Q: British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt took an interview on July 2. He said that the Sino-British Joint Declaration remains legally binding. There will be serious consequences if it is not honored. The UK stands behind people in Hong Kong in defence of the freedoms that Britain negotiated for them. He expects all countries to honor their international obligations. The Hong Kong authorities must not use demonstrators' vandalism as a pretext for repression. What's your comment?
A: I have commented on Mr. Hunt's remarks on Hong Kong for two days straight. China deplores and firmly opposes those remarks. It seems that he is still immersed in the faded glory of colonialism. He is obsessed with condescendingly criticizing other countries. He keeps lying without remorse. Here I will say a few more words.
First, after Hong Kong's return to China, British rights and obligations as outlined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration were completed. On July 1, 1997, China resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong. The Chinese Government started exercising jurisdiction over Hong Kong in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law of Hong Kong SAR. The UK has no sovereignty, no jurisdiction and no right to supervise Hong Kong after the handover. There is no room for Britain to claim any so-called responsibility over Hong Kong whatsover. Claiming itself the guardian of Hong Kong is nothing more than self-entertaining.
Second, Mr. Hunt says that the UK negotiated freedoms for Hong Kong. How brazen is that! Was there any democracy when the British governors were in Hong Kong? People in Hong Kong didn't even have the right to take to the streets then. It is only after the return that Hong Kong residents started enjoying unprecedented democratic rights and freedoms. The Chinese Government strictly follows the Constitution and the Basic Law. It earnestly implements the “ one country, two systems" policy. It ensures that the people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy.
Third, the violent storming of the Legislative Council on July 1 is a grave illegal activity. It tramples on the rule of law and undermines social order. In total disregard of facts, Mr. Hunt called the SAR government's response "repression". That is entirely misleading. I want to ask Mr. Hunt, if it were the British Parliament that had been stormed and vandalized, what would the British government do? Will it sit by idlyand let the protesters have their way? If this is the democracy he believes in, should the police guarding the Parliament withdraw to allow in protesters across the street? Will he call the British police's handling of the August 2011 riot in London "repression"?
I shall stress that Hong Kong is China's special administrative region. Its affairs are purely China's internal affairs. They brook no interference from any country, organization or individual in any form. We hope that the UK side, especially Mr. Hunt, will cease to overreach and interfere. Such attempts are doomed to fail.
He keeps lying without remorse.
普林斯顿大学教授Harry Frankfurt有本小书:“On Bullshit”,中文一般译作《论扯淡》。这本书很有意思,以学术精神谈论扯淡,读来令人忍俊不禁却又发人深思。
“Bullshit”与“lie”最关键的不同是:讲话者对“真相或事实”根本不在乎(indifference to how things really are),客观的真假无所谓,只要他主观上觉得“真”就心安理得,也就是“不顾事实,随口乱说”。
从这个角度出发,Frankfurt教授认为,“hot air”这个词组可以算“bullshit”的同义词。
人呼出的“hot air”毫无质感,毫无营养,抓不住摸不着,纯粹是呼气的产物罢了。因此,英文中用“hot air”表达“empty talk”之意是很形象的用法。