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2019-11-15 17:11:32 11944浏览







1. 中华人民共和国成立70周年

the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC

2. 假日消费

holiday spending

3. 世园会闭幕

the Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition ends

4. 在线旅游经营服务

online travel services

5. 高铁时间表

timetable for high-speed rail link

6. 朋友圈改定位

change location shared in WeChat Moments

7. 国家公务员考试

national civil servant exam

8. 北京垃圾分类

garbage sorting rules in Beijing

9. 大气污染治理

prevention and control of air pollution

10. 食品安全

food safety

11. 世界互联网大会

World Internet Conference

12. 未成年人保护法

Minors Protection Law

13. 巴黎奥运会徽

Emblem for Paris 2024 Olympics

14. 第三代杂交水稻

the third generation hybrid rice

15. 无锡桥梁坍塌

collapse of an overpass in Wuxi

16. 塑料书皮

plastic book cover

17. 地铁新规

new rules for subway riders

18. 区块链技术应用

application of blockchain technology

19. 第二届中国国际进口博览会

the second China International Import Expo (CIIE)

20. 学生减负

cut workloads for kids

21. 5G商用

commercialization of 5G services


1. 换脸软件

face-swapping app

2. 体育强国

leading sports nation

3. 作弊刑事案件司法解释

judicial interpretation about crimes of exam cheating

4. 中国共产党问责条例

regulation on Party accountability

5. 教育app

education app

6. 中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念币

coins to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

7. 智能路灯杆

smart lamp posts

8. 苹果新品

Apple new products

9. 上海迪士尼食品新规

new food policy at Shanghai Disney

10. 国家步道

national trails

11. 方便面

instant noodles

12. 2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会吉祥物

mascots for 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics

13. 出行预测

travel forecast

14. 地球卫士奖

Champions of the Earth

15. 所罗门群岛

the Solomon Islands

16. 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地

Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding

17. 阅兵安排

military parade preparations

18. 平潭海峡公铁大桥

Pingtan Strait Road-rail Bridge

19. 全国重点文物保护单位

major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level

20. 国家勋章和国家荣誉称号颁授仪式

awarding ceremony of national medals, honorary titles


1. 5A级景区

5A-level scenic areas

2. 2019年大学超高净值校友排行榜

2019 University Ultra-High-Net-Worth Alumni Rankings

3. 规模裁员和失业风险预警机制

early warning mechanism for large-scale layoffs and unemployment risks

4. 大练兵

mass drill


foreign teachers

6. 退档考生

rejected students

7. 禁带食品入园政策

no-outside-food-and-drink policy

8. 人造肉

lab-grown meat


Shanghai Fortress

10. 西部陆海新通道

new western land-sea corridor


the pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics

12. 上海方言早教

nursery schools using Shanghai dialect

13. 校闹

acts that disrupt school order

14. 《哪吒》“出海”

