai Stock Exchange and experiment with a registration system for listed companies. We will also support Shanghai in cementing its position as an international financial center and a hub of science and innovation, and steadily improve the fundamental institutions of its capital market.

2019130日,中国证监会发布《关于在上海证券交易所设立科创板并试点注册制的实施意见》,意见指出科创板将重点支持新一代信息技术(new generation information technology)、高端装备(advanced equipment)、新材料(new materials)、新能源(new energy)、节能环保(energy conservation and environmental protection)以及生物医药(biomedicine)等高新技术产业和战略性新兴产业(high-tech and strategic emerging sectors)。

意见明确,在科创板试点注册制(registration-based IPO mechanism),合理制定科创板股票发行条件(IPO qualifications)和更加全面深入精准的信息披露规则体系(comprehensive and specific framework of rules for information disclosure)。上交所负责科创板发行上市审核(IPO screening),证监会负责科创板股票发行注册(IPO registration)。证监会将加强对上交所审核工作的监督,并强化新股发行上市事前事中事后全过程监管(end-to-end supervision)。

As of June 10, the Shanghai Stock Exchange had handled 119 applications for IPOs on the sci-tech innovation board. Of all, 41 companies, or 34 percent, are in the field of new-generation information technology, 21 in the advanced equipment industry, 27 in biomedicine and 13 in new materials.


易会满说,证监会将会同市场各方,坚持以增量改革带动存量改革,充分发挥科创板的改革试验田作用,形成可复制、可推广的经验,以此带动资本市场全面深化改革(push forward sweeping reforms of the capital market),努力打造一个规范、透明、开放、有活力、有韧性的资本市场(build the capital market into a regulated, transparent and open one full of vigor and resilience)。


garbage sorting



According to the regulation, people are required to sort household garbage into four categories dry garbage, wet garbage (kitchen waste), recyclables and hazardous waste and individuals who fail to do so will be fined up to 200 yuan. For companies and institutions, the fine can go up to 50,000 yuan. In addition, transport operators can refuse to pick up the garbage if it's not properly sorted.



Garbagerubbishtrash waste 在英语里都有“垃圾、废物”意思,它们的区别在于在哪个说英语的国家更常用。Garbage 是垃圾的美式英语说法;rubbish 是英式英语垃圾的意思;trash 也是美式英语垃圾的意思,但是它也可以用来指不值得尊重的人;waste 是一个正式用语,指没有利用价值的东西,包括废品、垃圾、废物、废料或者指时间、金钱、精力等的浪费。


According to the regulation, if not requested by guests, hotels should not provide disposable slippers and shower caps, while restaurants and food delivery businesses should not provide disposable cutlery.


Government and public institutions are not allowed to use disposable cups in the office and should give priority in purchasing products made from recycled materials.


All the courier companies that operate in the city should use digital orders and environment friendly materials for packaging.


嫌每天给家里垃圾分类很麻烦?据说现在已经有上门代收垃圾服务(garbage pick-up service)了,市民在出门前将打好包的垃圾放在家门口(place their bagged household garbage at doorstep),每天上午定时都会有专人负责拿走,每次服务支付1元人民币的费用。


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