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双语翻译:外交部例行记者会/Regular Press Conference (2019-08-12)

2019-08-13 09:48:28 726浏览



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's

Remarks on August 12, 2019


颜色革命 color revolution

说三道四 wanton

颠倒黑白 fact-distorting

煽风点火 inflammatory



Q: The CIA has been suspected of being involved in color revolutions in countries like Iran in the past. When Beijing said Hong Kong has the markings of a color revolution, does it mean it suspects the CIA is involved? Does it have evidence the CIA is involved?


A: The US has been making various Hong Kong-related accusations that are wanton, fact-distorting and inflammatory. Some senior US politicians and diplomatic officials met and engaged with anti-China rabble-rousers in Hong Kong, criticized China unreasonably, propped up violent and illegal activities and undermined Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. These facts are only too obvious. I'd like to ask the US this question again: what is the true intention behind your behaviors relating to Hong Kong?


I need to reemphasize a plain truth. Hong Kong is part of China, and its affairs are entirely China's internal affairs. We urge the US to observe international law and the basic norms governing international relations, and to stop interfering in China's internal affairs at once.  

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