overseas release

15. 人格权

personality rights

16. 贷款市场报价利率

loan prime rateLPR

17. 新设自贸试验区

new pilot FTZs

18. 新版语文教材

new Chinese textbooks

19. 共和国勋章

the Medal of the Republic

20. 国庆庆祝活动

celebration events on National Day


1. 国六排放标准

China VI vehicle emission standards

2. 数据安全检查

data security checks

3. 垃圾分类

garbage sorting

4. 支付宝美颜功能

beauty filters with Alipays face-scanning solutions


Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City

6.素质教育 all-round education

7. 事实孤儿 de facto orpha

8. 汛期 flooding season

9. 放开落户限制 relaxing residency curbs

10. 夜间经济 nighttime economy

11. 校外线上培训机构

online after-school training institutions

12. 邮政编码

postal code


personal bankruptcy

14. 留学生

international students

15. 电子烟

electronic cigarettes

16. 取景地旅游


17. 平台经济

platform economy

18. 新时代的中国国防

China's National Defense in the New Era

19. 堵城

the most congested cities

20. 第二学士学位

the Second Bachelors Degree


foreign exchange reserves

22. 90后理财

post-90s' wealth management


1. 联邦快递


2. 婴幼儿配方乳粉

baby formula

3. 旅游警示

travel alert

4. 中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系

China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era



6. 新能源汽车

new energy vehicle

7. 宠物注射芯片

chipping pets

8. 安宁疗护

hospice care

9. 大熊猫国际形象

global representative of China's giant pandas

10. 科创板

STAR Market

11. 垃圾分类

garbage sorting

12. 沪伦通

Shanghai-London Stock Connect

13. 地震预警

earthquake early warning

14. 习金会

Xi-Kim summit

15. 脱钩改革

decoupling reform

16. 同车不同温

subway train with varying temperatures

17. 不规范地名

improper place names

18. 高温津贴

high-temperature subsidy

19. 仿制药 generic drugs

20. 奥运申办程序变革

Olympic bidding overhaul

21. 个税免征项目

 income tax exemptions

22. 十点共识

ten-point consensus

23. 二十国集团峰会

G20 summit


1. 夜间经济

nighttime economy

2. 买短乘长

boarding with short-distance tickets but traveling to farther destinations

3. 报废机动车

scrap vehicles

4. 移动支付

mobile payment


illegally collecting personal information


National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone

7. 非正常营销手段

abnormal promotion methods

8. 不文明乘车行为

uncivil behaviors

9. 押金退还

deposit refund

10. 步行友好性


11. 王源抽烟

Wang Yuan smoking

12. 候补购票服务

waitlist function

13. 人均预期寿命

average life expectancy

14. 国际疾病分类

International Classification of DiseasesICD

15. 亚洲文明对话大会

Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations

16. 外来入侵物种

invasive alien species

17. 大数据

big data

18. 八达岭长城

the Badaling section of the Great Wall

19. 性侵害违法记录

record of sexual misconduct

20. 归化球员

naturalized player


1. 深中通道

Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge

2. 年号

era name

3. 森林火灾

forest fire

4. 自主招生

independent enrollment


red alert for forest fire


remains of Chinese People's Volunteers

7. 个人征信报告

personal credit reports

8. 全面取消落户限制

remove all restrictions on household registration

9. 首席教师

chief teacher

10. 近视矫正

myopia correction

11. 阿桑奇被逮捕

Julian Assange arrested

12. 奔驰漏油风波

oil leak scandal

13. 自然资源资产产权制度

property rights system for natural resource assets

14. 预售票房

pre-sale box office

15. 网络攻击目标

targets for cyber attacks

16. 亚马逊退出中国

Amazon exiting China

17. 第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛

the second Belt and Road Forum on International Cooperation

18. 斯里兰卡爆炸

bombings in Sri Lanka

19. 海上阅兵

naval parade

20. 互联网信息存储

web archiving

21. 返还文物

returned historical artifacts

22. 亚洲文明对话大会

Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations

23. 安全提示

safety tips

24. 2019年北京世界园艺博览会

the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing

25. 日本天皇退位

abdication of Japan Emperor

26. 五四运动100周年

the centenary of the May Fourth Movement


1. 两会

two sessions

2. 外商投资法

foreign investment law


modern metropolitan area

3. 禁售燃油车

ban the sale of gasoline-fueled automobiles

4. 不动产登记

immovable property registration

5. 基层减负

reduce burdens on community-level officials

6. 罪错未成年人

juvenile delinquencies

7. 夸夸群

praising groups


trip to three European countries


new rules on sharing bikes deposits

10. 2020年东京奥运会火炬

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch

11. 化工厂爆炸

explosion at chemical plant

12. 苹果流媒体产品

streaming service

13. 全国通办

nationwide access

14. 博鳌亚洲论坛年会

the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference

15. 陪餐

dine with students

16. 青少年模式

teen mode


1. 直播平台标准

standard for livestreaming platforms

2. 外币红包

foreign currency red packet

3. 春晚

Spring Festival gala

4. 旅游意外险

travel accident insurance


repair bad credit records


Internet Plus nursing services

7. 珠峰大本营

Mount Qomolangma base camp


Lantern Festival night in the Forbidden City

9. 职业教育改革

vocational education reform

10. 中央一号文件

No. 1 central document

11. 双层动车组

double-decker bullet train

12. app布置作业

assigning homework on mobile apps



14. 中国教育现代化2035

China's Education Modernization 2035

15. 性别歧视

gender discrimination

16. 人脸识别

facial recognition

17. 猫爪杯

cat-paw mug

18. 金特会

Kim-Trump summit


1. 网页版


2. 雄安新区总体规划

master plan for Xiongan New Area

3. 月球背面

the far side of the moon

4. 海南自由贸易账户

Hainan free trade account


sayonara tax


suspend production

7. 国家科学技术奖

State Science and Technology Award

8. 百日行动

100-day campaign

9. 微信大数据

WeChat big data

10. 5G临时牌照

temporary 5G licenses

11. 万亿俱乐部

1 trillion yuan club

12. 贝佐斯离婚

Jeff Bezos' divorce


endangering public security

14. 嫦娥五号

Chang'e 5 probe

15. 中国英语能力等级

China's Standards of English Language Ability

16. 2.5天周末

2.5-day weekend

17. 集中采购

centralized procurement

18. 全球化4.0

globalization 4.0

19. 电子票

electronic tickets

20. 儿童车厢

children's carriages

21. 红包大战

red envelopes battle

22. 无废城市

zero-waste city

24. 英国电信

British Telecom

25. 租对象服务

partner-renting services

26. 科创板

science and technology innovation board

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